♡ Min{x} ♡ || Application || Kim Haneul ||

♡ Min{x} 

Contact Information:
AFF Username: KittyKatNinja4eva
AFF Profile Link: Click!
Character Information:
Full Name: Kim Haneul
Nickname(s): Sasha (Her English Name and it goes well with sassy), Sassy Pants, Umma
Age: 20
Date of Birth: March 30, 1992
Place of Birth: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Ethnicity: Korean-Canadian
Blood Type: O
Languages spoken: Fluent in Korean, English and Japanese
How You Act Around People:
She's outgoing, bold, lively and full of spirit. There's never a dull moment when she's around. She can be quite random at times and has been known to burst into song here and there.
She has a tendency of speaking her mind even if it's rude or brutally honest. Though she does try to be not so hurtful with her words. She's not the one to beat around the bush and likes to just come out with it. She also very respectful towards others. She likes making sassy remarks A LOT which has earned her nickname.
She's really affectionate and caring towards her friends, teammates, and family and even her fans.
She's a thoughtful and open-minded person that likes to see the glass half full.
She can be quite determined when she has her mind set on something. Some people would just say that she's stubborn.
She's really devoted to her career and doesn't take it for granted. She's also cooperate to work with.
She's doesn't tolerant any whining, tantrums or any disrespect.
She's can be a bit of a germ a phobe at times. She showers every morning and right before going to bed. She tends to wash her hands a lot especially before eating and after a fan-signing event. She does most of the cleaning in the dorm. But she won't clean the others' rooms. She likes doing everyone's laundry because she finds it relaxing.
She's also really motherly towards the other members and loves to care and cook for them. Earning the nickname Umma.
Even though she's the Umma of the group she hates getting up early and is usually the last one to wake up. When she is tired she tends to behave like a zombie minus the flesh eating part. But if you annoy her when she's in this state she will bite you.
If she's around someone that she dislikes then she ignores them and keeps her distance.
Background History: She's the oldest out of her siblings which is why she is so motherly. She has a 16-year-old brother and two younger twin sisters at the age of 7-years-old. When she was roughly 17 her parents got divorced and her father remarried a much more younger woman that she can't stand and to add more gas to the fire the new marriage give her a 17 year old step sister that is a total spoiled brat! Yeah Ji Hye can be a brat a times but at least she's sweetie and a cutie even if she likes pulling pranks but she keeps her on her toes and she can live with that. But her step sister is just plain evil! But even though she couldn't stand her new step family she moved with her dad to Seoul so she could become a trainee and try to make it as a idol. She texts, calls, e-mails, or skypes her family, besides her dad and step family, a least 4 times a week.
  1. Strawberries, Cheesecake, Ice cream, Chocolate: Her favorite foods and wishes she could eat them all the time.
  2. Hello Kitty and Pokemon: Because they're awesome and so kawaii!
  3. Butterflies: They're so pretty!
  4. Animals and Nature: She grown up in the country.
  5. Anime and Manga: Epic. Need I say more?
  6. Lip Gloss: Has a wide and growing collection.
  7. Fashion and shopping: Do I really need to explain why?
  1. Cockroaches: They're gross and carry diseases!
  2. Spinach and Pineapple: Tastes gross.
  3. Waking Up Too Early: She rather sleep in.
  4. The Quiet: It's just too awkward and eerily. The main reason that she loves listening to music on her iPhone.
  5. Getting Yelled At: It scares her and makes her tear up.
  6. Being Cold: She thinks she's cold-blooded.
  7. Too Much Pink: Too girly!
  8. Most Girly Girls: Annoying and wouldn't know a good days hard work if it hit them in the face.
  9. Porcelain dolls, Puppets, and Clowns: Creepily! They can stay far away!
  1. Playing Harvest Moon and Pokemon games on her DS Lite.
  2. Yoga and Pilates. She's really flexible.
  3. Shopping! Either for shoes, clothes, toys, books, CDs or DVDs, it doesn't matter. She loves it!
  4. Reading manga and watching anime. Watching Canadian shows like Sanctuary and Video on Trial and American shows like Criminal Minds and House M.D.. Also reading books by Shakespeare and by authors like Jodi Picoult. Favorite book is 'The Pact' by Jodi Picoult. Loves reading magazines like Cosmopolitan.
  5. Drawing cartoons, anime and animals. She loves drawing different Pokemon.
  6. Dancing and Singing. She couldn't go a day without doing either.
  1. Tends to talk to herself and animals a lot.
  2. Will burst into song at random times.
  3. Cleaning. If she sees a mess then she starts cleaning it without really thinking first. It calms her.
  4. Likes to play with her hair and nails when she's bored.
  5. Bites her lower lip when scared, nervous or about to cry.
  1. Usually has these items with her. Her fave Leather Jacket. Her backpack with her many key chains. Her iPhone 4s with a leopard print case and Hello Kitty headphones.
  2. Her belly area and feet are very ticklish.
