c h r i s t m a s love❥ application

You are the one ;- Lee Seyoung-

♚ can you smile



♥ aff username: dattebayo-go

♥ aff profile link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/71598

♥ your name: lol make me one XD lol jk jk jk, just call me datte :D

billion dollar baby

 character's name: Lee Seyoung

 nickname(s): Younggie, Senlight ('sunlight'), Boyfriend

  date of birth: 04/13/1994


  ethnicity: Korean

 place of birth & hometown: Oregon, USA

  languages spoken: Korean, English, Chinese

♚ hush, hush 

personailty: Seyoung is a tomboyish girl with a personality that clashes (meaning, some of her traits clash one another). As a tomboy, Seyoung is very sporty and of course, doesn't act like a girl. She'll get down and dirty anytime as long she can have fun. Seyoung joins as much sports as she can to stay active. But, despite her love for sports, the girl focuses on school just as much she loves sports. Seyoung cherishes education a lot and works hard for it, which is why she's way ahead than her classmates. And although Seyoung is  very quiet and tolerant, she actually talks, especially when the moment is a good one.

Seyoung doesn't like using the word "oppa" because, well, it's weird. So, she uses "hyung" instead - but of course, because "oppa" is like the keyword to getting whatever she wants, she'll use it to her advantage, especially when she wants something from her older brother. Even though Seyoung doesn't like aegyo, her aegyo is rare and she'll use that to her advantage as well. But unlike most girls, Seyoung is stronger than most boys and she can fight, literally.

For a girl who loves sports, she is super competitive. Like literally, she never underestimates her opponents. When she wins, it's like winning the Olympics. When she loses, it's like a huge blow. But she ain't a poor sport and would congradulate the other.

When it comes down to being sad, Seyoung doesn't like expressing it - well, who does? The girl just bottles it up and hopes for the better. She tries to not get into depression and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Seyoung believes that her problems don't matter because there's other people who need more help than her.

likes: 1. Track & Field; 2. Dogs; 3. Video Games; 4. Ramen; 5. Puzzles; 6. Rubix Cubes; 7. Tae Kwon Do; 8. Riding bikes

dislikes: 1. Pocly; 2. Cats; 3. Staying at home all day for no reason; 4. Tye-dye; 5. Thunder

hobbies: 1. Sports; 2. Playing guitar and piano; 3. Studying; 4. Going out; 5. Working; 6. Volunteering; 7. Sleeping

habits: 1. She blows out puffs of air when she's frustrated; 2. Seyoung snaps her fingers when she can't think clearly or fast enough; 3. When she sleeps, Seyoung blasts her music to the max (with headphones or not); 4. Seyoung over eats during important exams; 5. When she gets angry, she'll kick something (hopefully it isn't a person) hard.

trivia: 1. Seyoung attends Hayang University; 2. Seyoung volunteers at the hospital just so she has something to do on the weekends; 3. She doesn't like to have many friends - maybe none if possible.; 4. Seyoung is an insomniac, she doesn't sleep well and when she does, she'll sleep for two days straight; 5. Her favorite colors are black and white; 6. Her fashion is quite boyish - she loves wearing hoodies, graphic tees, and baggy pants (like those in EXO's 'History' MV).

♚ always, happy together

family background: The Lees have lived in Oregon for their entire lives and they've been good with their life. It was when Byunghyun was 10 and Seyoung was 9 when they both wanted to go to Korea - to see their motherland. And of course, their parents sent them off to live with their grandmother, who was more than happy to let them stay.

But as time went, their grandmother  passed away due to old age and then, their father got sick - his heart was failing him drastically. Their grandmother left the house to her grandkids and so they both stayed there, supporting each other while their dad was in Cleveland, Ohio, trying to stay alive. Their mom was also with their dad, supporting him.

