What's Your Favorite Scary Movie? Application Form


 AFF Contact

Username : Chochocho

Profile : click! 



Character's General Information

Name : Lee Yura

Gender : Male | Female

Age : 16

Birth date : 9 January 1995

Birthplace : Busan, South Korea.

Ethnicity : Korean


High school status : The friendly one


Personality :

                 You can say that I am basically an energetic girl from Busan. I always put on my best smile to everyone, everywhere, anywhere. I am not a type of girl that likes to stay quiet. I will try something to break the ice between us until you want to talk to me. I basically the one who had the most friends in this school. Started from classmate, until seniors, you name it, I knew them. But still, I didn't do it to gain popularity like other girls, my parents always taught me to be friendly with anyone, they always said it will have its own benefit in the future. But that doesn't mean I am liking all of them. I am pretty sure that I am able to read someone's personality just by looking at their face (it's a common ability for someone who already met lots of person with different personalities like me). If I think that they have bad personality, I will slowly leave them, without making them feel like I hate them.

                  Eventhough I might seem like have tons of friends, but believe me, I only trust approximately 2 people in school. That means, I only trust for about 5 people in my life. My parents, my older brother, and my friends. I just feel like I need lots of friend but not bestfriend. Since I pretty much have some problems in my family which I don't want to openly talk about it with everyone. But don't worry, it doesn't mean that I never talk you all my friends. I like to telling jokes, though. I always entertain them with my jokes or with my funny experiences, and they usually laugh with me. Sometimes I like to make fun of others but not in a harsh way. But if they are feeling uncomfortable with my jokes, I will stop and say sorry to them until I can see a smile on their face (which telling me that they aren't mad anymore).

                  I rarely show the bad side of myself with others. I only want them to see the 'Happy, cheerful, friendly, smiling Yura' side of me. I don't like to show someone that I am mad at something or sad. Only my bestfriend can see it. I even hide my certain feelings related to my family. For example, if there is a big problem in my family, I always try to put a poker face, pretending to not knowing anything but at night, I will think about it and eventually cry. I don't want my parents to see that I am sad because of family problems. I love them too much. I would do anything for their happiness, even with sacrificing myself for a good reason. 


Background :

           I was born in a complete, happy family, 1 father, 1 mother, and 1 older brother. As I grew up and began to understand a lot of things, I finally realized that my family has a serious financial problem. My parents have lots of unpaid debt and they opened a small bussiness to pay it all. But as the result, they started to fight with each other. With my father's stubborness and my mother's luxurious life, I can tell you that they fought at least 3 times a week. And the worst part is, they fight in front of us, me and my brother. We know they had difficult time, but they still took good care of us and always be there whenever we them. But maybe not with something related to money. When I was still in school (well, actually until now), me and my brother were always the last one who paid the school's payment. We sometimes didn't pay for about 2 months because of my parents were always use the money they had to pay their debt.


Likes : 

> Ice Cream - Because I like sweets and ice cream is a perfect choice for a hot days!

> Classical/Instrumental music - Because I feel really calm whenever I heard it

> My friends - Because they are unique and I love talking to them!


Dislikes :

> Spicy food - Because at the age of 4, my dad tricked me by saying that a chili sauce was a tomato sauce and my tounge had an instant burn. And that kinds of traumatic for me...

> Spoiled child - Growing up in an environment where you aren't always get what you want right away, it really irks me whenever I saw a spoiled child because I know, life is easy for them.

> Awkwardness - Because... I just hate it! Letting some seconds full of silent are just torturing enough!


Hobbies :

> Drawing - Because I really like colorful thingy and drawing is one of my favorite way to put colours on a piece of paper

> Sewing - Because I love clothes and my grandma taught me how to sew, now I can make some clothes I really like and some kawaii plushies :)

> Eating - Because of what? It's all because of my mother's mad skills on cooking! 


Trivia :

> I have a birthmark on my neck. People always thought my neck got burned!

> My favourite actors are Jeremy Lee Renner, Kyle Chandler, and Robert Downey Jr.