  3. Has her belly button pierced and ears pierced twice.
  4. Has a large collection of Hello Kitty, anime and Pokemon items.
  5. Favorite colours are blue, silver, green and purple.
  6. Loves to eat and basically has a black hole for a stomach.
  7. Has scars caused by barbed wire on both her ankles from when she was 7 and was running through the bush and her feet got caught in loose hidden barbed wire.
  8. Has never had her first kiss.
  9. Has 3 tattoos. Shoulders || Right Wrist || Left Wrist
  10. Wears a ring that was given to her from her great grandma.
Height: 163 cm
Weight: 54 kg
Ulzzang's Name: Kim Shin Yeong
Ulzzang Links:  || One || Two || Three || Four || Five ||
Back-up Ulzzang's Name: Song Ah Ri
Back-up Ulzzang Links: || One || Two || Three || Four || Five ||
Style: Casual: Colourful tops, mostly tank-tops, t-shirts, blouses, and hoodies. Neutral coloured cardigans. Skinny jeans, coloured skirts, leather skirts, or leather pants. Her favorite leather jacket of course. Coloured, black, gray, or metallic heels, flats, sandals, boots, wedges, and sneakers. Coloured, black, white, or gray casual dresses paired with leggings.
Formal: Coloured blouses paired with dress pants or skirts with heels or flats. A classy dress paired with heels.
Training: Loose fitting shirts, tank-tops, sports bras, cropped tops and hoodies. Baggy sweat-pants, shorts or leggings.
Swimwear: Colourful two piece, flip-flops, and shorts.
Sleep-wear: Oversized t-shirts paired with leggings or short-shorts. Cami tank-tops, silk bottoms or night gowns. Fuzzy slippers.
|| One || Two || Three || Four || Five ||
Relationships and Friendships:
Mother: Kim Irene | 45 | An editor of Cosmopolitan magazines. | Canadian
Relationship with character: Has a very strong and loving relationship and she tells her mother everything.
Father: Park Chul | 47 | Doctor | Korean
Relationship with character: It used to be good but after he remarried it all went down hill. He tends to ignore her a lot.
Step-Mother: Park Jessica | 35 | Nurse | American-Korean
Relationship with character: They can't stand each other! So they try their best to ignore each other and keep their distance.
Brother: Park Alec | 16 | Student | Korean-Canadian
Relationship with character: Their really close and tells each other their problems.
Sister: Kim Tora | 7 | Student | Korean-Canadian
Relationship with character: Very close! Loves her to bits!
Sister: Tori | 7 | Student | Korean-Canadian
Relationship with character: Also very close! She loves her so much!
Step-Sister: Park Sabrina | 20 | Make-up artist | American-Korean
Relationship with character: It's a hate relationship. Sabrina loves to belittle her.
Best Friend: Tao | 19 | Exo M | Haneul can't help but act motherly towards him. Their really close and text each other daily. They like to practice their rapping and dancing together.
Best Friend: Key | 20 | SHINee | Love talking about fashion together. They also go on shopping trips and hang out a lot.
Friends: Taemin | 19 | SHINee | Can't help but act motherly towards him. She sees him as a younger brother. They sometimes practice their dancing together.
Friend: Lay | 20 | Exo M | The older brother she always wanted.
Friend: Chen | 19 | Exo M | Shares his problem of public speaking.
Friend: Chanyeol | 19 | Exo K | Never fails at making her smile.
Love Interest:
Name: Kris | 21 | Exo M
Personality: He's very social and can talk to anyone. He knows magic tricks. He's the fashion king of Exo M. Looks really cool, but is actually an innocent, obedient and naive guy. He loves the fact that she's close to Exo M but also a bit jealous. Likes talking to Haneul in English so others won't interrupt them. Loves to practice dancing and rapping with her.
Have You Met?: No
How Did You Meet?: n/a
Back-up Love Interest's Name: Key | 20 | SHINee
Personality: Is known as a diva at times. He has a keen fashion sense. Is known as the Umma of his group for his nagging. is a really caring guy though. He is also sentiment and hates heights.
Have You Met?: Yes
How Did You Meet?: During her trainee years. One day she was running late and as she turned the corner she ran into Key. She apologized to him many times before running off. She ended up dropping her sketch book that was filled with drawings. Key picked it up and the next day he waited at the same spot at the same time in hopes that she would appear so he could return the book. She did appear and thanked him for returning her sketch book. They exchanged numbers.
Name{s}: Hyoyeon | 22 | SNSD
Reason For Being Rivals: It's a friendly rivalry. They each want to be the better dancer.
How Did You Become A Trainee?: Auditioned and got accepted at the age of 17.
Trainee Years: 3
Trainee Life: It was difficult with balancing school and trainee life but she made it work. She made many trainee friends.
Other Experiences: Dancer
Stage Name: Sasha
Position: Lead vocalist | Main Vocalist | Lead dancer | Main dancer | Main rapper | Lead rapper | Lead visual | Spokesperson
Persona: Sassy Sasha
Your Fanclub Name: Gems
Fanclub Color: Cyan Blue
Debut Song Suggestion: Hot Issue by 4Minute
Comments/Remarks: Fighting!
Debut Album Name Suggestions?: Fresh
What is your introduction? : Annyeonghaseyo! Min{x}'s Sassy but classy Main Dancer and lead rapper Sasha!
The Password:


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