What am i supposed to write?? seriously! xD

am i really going to do a blog??? 

what are you supposed to put in a blog anyway??? 

I honestly have no idea what im supposed t write.... lol. 

well...right now im sitting at home on my sofa, with a hot water bottle and a blanket and im listening to BIG BANG <3 becuz im feeling like crap and can't move easily due to my... uuhh.... situation?? i dunno :P but it hurts!!

wait it says story at the top?? WHATT?? but this is a blog!!!??? so confusing xD 

sooo, i may start writing :D YAAAAAAY!! hold the applause. umm... yeah, so it'll probs be about BIG BANG again cuz ik them best, but it might be about B2ST ooorrrrr BOYFRIEND oooorrrr SHINee oooorr ...i dunno but i do love all of the above"!!! hahahah lol

anyway, imma go now and slowly die of pain, so have a good day and all!!! also be well!!!! <3


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NappeunYeoja #1
Lmao<br />
Kinda funneh xD<br />
I dunno what to write at blog too