> Like I said before, I like classical/instrumental music. My favorite musicians are Yiruma and Beethoven


Character's appearance Information


Ulzzang name : Jang Hae Byeol

Ulzzang pictures : 1 2 3

Back up ulzzang name : Song Ah Ri

Back up ulzzang pictures : 1 2 3


Character's Fear Factor...


Biggest fear : Death

Favorite scary movie : Orphan

Fear factor : I don't believe in ghosts whatsoever. I think with logic. So I am not scared easily. Even if I'm scared, I will think something reasonable.

(Un)Lucky number : 9


Character's relationship status'


Is your character single : Yes | No

If no, whom is he/she dating :

If yes, is he/she crushing at the moment? : Yes | No

Friends :

> Kwon Jenna [17]

  She is an active girl just like me. But she is pretty sensitive. She often get mad at class, mostly because of someone messing up her desk (she HATES messy place and really took care of her things). If she's mad, she would throw anything near her to person who makes her mad. But over all, she is a great friend and can keep a secret forever.

> Choi Nami [17]

   Nami is my friend since junior high. She's funny and smart. But sometimes, she is pretty slow at conversation with others (she would go blank. And I always thought it's because she study too much) but she is a stylish kind of girl. She likes to order clothes she designed from me. She also my target at telling jokes.


Family :

> Lee Hong Joo, Father, owner of small shop [41]

  Hong Joo is the best father! He is full of responsibility when it comes to his children. Eventhough he is pretty stubborn, he tend to choose the right path. He is a caring father for me. I love him.

> Lee Yu Hee AFF Contact

Username : Chochocho

Profile : click! 



Character's General Information

Name : Lee Yura

Gender : Male | Female

Age : 16

Birth date : 9 January

Birthplace : Busan, South Korea.

Ethnicity : Korean


High school status : The friendly one


Personality :

                 You can say that I am basically an energetic girl from Busan. I always put on my best smile to everyone, everywhere, anywhere. I am not a type of girl that likes to stay quiet. I will try something to break the ice between us until you want to talk to me. I basically the one who had the most friends in this school. Started from classmate, until seniors, you name it, I knew them. But still, I didn't do it to gain popularity like other girls, my parents always taught me to be friendly with anyone, they always said it will have its own benefit in the future. But that doesn't mean I am liking all of them. I am pretty sure that I am able to read someone's personality just by looking at their face (it's a common ability for someone who already met lots of person with different personalities like me). If I think that they have bad personality, I will slowly leave them, without making them feel like I hate them.

                  Eventhough I might seem like have tons of friends, but believe me, I only trust approximately 2 people in school. That means, I only trust for about 5 people in my life. My parents, my older brother, and my friends. I just feel like I need lots of friend but not bestfriend. Since I pretty much have some problems in my family which I don't want to openly talk about it with everyone. But don't worry, it doesn't mean that I never talk you all my friends. I like to telling jokes, though. I always entertain them with my jokes or with my funny experiences, and they usually laugh with me. Sometimes I like to make fun of others but not in a harsh way. But if they are feeling uncomfortable with my jokes, I will stop and say sorry to them until I can see a smile on their face (which telling me that they aren't mad anymore).

                  I rarely show the bad side of myself with others. I only want them to see the 'Happy, cheerful, friendly, smiling Yura' side of me. I don't like to show someone that I am mad at something or sad. Only my bestfriend can see it. I even hide my certain feelings related to my family. For example, if there is a big problem in my family, I always try to put a poker face, pretending to not knowing anything but at night, I will think about it and eventually cry. I don't want my parents to see that I am sad because of family problems. I love them too much. I would do anything for their happiness, even with sacrificing myself for a good reason. 


