Sweet Pea Application


Sweet Pea Application

Hello~ I'm Se-eun! I'm the most random person you will ever meet. No, I'm not some weirdo.... please don't runaway from me. GET BACK HERE!!!!

Username: AvyA7X

Profile Link: AvyA7x

Activeness: 9

Character's name: Jung Se-eun

Age: 19

D.O.B: 21/12/92 

Height: 168cm

Weight: 43kg

Bloodtype: AB

Birthplace: Japan

Hometown: Chiba, Japan

Ethinicity / Nationality: Korean-Japanese

Languages: Korean, Japanese(born and raised in Japan), English

Extra: Nothing else

Ulzzang's name: Chomi

HQ pics: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5| 6 

Back-Up Ulzzang: Seulmi

HQ pics: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5  

Extra: Her style is very casual.

Personality:  Se-eun is unpredictable she's stubborn, spontaneous, a risk-taker, and isn't afraid to voice her opinions.  She's not one to back off from a challenge in fact she welcomes them. Most people find that side of her intimidating and tend to stay away from her. She knows her weaknesses and isn't afraid to admit it nor will she let that stop her from reaching her goals.  She's awkward when it comes to dealing with strangers, has a difficult time trusting others, and always tries to see the good in everyone. She's a very loyal friend and will do just about anything to make them happy. Has a very unique sense of humor and finds the strangest things funny. She's one to laugh during the most disturbing scenes in horror movies.

Background: She was born and raised in Chiba, Japan. She spent most of high school years between Korea and Japan. Her parents divorced when she was 9 yrs. old and she remained in Japan with her mother(her mother is Japanese) until the age of 15. At the age of 15 she went to live with her father in Korea( her father is Korean) for a couple months and spent the next couple of years travelling back and forth. She has an amiable relationship with both parents. Though she feels closer to her mom who has always supported her decisions. On the other hand her father has always been a bit strict and expected only the best from her.

Likes: Music,horror movies, dogs, green tea, yakisoba, ramen, cold weather

Dislikes: Boredom, players, too much aegyo, pink, cats, fights, romance movies 

Hobbies: Singing, dancing, kickboxing, tennis, writing

Habits: Blurting out random things during awkward moments, glaring, having random conversations in her head, cursing at inanimate objects/people when angry, giving one words answers when she's not interested or distracted, finds disturbing scenes in horror movies funny

Fear/Trauma: Failure and clowns

Trivia: Her favorite food is yakisoba, wears a lot of blue, a huge fan of rock music, loves sweets, likes to watch dramas, owns a large number of books, most priced possession is her dog Shou, favorite drink is green tea, has never fallen in love before, has an  over-protective older brother

Talents / Specialty: Choreographing, playing the piano, and martial arts

Extra: Nothing else

Parents: Father- Jung Insoo | 12/07/62, 50 yrs | lawyer | He's strict, overbearing, and has trouble expressing his emotions. 

Mother- Moriuchi Ayaka | 15/05/63, 49 yrs| chef| loving, hardworking, and very supportive.

Best Friend / Siblings: Bestfriend - Baekhyun |  20 & 06/05/92 | He's extremely silly and fun to be around | EXO-K

Rival:  Chanyeol |  19 & 27/11/92 |  He's a very loving person, outgoing, and very protective of his friend| EXO-K | He's afraid that Se-eun will steal all of Baekhyun's time and attention 

Love of your life: C.A.P

Age & D.O.B: 19 & 04/11/92

Love Status: Stranger

How did you guys meet? They meet during a television broadcast where both groups are paired off against each other. He doesn't leave much of an impression on her while he finds her interesting and decides to befriend her. However she seems to be more interested in befriending the other members of Teen Top. He tries to be nice to her whenever they cross paths, and asks those around her about her interests. Once he finds out that they both like reading he decides to approach her by using their love for reading. After that he finally manages to get her to open up to him a bit. 


Back up Lover:  Yongguk

Age & D.O.B: 22 & 31/03/90

Love Status: Friends

How did you guys meet? They met through Baekhyun at a birthday party. They were both trying to get their friends to mingle with others. After failing to do so they both walked outside for a bit of fresh air, and started a random conversation. They quickly became comfortable with each other and started spending more time together after that. If one of them felt the need to vent or they had a problem they would call or text each other.


If you can have a kid... who would it be:  Leo from Hello Baby

Scene Request: I don't have a specific request but a dramatic/unexpected scene would be fine

Anything else: Nothing else

Stage name: Scene

Persona: Alluring Sadist


Main vocals, dancer

Main Dancer, rapper

Main Rapper, dancer

Main Vocals, rapper

Main Dancer, vocals

Main Rapper, Vocals [[TAKEN]]

Your Character: 

Ze Umma - Cooks and takes care of the rest of the members

Ze Appa - Have a strong OTP with Ze Umma, leads the other members by disciplining

Ze Kiddo - The one who follows the others, does aegyo & gets what she wants

Ze Sissy - one who is strategic at housework and bosses members

Ze random pet / Panda - the lazy one who can't be bothered to do things

Ze Oppa - the one who makes trouble and gets away with things 

Songs you want to include in the album: No Mercy, Love is Move, Going Crazy...

Why should I choose you: I will comment regularly, I'm random, weird, awkward... I never really know what to write when it comes to this question.

Questions + Request + Comments + Anything Else: Even though there are other apply stories I like how well thought out the application is. 

The Password:  



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:) I dun mind u using CAP- but is he really really really your bias out of all 3 groups? :'D
Since imma finalize things nao :)
*doing the same with the other members*