1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?

to be honest, that kind of thing doesn't matter to me anymore

cuz you know, a girl's heart can be melted to like any type of guy


2. Smart?

yeah, im not the brightest crayola in the box im most certainly not a roseart crayon but a smart guy would be nice :)

3. Preferred age?

im really up for a guy who has the same age as me

OTL most of my friends are like, "no, that's not good! he should be older"

ehh idk, same age, older, doesn't matter

i just don't want to be a cougar


4. Preferred height?

a bit taller than me, i don't really care


5. How about sense of humor?

YES, i need a funny guy

but also a guy who knows when it's right to joke around


6. How about piercings?

nope, nowhere, please.


7. Accepts you for who you are?



8. Pink hair?

natural hair would be better~


9. Mushy or no?

ermmm is cheesy an option?


10. Thin or fat?

Abs O___O or i should hope xD


11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?

i dun care xD as long as he loves me

rushes off to sing Backstreet Boys


12. Long hair or short hair?

i know my parents xD long hair would drive them through the roof!


13. Plastic or metal?

ummm, neither? idk OTL


14. Smells good?



15. Smoker?

nope! please no

i've been in iraq for a month



16. Drinker?

no, im always preaching to people on rps about this

especially since it's so dangerous and being a drinker is a very y lifestyle for a person


17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?

sure, idk xD


18. Muscular?

somewhat x)


19. Plays piano?

That would be cute xD

being muslim and all no instruments


20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?

no, im not really up for that but it would be y

see comment above


21. Plays violin?


comment above


22. Sings very good?

I would love him forever

comments above


23. Vain?

not too much, just a tad bit


24. With glasses?

It doesn't matter


25. With braces?



26. Shy type?

a little bit, i don't him to be too shy though


27. Rebel or Good boy?

good boy, i don't really need a rebel


28. Active or passive?



29. Tight or bomb?

Refer to #28


30. Singer or dancer?

idk, both? :D


31. Stunner? as in looks? or like a schmoozer?

oh please


32. Hiphop?

how about preppy?


33. Earrings?



34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-until-you-drop?

oh no he didn't -____-


35. Dimples?

yes :D


36. Bookworm?

To an extent


37. Mr/Ms. love letter?



38. Playful?

Yes ^///^


39. Flirt?

Only to me >__>


40. Poem writer?





*nods head* Only when he needs to be


42. Campus crush?

idk, maybe?


43. Painter?

nahh, those are usually depressing


44. Religious?

yeah, i need someone serious about religion

or else my parents would never accept


45. Someone who likes to tease people?

As long as it's not overdone


46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?



47. Speaks 20 languages?

if he speaks the one i do, it's fine


48. Loyal or faithful?

loyal and faithful mean the same thing.....


49. Good kisser?

well idk if im a good kisser




50. Loves children?



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