Help an AFF girl out? + a note re: updates


Hi Everyone ^_^ Hope you're all doing well.


  • Subbies may have seen this request countless of times but I know there are also some of you who probably seen this message. 

My friend & I joined a video cooking contest. We came up with a Filipino-Korean fusion cuisine that is simple to do for those who would like or interested to try it out ;) 

I hope we can request for your support because 40% of the judging criteria is based on the number of views and likes. Please help us win by viewing and liking the video on YouTube: You don't really have to watch the whole video.haha 

I would really really appreciate it. Thank you :)

For those who already 'liked' it, thank you so much!! I'm really greatful! I hope I can still take a few seconds of your time by asking you to still open the video to continue raising our views, you can close it after a few seconds ;)


  • As you guys can see, the message on the green bar located at the top of the page explains how some of the chapters have gone missing. I will be waiting for the chapters to re-appear again before updating since I don't want the chapters to overlap because I'm not sure if I should re-post the old chapters or update with new ones. Patiently waiting but I can't wait to update soon too so I hope everything goes back to normal soon.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend ahead. 


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will it help if we come to view it several times? I am not sure how youtube counts it..
Will try anyway xD
SooJung #2
Liked it and gosh, i'll try to do this once in the future :D it looks fun and I loooooove looove to cook :D