☠ The Legend of the Gold Fortune || So Chan Yee


Username: bubbleteaxx
Profile Link:  [ x ]
Activeness: forever on unless I fell asleep... 

Name: So Chan Yee
Nickname(s):  Channie
Gender: Male
Age: 19
uality: Homoual
Blood Type: A

Personality:  Stubborn | Blunt | Obsessive | Prince Syndrom | Short temper 

Chan Yee is easily loud mouthed despite acting as if he's quite and uncaring. He doesn't curse and has his manners, but he has the shortest temper alive. Just one word could irk him to the point that he'll throw daggers across the room. He's as stubbourn as a mule and refuses to be anyone's whipping boy. If he had to choose between jumping into a shark filled sea or getting on his knees, he'd jump without second questions. Chan Yee knows all the gossip and can easily black mail people without batting an eyelash. Despite this though, when the going gets rough and he has to listen, he will do his best to listen to the captain without any second questions. He doesn't open up about his feelings and is easily embarrassed. His anger doesn't dissolve quickly but then again he's normally hot headed. Chan Yee is always blunt and honest, refusing to give people the sweet words they may crave. Chan Yee sometimes think he's still royality and will try to over throw the captain, in a harmless manner of course. He adores her but the personality just pops when he wants something.

When Chan Yee first meets someone, of course he'd be sweet and cutesy or quiet and uncaring, but once they know him for a few hours, he'll about basically anything that crosses his mind. Be it how he lost a game a few years back or why the birds are flying north instead of south. Around people he crushes on, his cheeks are always red and he ends up abusing everyone. Small slaps to big smacks are always expected if he's fanboying about the one person he's falling for. Chan Yee makes it more than obvious he's in love, but will forever refuse to admit it. Though infront of the male he has fallen for he clings to him, hugs him, and glares at anyone that tries to approach him. He tends to get very posessive. The only time Chan Yee seems like a normal happy male is when he's cooking and humming to himself.


  • Great quality crops
  • Healthy animals
  • cute plushies
  • Musical Instruments
  • His knifes and daggers
  • Rainy days
  • Flowers
  • Candy


  • People throwing out his cooking
  • Rotton fruits 
  • Terrible cooking
  • Thunders, he's not scared but the loud noise irks him
  • People testing his patience 
  • When people purposely press his buttons
  • Ghosts
  • Being alone 
  • Being in crowded areas because he likes his personal space


  • Cooking
  • Stargazing
  • Sleeping
  • Playing piano
  • Throwing daggers across the ship
  • Harassing people to test his new dishes


  • Slapping people's arms or legs or back when he's overly happy
  • Sleep talks
  • Chopping up things in the kitchen in a barbaric manner when he's annoyed
  • Puffs his cheeks when he's embarrassed
  • Whines when he can't get what he wants
  • Purses his lips when he has nothing to say
  • Bites his lip when he tries to keep a secret 


  • Being kicked from the crew
  • Sickening people with his dishes


  • He tends to fall for pretty guys too easily 
  • He can't drink for crap. When he's drunk, which is after a cup, he'll spill any information asked 
  • Has a 110% accuracy with throwing daggers
  • Can't swim 
  • Came from a wealthy family
  • Use to hate pirates out of jealousy that they live a free life
  • Tends to boss people around 
  • He knows quite a few languages 
  • Can figure out puzzles and riddles very well
  • He knows how to play many instruments, but piano is his best
  • He doesn't have any personal attachment to anything 

Height: 170 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Ulzzang Name: Yang Woo Hyuk [ him or chanho will do. just pick which you like better ]
Ulzzang pictures: [ x ] || [ x ] || [ x ] || [ x ] || [ x ]
Back up Ulzzang:  Song Chan Ho 
Back up Ulzzang Pictures: [ x ] || [ x ] || [ x ] || [ x ] || [ x ]
Clothing: Cook outfit
Additional: None

Background History: Growing up, Chan Yee has been getting everything he wanted with a snap of his fingers. He had to study everything possible to be the best of the best child and hier of the family of So. Living this cooped up life has caused him lots of stress and built up anger from the many of times he's been critized. Learning how to write neatly, how to pick out the best of wines, learn to cook from the best of chefs, archery (which he was best at), read the toughest of books, learn many of lanuages, and playing various of instruments has tooken a toll on his sanity as he ends up wrecking everything in his room to vent out his anger. This happens quite often when he feels as if he reached his limits.

Of course his parents couldn't tolerate the fact such a thing had happened and jumped to the conclusion that he needed a partner. Setting up an engagment, his parents recuited all of the weathiest and prettiest womens around the nation to meet with Chan Yee while he was 16. Of course Chan Yee was well aware that he wasn't interested in females, and more than well aware that he was only interested in males. This though, wouldn't slide past his parents at all.