Background :

           I was born in a complete, happy family, 1 father, 1 mother, and 1 older brother. As I grew up and began to understand a lot of things, I finally realized that my family has a serious financial problem. My parents have lots of unpaid debt and they opened a small bussiness to pay it all. But as the result, they started to fight with each other. With my father's stubborness and my mother's luxurious life, I can tell you that they fought at least 3 times a week. And the worst part is, they fight in front of us, me and my brother. We know they had difficult time, but they still took good care of us and always be there whenever we them. But maybe not with something related to money. When I was still in school (well, actually until now), me and my brother were always the last one who paid the school's payment. We sometimes didn't pay for about 2 months because of my parents were always use the money they had to pay their debt.


Likes : 

> Ice Cream - Because I like sweets and ice cream is a perfect choice for a hot days!

> Classical/Instrumental music - Because I feel really calm whenever I heard it

> My friends - Because they are unique and I love talking to them!


Dislikes :

> Spicy food - Because at the age of 4, my dad tricked me by saying that a chili sauce was a tomato sauce and my tounge had an instant burn. And that kinds of traumatic for me...

> Spoiled child - Growing up in an environment where you aren't always get what you want right away, it really irks me whenever I saw a spoiled child because I know, life is easy for them.

> Awkwardness - Because... I just hate it! Letting some seconds full of silent are just torturing enough!


Hobbies :

> Drawing - Because I really like colorful thingy and drawing is one of my favorite way to put colours on a piece of paper

> Sewing - Because I love clothes and my grandma taught me how to sew, now I can make some clothes I really like and some kawaii plushies :)

> Eating - Because of what? It's all because of my mother's mad skills on cooking! 


Trivia :

> I have a birthmark on my neck. People always thought my neck got burned!

> My favourite actors are Jeremy Lee Renner, Kyle Chandler, and Robert Downey Jr.

> Like I said before, I like classical/instrumental music. My favorite musicians are Yiruma and Beethoven


Character's appearance Information


Ulzzang name : Jang Hae Byeol

Ulzzang pictures : 1 2 3

Back up ulzzang name : Song Ah Ri

Back up ulzzang pictures : 1 2 3


Character's Fear Factor...


Biggest fear : Death

Favorite scary movie : Orphan

Fear factor : I don't believe in ghosts whatsoever. I think with logic. So I am not scared easily. Even if I'm scared, I will think something reasonable.

(Un)Lucky number : 9


Character's relationship status'


Is your character single : Yes | No

If no, whom is he/she dating :

If yes, is he/she crushing at the moment? : Yes | No

He is Han Geng the transfered student from China. and like what i say to you on the message section :D they kinda have bubbly cheerful athmosphere~

Friends :

> Kwon Jenna [17]

  She is an active girl just like me. But she is pretty sensitive. She often get mad at class, mostly because of someone messing up her desk (she HATES messy place and really took care of her things). If she's mad, she would throw anything near her to person who makes her mad. But over all, she is a great friend and can keep a secret forever.

> Choi Nami [17]

   Nami is my friend since junior high. She's funny and smart. But sometimes, she is pretty slow at conversation with others (she would go blank. And I always thought it's because she study too much) but she is a stylish kind of girl. She likes to order clothes she designed from me. She also my target at telling jokes.


Family :

> Lee Hong Joo, Father, owner of small shop [41]

  Hong Joo is the best father! He is full of responsibility when it comes to his children. Eventhough he is pretty stubborn, he tend to choose the right path. He is a caring father for me. I love him.

> Lee Yu Hee [39]

  Yu Hee is a super mom!  She really is a caring mother although she has an unbearably luxurious lifestyle. She is a great baker too and I always the one who be the judge for her new recipes <3

> Lee Yun Ho [19]

   Oh my... What can i say about him? He is the worst brother LOL jk.. he's the best brother! Eventhough we never missed a day without fighting back then, he is now a very charming big brother to me :D


You've reach the end

Dare to die? : Of course! I won't apply if this isn't something related to horrory thing XD 

Suggestions? / Comments? : I hope you like her though, and you may find some things aren't the same like the original app form but please bear with it :D

Scene requests? : Since her biggest fear is death, you can make a very slowly but painful kind of death. I just want to see how you would write it down :) And if you don't mind, could you make a scene between her and Han Geng? keke~




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