Rant and random shiznaz

Rant (Read at your own discretion):


Okay so I don't know if it's only me but I get really really irritated by authors that don't update or just completely stop a fic just because no one is commenting or they're not getting subs. To be honest, writing is something that you're doing for fun, to express yourself or for whatever reason and it's so damn annoying when I see authors go 'won't update unless I get 10 more subbies and 5 more comments'. Like what do you take this place for? Do you people just write just to get praised? that totally just means you are only writing for attention and to make yourself feel better when you see a 'new comment' or 'new subscriber'. I guess that's fine but it annoys the hell out of me.


End rant.


Felt like this when I saw several authors I'm subbed to say the exact same thing. Tsk, Tsk.

And I shall leave whoever is reading this (if there's anyone) with some bap aegyo cos it's the best motherfacking aegyo evar. 



Then there's me (played by youngjae)


Oh and tin tap's be ma girl mv just came out (it's 5am here) THOSE S IMMA GET A NOSEBLEED. Changjo bb come here~~


And can I just comment on how asdfghjkl SEKSHI KAI LOOKS WITH A CAP. YOU BAMF. KAIBAMF.





Kay I'll attempt to sleep now. gdi I don't even know what happened to this blogs post. It's 5am. Don't judge me. Okay goodnight. Baby goodnight jaljayo goodnight dancing dancing dancing in the moonlight WHOAOAOAOAOA /bricked /ded


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