Guru Application ~ Jung Giyoung



aff name: BerryPink

aff link:


The Personals

name:  Jung Giyoung

age: 17

height: 166 cm 

weight: 43 kg

where you live: Kangnam, Seoul , South Korea

personality: Giyoung  is a 4-d girl to describe. She always blur and poker facing herself. When she sad, she went to a high place. She always cheerful and funky but not towards strangers. Independent. Not having too much aegyo. Scare of horror story, horror things, bloods, dark place. All of that 'cause the  murder.

likes: - Foods

- Pink

- Cute stuffs

- Surprise

- Dancing

- High place

dislikes: - Horror story

- Thunderstorms

-Sharp things

-A reptiles

- Abandoned place

hobbies: -Surfing internet

-Listening to music

- Dying her hair color

fears:  - Ghost

- Dark place

- Bloods

any jobs/colleges you are currently attending: Jobs, as a waitress

trivia: -Loves to puffing her cheeks

- Always resting her head on her arms

-Take selca when she thinks she's cute.

-y sometimes but only to peoples.

-Hits people when she upset.

- tAlking in her sleep when she felt really sad.

-Loves street art.


The Looks

ulzzang name: Lee Geum Hee

ulzzang pictures:  1.






back up: Kim Shin Yeong

style: Casual :

Casual 2 :

Casual 3:

Casual 4:

Night club wear: 


The Guru

youtube job:  The Hair Guru

how did you find this passion?: After she know what is color and  style. 

how long have you been doing this?: 2 years, 3 months.

where do you get your inspiration?: Street art, rainbow and the color light in the night of  street.


The Love

love interest:  L.Joe (Teen Top)

personality: He looks like a badass, jerk, cold. But deep in him, there's a really soft side of him. He only speaks in a limited words to peoples except his friends.

second love interest: ChangJo (Teen Top)

Does he go to school/work?: Work, as agangster and a spy.

how would you like to meet?: When Giyoung photographying the street art, on that time L.Joe knew that his target is actually there. So, he mistaken that his new target is Giyoung but actually not. SO, he kidnapped Giyoung and brought her to a unfmilliar place until Giyoung explained to him what happened and tell him that she  is not his target. L.Joe felt shame and pokering his face then apologize. 

how do you act around each other?: Awkward but still can talk to each other. 

what are the first main features you see when you look at him?: His eyes, smirk and smile.


Thank You!

anything else?: Nope ^_^

any scene suggestions?: Giyoung's love scene with L.Joe. -_-


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