aff censorship update...

thanks SusanDN! i'd checked his twitter but i guess he posted about this after.


so some idiot parent decided to send AFF a lawsuit over mature content. i literally have no f-ing...freaking..whatever...idea what grounds they might have.  there is so much content on the internet...even if there need to be precautions for mature content, this kid's mom/dad can't go around suing every dirty site their child might come across. this isn't being sponsored by elementary schools.  use some parental controls, because if they really want to read diry fics, they'll just click on the M button.  


i feel awful for Jason though.  but seriously whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat people are crazy.  


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Isn't that the choice of the child, rather than the fault of the website?
Ugh some parents frustrate me so much. I suppose the point they're making is that people can swear and stuff on blogs/comments which aren't marked as M.
idkwhatisgoingon #2
i don't get it!! i wasn't on aff during the last period! what the hell is going on? a stupid parent found out that his child is reading rated fanfics so he decided to send a lawsuit against the website?? is that how they raise their children? didn't they even hear of parental control?? if the child is reading rated fics that why wouldn't they block access to AFF on their pc?
okay, for now, what would happen to ty rated fics? are they going to be deleted? ._.
and why the hell their daughter reads stories with mature contents btw? puhlease. They must warn their daughter first, except if its for *cough* money or something? AFF even have a warning and never fails to remind about those for rated stories.. poor Jason. I'm sorry, its just that my mind were screaming 'why?' and thanks for this info!
Nd the kids prbly clicked on 'im 18 or older' to evn hav____across the rated content, so in no way is it Jason's fault. the kids read whtevr they read on their own accord.