♥ EØN ♥ APPLICATIØN [bambiz13]


AFF Username: bambiz13

Profile link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/13262 (did I link it right? hahaha)


Character Info

Character Name: Lee Haejung
English Name: Doesn't have one because she only stays in Asia and prefers people to call her Haejung or other nicknames they made for her.
Nickname(s): Hae, Lihae
Ethnicity: Thai & Korean
Date of Birth: 20 October 1996
Age: 15
Blood type: AB
Birthplace: Seoul
Hometown: Bangkok
Languages: Thai, Korean, English, Japanese
Height: 161 cm
Weight: 46 kg



Ulzzang Name: Kim Seulmi
Ulzzang Links: 

  1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-b1icUOGBM9Q/Tvx2dRySP9I/AAAAAAAAAjo/UbyCLuaAiy8/s1600/18.jpg
  2. http://weheartit.com/entry/15154457/via/everlastingkpop#
  3. http://www.gokpop.com/i1/artists/hero/1/428-kimseulmi-cs3m.jpg

Back-up Ulzzang Name: Jo minyoung

Ulzzang Links:

  1. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7tmzp9Vtk1rthifdo1_500.png
  2. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m836z4pdJq1qipg3ko1_500.png
  3. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6sixbCZJl1rthifdo1_500.png


Personal Information

Personality: She is an outgoing girl and is always cheerful. She makes sure no one is left or feels left out when they are in groups, people around her will always see her smiling and talking to other people therefore she is is known as the mood maker. However she only opens up and show her weakness (crying etc.) to people she is comfortable with which is her best friend and her dad.

People rarely sees her mad but if she is things will get really bad because she will start throwing things and will shout at other people even if they are not included in the fight. If she dislikes something she will do whatever it takes to get rid of it or get it out of her sight, for example she hates veggies and to get rid of it she will put it in other peoples plate even though she knows they hate it as well. When strangers first she her they will think that she is the innocent and sweet type of girl but once you really get close to her you will realise she is the complete opposite because she is a prankster and she loves reading fanfics (yes..i just included that in my application hahahaha).

Childhood/Background History: She was born in Seoul but because of family problems she had to move to Thailand since she was 2 therefore she doesnt remember anything about Korea at all. She was waiting for her mum to pick her up from school like she always did but instead her dad picked her up and told her that her mum had died in an road accident, she had lost her mother when she was 13. After that her and her dad went back to live in Seoul and she started a new life there. Instead of being close to the mother more than the dad like other children she was closer to her dad she will tell him everything and will trust him the most. She met her friend on her first day of school in Korea and became best friends instantly because they had lots of things in common. She wanted to become a singer because she likes the feeling of people cheering you on when you are on stage and that you are acknowledged by other people.


  1. Sweets
  2. Pastel colours
  3. Animals
  4. Eating
  5. Shopping
  6. Cartoons / Movies
  7. Night sky / stars
  8. Bread


  1. Veggies
  2. Thunder
  3. Dirty places
  4. Insects
  5. Antis (Any kind)
  6. People who talks behinds peoples back
  7. Spicy food
  8. Raw food (seafood)



  1. Reading (fan fics LOL)
  2. Watching Horror films but needs someone to watch it with her
  3. Browsing the internet
  4. Cooking 
  5. Hanging out with people (Shopping)
  6. Listening to music
  7. Dancing (Cover dance)



  1. Chew on
  2. Listing to songs when she is taking a shower
  3. Tends to day dream a lot
  4. Walking in the rain without an umbrella
  5. spazzes when she sees cute things
  6. Tends to "ship" everything together



  1. Composing
  2. Makes people laugh
  3. Singing
  4. Dancing
  5. Cooking
  6. Acting


  1. Loves to play pranks
  2. Loves cute things
  3. has a soft spot for eye smiles
  4. Thinks that people with tatoos are cool but scary at the same time




Dad - Lee Haesoo - 39 - Owner of a small supermarket - Alive

Mum - Choi Yoonri - Deceased

Older sister - Lee Haeri - 19 - Student - Alive

Friends: BFF - Anna - 16

Friends (like a brother) - Jongup - 17 - B.A.P 

Role Model(s): Hyosung (Secret)

Love Interest: Zelo - 15 - B.A.P - Senior and donseang relationship (Helps each other out)

How did you two meet?: Sees Haejung having difficulties while practising by herself and decides to help out by teaching

Back-up Love Interest: Sungyeol - 21 - Infinite - Senior
How did you two meet?: Got set up by a blind date from friends not knowing about the but Sungyeol is determine to show that the doesn't matter and they can still have a cute relationship (no rated things here hahaha)

Rival: Sunhwa (Secret)
Why are you two rivals?: Had an arguement that led to a fight together when Haejung was still a trainee 


Trainee Life

How did you become a trainee?: Wanted to become a idol because her love for performing and being on stage
How were you treated as a trainee?: Bad. because she was always get picked on for being one of the youngest trainees and will always get used to do chores or run errands. Always get shouted at when she did a dance move wrong when she sings out of rhythm.
Years of training: 3 years 
Experience(s): Back up dancer for lots of groups, in the championship round for street dance
Were you previously in any other companies?: No



Stage Name: Haejung
Persona: Evil Cutie (Evil because of her pranks on everyone and cutie because her appearance gives of a cute vibe)
Position: Lead Vocal / Lead Dancer
Fanclub Name: Sky (Because of her love for skies)
Fanclub Colour: Pastel Blue



Singing Skills: 

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Npn2zYeE9GA
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SskF_M1g48o
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akq0vx8Ucvs

Dancing Skills:

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1hH-fSkVrw
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFXNOsxnN04&feature=related
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2gP_YFAQPA

Rapping Skills:

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iqUF34henc
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4W-9f_rCUS0
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUS6Gj4_714



Suggestions/Comments: WOW that was long hahaha its alrady 3AM here!!!
Other: Cant wait to know who gets the part *crosses finger*
Password: Super Junior, B1A4, B.A.P, infinite


(First come first serve basis; depends on if you’re chosen)



[ ] Main Dancer / Lead Vocal
  [ ] Main Rapper / Lead Dancer
  [ ] 2nd Rapper /    Lead Vocal
[ ] Main Vocal / Lead Dancer
[x] Lead Dancer / Lead Vocal
Back Up Position:
   [ ] Main Dancer    / Lead Vocal
  [x] Main Rapper / Lead Dancer
[ ] 2nd Rapper /  Lead Vocal
[ ] Main Vocal / Lead Dancer
[ ] Lead Dancer / Lead Vocal


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