Dead Silence



[The Joker]



Behind the character...

AFF Username: dattebayo-go

AFF profile link:

Activity Rate: 9 - yeah, I don't really have a life. XD


The basics...

Character name: Kim Taeyoung

Nickname(s): -----

: Female

Age: 18

Birthday: 09/13/1994

Ethnicity: Korean

Birthplace: Liverpool, England

Hometown: London, England


Physical attraction...

Ulzzang name: Oh Se Rim


Back-up ulzzang: Mikki


Beauty is only skin deep...

Personality: Taeyoung is a funny and mischief girl who loves making people laugh and smile. Of course, depending on the person, her pranks can vary to a simple tease or a huge embarassing catastrophe. She usually targets the popular kids, well, everyone basically. Usually people hate her for her pranks and jokes, but no one can really hate her. She brings something new to the table, you know, and it usually colors the gray aura of the day.

Despite her joking ways, Taeyoung is actually quite opposite. She listens and studies well too, although, she doesn't like other people knowing that. On her school rankings, she goes by another name - Shin Taewoo - because she's afraid that her 'jokester' image will die. And you wonder why she pulls off a prank so smoothly and yet so stealthly; well, it's because she's smart. She has her book smarts and, yes, her street smarts.

Taeyoung is always a bright character in the world, but behind that facade is a broken girl who's seen it all. The pain she and others had to go through made her realize that happiness was something to be cherished, which is why she even became this 'jokester', to make sure those she loved would be able to truly smile. Especially for her family, Taeyeon and Jonghyun. Taeyoung feels like she needs to protect them, especially Jonghyun since he's the most traumatized one.

Background: It all happened when she was five. Taeyoung watched her parents and her younger sister get murdered - right in front of her eyes. There wouldn't be much to fill in this section if her older brother hadn't killed the murderer too. The police rushed over and after the long night, Taeyoung and what's left of her family were sent to the orphanages, which was hell.

It was actually a child labor factory and funny thing was, the police/goverment sent her and her sibilings here. For the next five years, they've lived in the terrible factory and suffered many beatings and the starvation. But, it was then that they ran away back to their home, where it stood. The house was still a complete mess and after what seemed like days of cleaning their mansion up, they stayed there.

And it so happened that their father had left a will, leaving all of his estates and wealth into the kid's hands, in case he and their mother were gone. So, the kids claimed it and became rich once more. Then so on, they've tried living a better life, moving on from their horrible past.


They moved out of England after Taeyeon graduated high school (so it's been at least eight years) to Seoul since Taeyeon thought they needed to learn about their roots. And with that, they moved to Seoul, where Taeyeon also became a doctor.

Because Shinyoung excelled at her previous school, she was transferred to Hansung due to that fact. Jonghyun also transferred to that school since Taeyeon wanted them both to stick together.

School status: Newbie - actually, you can decide. I don't mind.

Scare factor: Losing someone close to her - she's already lost her parents and younger sister, so what she has left is more precious than her own life.

Likes: 1. Pranks - it's just fun to do, 2. Dogs - man's best friend, hers too; 3. Bananas - just eating them is like her high; 4. Track & Field - it's her best and favorite sport; 5. Piano - the emotions you can get out from it varies.; 6. The rain - it calms her down at times.

Dislikes: 1. Tense atmosphere - she isn't use to it, her usual atmospheres is a bright and happy one.; 2. Being pressured - it just stresses her out more since she's quiet easy-flowing; 3. Cats - she just prefers dogs better

Hobbies: 1. Sports - it just her favorite hobby; 2. Playing piano - she enjoys music and playing it; 3. Studying - she does it when she's absolutely bored; 4. Go hang out with friends - it's just fun to do so.

Habits: 1. When Taeyoung wakes up, she usually falls off her bed.; 2. For studying, Taeyoung rips the corners off her paper; 3. She cracks her hands before every game or prank.


1. She has to eat six bananas a day.

2. Her favorite color is blue.

3. Taeyoung actually enjoys watching horror movies. She doesn't get scared easily.

4. The two songs that she plays on the piano the most is 'Requiem of a Dream' and 'River Flows In You'

5. Taeyoung doesn't like it but she works better under pressure.

6. When she is with Taeyeon, she usually reads with Taeyeon for the entire day.

7. When she is with Jonghyun, they usually go out and do stuff together.


'Til death do us part...


Kim Taeyeon | 25 | Doctor | Sister | Taeyeon is a serene girl who acts too mature for her age. She cherishes her family very much and loves them dearly. Taeyeon works as a doctor because she thinks this is a way for not being able to save her deceased family members. She's very smart and is usually reading on books of the human body and such.

Kim Jonghyun | 19 | Student | Brother | Jonghyun is quiet and very kind. He likes to watch over Taeyoung and is sometimes the second 'dad'. Sometimes he will be mischief but he is usually well-mannered. Jonghyun is still traumatized from the past and sometimes wakes up screaming, usually being comforted by the other two girls. Out of the three, he fears death the most.

Friends: Gongchan | 18 | Best friend | Gongchan was one of the orphans that worked at the child labor factory. He escaped with them too and for a while, went his seperate way. He is like the twin of Taeyoung and is her partner-in-crime.

Relationship status: Single

If single, are you crushing?: No.

If taken, who is your beloved other?: --------


My Will...

Are you willing to die?: It's up to you. :)

Scence request?: If my character does die, can you make it a heroic scene? I rather see that than see her in a more horrific scene.

Suggestions/Comments/Questions: What if I do want a boyfriend but my character doesn't like him but he likes her? Where do I put it??


Hwaiting authors!! I can't wait to read the story :DDDD


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