During the night of him having to meet all of the womens for marriage, he ran into a female pirate that was after his family's golden diamond necklace. A very pricey item that has been kept a secret for quite a while. This item was actually in his possession and the one thing he wanted in exchange was something only she was going to be able to give him. Freedom away from the strict laws of being born into a weathy family. Handing the necklace over to the female with the done deal, he followed her away, never to return again. 
Family members: 

  • Mother | 45 | Lan Su Mi 
  • Father | 49 | So Chan Ko

Reason for becoming a pirate: He wanted to explore the world and live without the rules of being high and mighty. The challenges of a tough hard earned life is what he wants to feel.
How did you meet Sarang:  Explained in bio. Shes the priate that helped him escape
Arc: Back in the town he came from, they were searching for treasure that was actually held in his mansion. The only way to get inside was with him. Unsure as to how meeting his parents again will go since they think he's dead, he tries to help sneak them in to avoid any confrontion. 

Position in crew: Cook
Sub-position: Musican 
Title(s): Crazy Cook, Crazy Aimmer (normally called crazy in general due to his weird personality of throwing crap everywhere)
Main WeaponFinger Dagger
Backup weapon: Butterfly Knife + Daggers
Battle Strategy: He sneaks in front behind and strikes at an enemy weak point. He tends to play cheap and likes to end the battles as quickly as he can. If it drags on, he'd get annoyed and start throwing daggers everywhere. He cant control a sword for crap unless he uses it for throwing.
Specialties/Strengths:  Figuring out people's weak spot | Aiming from far distance | Landing critical hits with throwing
Weaknesses:  Close ranged battles | Talks a bit too much | If he's up against a pretty guy, there wont be a fight at all

Speed: 4/5
Swordsmanship: 0/5
Stealth: 4/5
Marksmanship: 5/5
Intelligence: 5 /5 
Strength: 1/5
Endurance: 1/5

Love Interest:  Jung Taekwoon (Leo of VIXX)
Job: you can give him a job, if not he can be some chef on some island. /shot/
Their Personality: Introverted, many people assume he's shy though. He puts his all in to whatever task is at hand for him and he doesn't care or feel the need to hear people's comment on it. He's easily annoyed and tends to go to abusive measures when people irk him too much but in all he does his best to stay chic and keep his poker face. 
Interactions:  Chan Yee is pouty and clingy towards the male while the guy tries to push him away. Taekwoon found him quite frustrating and annoying, not liking the clingy-ness; but soon he found himself missing the male when he gave up and even jealous when Chanyee goes aiming around for others. Taekwoon does call him abnoxious and annoying but he does care deeply for the male whether he admits it or not and Chanyee is just the stupid one that can't seem to read in between the lines well and constantly whines to him about why he doesn't like him -- until he finally admits it of course. After that he just tries to drag Taekwoon everywhere with him even if he can't come along. 
Who fell for who first: Chanyee only found Taekwoon as eye candy at first but the unique personality of the older male really drew him in to loving him, despite that though, he tries to keep his distance cause Chanyee is actually quite afraid of commitment. Taekwoon fell later when Chanyee began avoiding him and tries to confront him as to why though this takes a while cause he's in denial and keeps telling himself he's into girls. 

2nd/Backup Love Interest:  Han Sanghyuk (of VIXX)
Job:  Whatever you want him as, if not he can be some waiter. 
Their Personality: Acting as if he's royality when he really isn't, Hyuk has the tendency to make him pety lies about his life. He does his best to earn money but sometimes he barely makes it through. He's quite patient and not easily annoyed but he hates being looked down on just because of his age. He does his best to fight for what he believes in and he feels strongly about how everyone should be treated equally but sometimes hes more than easy to be intimidated. 
Interactions:  Chanyee first assumed that Hyuk was actually of royality despite the job he worked but when he finds out the truth his personality towards Hyuk goes sour. Regardless, he ends up forgiving the other and intimidates him most of the time. Hyuk tries to get on his good side by making failed meals and clings to him from time to time but sometimes it ends up in failure due to how stubborn Chanyee is. 
Who fell for who first: Hyuk fell first during his lies and he tried to keep it up to keep Chanyee's interest but it only backfired. Chanyee fell for Hyuk's -despite his lie- cute personality and how hard he works to try to have Chanyee forgive him.

either one of the two is fine with me. 

Comments: GOOD LUCK !
Suggestions: None at all
Scene Requests: Chanyee with Hyuk or Leo /shot



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