Taeminslittlesecret EXPOSED! :Embarrassing moments!

Okay we all have embarrassing moments once in a while, and for somereason I decided to share them with you. Okay so im going to start with the time i was going to the dentist.

I was on the bus with my mom, and we were going to the Dentists I needed to get cleaning done, so anyways,

There was this guy He had amazing hair ,brown skin, he just looked amazing, He was talking on his phone in spanish though and I wanted him to like me so i turned to my mom.

And started talking to her in spanish , using all the words i knew from watching Dora the explorer. Which was Hola , and I kept saying it , and my mom , and the guy kept looking at me like i was on crack . 

Number Two:

 Okay so I was at my friends house \, eating some new food I have never eating in my life, okay and my stomach started to feel funny, So i went to her washroom, and started to do number two. I whipped my bottom, and tried to flush the toilet but instead of it going down, It went up.

I looked everyware for the plunger but for some reason it wasnt in her washroom, I got more toilett paper and put it in there for some reason I dont know why.

washed my hands and went out. not long after her mom came downstairs asking who overflowed the toilet, and it wasnt like I could blame someone cuz it was just my friend her mother and I. I ended up crying over this when I got home. Though they didn't think it was me. For some reason...

Number Three:

Last one im going to share with you, Is my bike incident okay so every morning i would go for a bike ride on my bike around seven O clock. I went down stairs ate a banana, put my flip flops on (summer time).

And got my bike from my garage.i decided i would go for an extra long bike ride going aaround the building near my house.I was riding threw the backyard,feeling great, then some lady was giving me a weird look.

I didn't know why so i returned it with a dirty look of my own. I was riding near the building, and  a whole bunch of people started to laugh and im whats everyone laughing at I look down to see my self in my underware on I was so scared.

The smart thing for me to do was turn around and go back the other way I came from but for some reason my mind came up with this idea saying if i biked fast enough no one would notice it.

Stupid me i ended up getting more looks from people.. That was the last time i went outside on my bike, that summer.


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@courntey I know.. i should have put this as private..
My poor Ninja.. why would you put this here.. you just embarrased you self even more.
didn't exactly get no.3...ahh im so daft...kekke.cringe worthy moments...laughed so hard when i read no.2.....ha...OH!..makes sense!..embarassing moment no.2 has somethin to do with goin no.2...just shows that im extremley daft...sigh...kekeke
candy_ellia #4
LOL! :D that was so embarrassing! poor you... Dora? haha!
Omo! u people read this?! more embarrassing storys for me .. aww well , thanks for the support tillie Love! @JJ i was so embarrased that day when everyone tells me to share an embarrassing moment i always say that one <br />
@sparkle Number one ... *shakes head in shame* it was dreadful expecially cuz i had to stay on for a long time , and he wuddet come off either, and he was talking on his phone after that whole thing and for all i know he cud have been tlking about me....
LOL! That's so funny! Ahahaha, I especially like no1
jelly_jonghyun #7
omggggg that's some cute secrets exposed... okie seriously the underwear part was extreme I was hoping that no no not in underwear please... but yeah .. youre everyone had their own embarrassing moment so it's okie ^^