Mnet Ranking Couples - Application!!!


The You I know

Affname: bambiz13

Profile: ClickClick!!


My Shadow

Name: Lee Hae Jung

Nickname: Hae but she likes it when people makes new ones for her

Age: (17-23) 20

Height: 164 cm

Weight: 47 kg


The Inside And Out

Ulzzang name: Kim Shin Yeong

Ulzzang pictures: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

Personality: She is a bubbly girl which can't seem to stop smiling. She loves making new friends and she likes to see smiles on people faces. She is a smile detector if someone is sad or gloomy she will boldly go up to them and strike a conversation to make them feel better. She rarely shows her weakness to people but if she shows it to you, you should be happy! it means that she has opened up to you and she trusts you!!!

However, because she gives out such a innocent vibe people will never believe that she is the goddess of pranking people. She pranks everyone no matter if she is close to them or not. Instead of feeling guilty afterwards she does the complete opposite which is smiling brightly in front of them and asking if they are okay. They will be mad at first though (because...who wouldn't hahaha) but later on after a bit of agyeo her and there Hae Jung gets what she wants LOL. 

Even though she is 20 she still acts like a child (yes. another person with choding problems OTL) and she will do everything to gain what she wants. She will never admit that she had lost in an argument even though in she knows that she had lost it in her head and will just walk away like nothing had happened. She can be in charge too sometimes though because when she is serious she is and she will do whatever it takes to protect the people she loves (her group).

People shouldn't go next to her when she is mad though because she has a sharp tongue and will shout out insults and sarcastic comments to the person she is having the argument with. Beware: the reason why you shouldn't go next to her when she is in that state is because you might get dragged in the argument without you knowing. 

She isn't the kind of girls who gets scared at ghost stories but in fact she enjoys watching horror movies and listening to horror stories but she can't do it by herself though she needs at least one person to stay with her. yes. she still enjoys it and does it frequently even though see needs a person to stay with her if she is doing it by herself she is going to be screaming all over the place. 

Style: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5


  1. Sweets
  2. Food - She can't live without eating (more than everyone else haha)
  3. Agyeo + Cute things - She has a soft spot for cute things
  4. Amusement parks - Especially the Roller coasters.
  5. Fizzy drinks
  6. Milk
  7. Walking around 
  8. Watching horror movies



  1. Insects
  2. Spicy food
  3. Raw food
  4. Tea
  5. Having to be in one place for long - she gets bored
  6. Dirty places
  7. "Fake" people - acting one way to a certain person and treating others another way - She gets annoyed of them



  1. Listening to music
  2. Watching gags or comedy movies
  3. Late night food feast
  4. Walking in peaceful places
  5. Eating
  6. Cooking - She may not be a good cook but she can do the basics



  1. Cockroaches
  2. Thunder - The really loud ones
  3. Doesn't like being alone
  4. The place she is going to will not have food (LOL)
  5. Diseases - ones that can't be cured
  6. Rejection - People will not accept her



  1. She likes pastel colours
  2. She loves animals to the point of can't stand to see them get cut open (when they are already dead) when she needs to do it when she cooks she lets other people does it for her
  3. She is in love with blankets - She can't sleep without them and it is like her comfort place
  4. She doesn't like drinking tea because it doesn't have a taste
  5. She doen't like wearing jeans because it makes her uncomfortable
  6. She can't do two things at the same time because she is easily distracted
  7. Not a morning person
  8. Likes to drink water or milk before going to bed
  9. She enjoys it more when people text message her than calling her because for her it seems that they in put more effort then just pressing dial.
  10. She has a dog called Hana


On The Stage

Stage name: Hae Jung (She doesn't have a stage name because she thinks she might will forget it eventually)

Personal fan club name: Puppies - because her love for dogs is just too much ><

Group: Five Pearls

Positions: Main singer / Sub rapper


My Love

Love interest: Lee Sungyeol - Can it? because 1 person already choose him though TT but I will be fine with my 2nd bias as well though hehe. ^^

Second love interest: Jang Dongwoo


The Best For Last

Any question/comments?: Hope I made it in time >< and I hope you like her as well ^^

Scene suggestions?: Maybe a game where you have to test the infinite members how good they know their partners? That will be a funny game with all the confusion and chaos going on in between them.


These are questions that have to be answered so I know how to plot your character in these situations. Please put an x on the desired answer. Pick a number from 1-5 on how good or bad you are at it.

Can you handle walking in the dark?

Yes [x] No [] - She keeps on bumping into things though

1 [] 2 [] 3 [x] 4 [] 5 []

Can you drive?

Yes [x] No []

1 [] 2 [] 3 [] 4 [] 5 [x]

Are you good at solving puzzles/problems?

Yes [x] No []

1 [] 2 [] 3 [x] 4 [] 5 []

Can you think and act quickly?

Yes [] No [x]

1 [] 2 [x] 3 [] 4 [] 5 []

Are you good at memorizing?

Yes [] no [x]

1 [] 2 [x] 3 [] 4 [] 5 []

Can you handle spicy foods?

Yes [] No [x]

1 [x] 2 [] 3 [] 4 [] 5 []

Are you good with bargaining?

Yes [x] No []

1 [] 2 [] 3 [] 4 [] 5 [x]

Can you be sneaky?

Yes [x] No []

1 [] 2 [] 3 [] 4 [x] 5 []

Can you cook decent?

Yes [x] No []

1 [] 2 [] 3 [] 4 [x] 5 []

Are you good at hiding things?

Yes [x] No []

1 [] 2 [] 3 [x] 4 [] 5 []

Can you handle a haunted house?

Yes [x] No []

1 [] 2 [] 3 [] 4 [x] 5 []

Can you plot your plan on the spot?

Yes [] No [x]

1 [] 2 [x] 3 [] 4 [] 5 []

Are you good at making up lies?

Yes [x] No []

1 [] 2 [] 3 [] 4 [x] 5 []

Are you strong? (strength)

Yes [x] No []

1 [] 2 [] 3 [x] 4 [] 5 []



One with both of them together. Aren't they just so cute!?!?!?!? *spazzes*



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