The kids couldn't visit much because the money they earned usually went to bills, their survival, and some to help pay the bills back home. And so, they struggled a bit to survive, especially when they had no adults in their lives. But they've managed and are praying that their dad would be okay.

family members:

Lee Byungyoung | Father | 54 | 12/16/1957 | He's a optimistic guy who loves his family with his heart. He likes teasing his kids and making people laugh. Despite his own illness, he still worries about others. And he's super loud, especially when he watches sports. | Alive | Currently on sick leave - Marketing Manager of Nike

Lee Yoona | Mother | 52 | 1/1/1960 | She's like the Mary Sue that everyone loves. She's just innocent and angelic, it's hard to be mad at her or to even think badly of her. Yoona loves her children and husband to death. She's supportive of her family and makes sure that everyone's well-being is safe and okay. | Alive | Flourist

Lee Byunghyun [L.Joe] | Brother | 19 | 11/23/1993 | Byunghyun is like Seyoung's twin. But he's more rebellious and acts more childish than her. He's super protective over Seyoung and sometimes is her 'dad'. And although they sometimes hit each other and fight, he loves the girl dearly. | Alive | College Student - Barista


Seohyun | Close Friend | 21 | 6/28/1991 | Seohyun is like another 'mom' to Seyoung. She's angelic and very kind, although, the girl can nag like nuts. Seohyun is somewhat clingy to Seyoung and treats her like a baby. She's also very smart and studies in the medical field. She's also in an arranged marriage with Jung Yong Hwa. | Alive | Student + Volunteer nurse | They both met on the day when the freshman were being introduced to the school campus. Seohyun was one of the tour guides and she was assigned to Seyoung. They walked around, getting to know each other, and after that, they sort of hit it off.

Kevin | Close Friend | 21 | 11/25/1991 | Kevin is like a diva, a fierce one too. He's super cocky and thinks he's on top of the world. Even though he's selfish, he's actually very compassionate, although he hates showing his 'nice guy' side. Kevin likes teasing Seyoung and sometimes calls her his 'boyfriend', because the girl was just so tomboy.  | Alive | Student - Barista | He works along with Byunghyun at the cafe and he also goes to college with Seyoung and Seohyun. They met at the cafe when Seyoung came to pick up Byunghyun.

♚ fantastic baby

ulzzang: Oh Se Rim

links: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0yvm118V81qa5dcno1_500.jpg, http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l09myr2cwy1qa5dcno1_500.jpg, http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l083nublq71qa5dcno1_500.jpg, http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kzj4vfPIHY1qa5dcno1_400.jpg, http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kzcpeoqFi41qa5dcno1_400.jpg, http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kya13wKd131qa5dcno1_400.jpg, http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kwqijhlXI51qa5dcno1_400.jpg

back up ulzzang: Kwon Su Jeong

links: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lpuib6rmvZ1qa5dcno1_500.jpg, http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lic438NnsI1qa5dcno1_400.jpg, http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ldxoec6d6Z1qa5dcno1_500.jpg, http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l54rj5ZlBX1qa5dcno1_500.jpg, http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l0oouoF2Bw1qa5dcno1_400.jpg

♚ myheart.com

♥  love interest: Myungsoo/L

♥  his personality: Myungsoo is very 4D with a hint of diva - yeah that's right (lol). He can be very cold and rude and yet warm and gentle. It just depends on the situation. He's an indoors guy and likes being lazy. He's often a rebel, going against the rules and such, and he's kind of judgmental.

And his diva side? The kid literally walks as if he owns the runway. He also nags if possible, and believe me, it's always possible. Myungsoo is also very straight-forward and he doesn't care if it hurts.

how do you act towards each other: Seyoung doesn't really think much of him besides that he's a 'nagging girl' while Myungsoo just thinks she's a 'she-wolf'. Myungsoo is actually on a one-sided battle with her because Seyoung doesn't really care much about this 'war' they have. She usually ignores him while he wants her attention.

♥ back up: Woohyun

rival: n/a

♚ goodbye baby

password: Infinite - The Chaser [although I have to say, 'BTD' and 'Be Mine' are still very top]

request: mm...nope. :D

comments: hwaiting author-nim! I hope you enjoyed this as much I had writing it! :) *throws heart randomly everywhere* 



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