♡ Min{x} ♡ || Application || Shimizu Jihye ||


♡ Min{x} 

Contact Information:
AFF Username: Taeminnies_wifey
AFF Profile Link: Profile
Character Information:
Full Name: Shimizu Ji hye
Nickname(s): Izu and Koinu {Puppy in Japanese}
Age: 16
Date of Birth: May 23, 1995
Place of Birth: San Fransisco, California
Hometown: Tokyo, Japan
Ethnicity: Japanese-Korean
Blood Type: AB
Languages spoken: Japanese {Fluent}, Korean{Fluent}, English{Fluent}
How You Act Around People:
Jihye has a horrible first impression, when you first meet her it seems as like she hates your guts. But, when you get to know her she's cute and bubbly. She is super clumsy, she almost falls about 5 times a day, if she doesn't fall one day then thats super rare. She's a prankster, like the Princess of Pranks. She always has tricks up her sleves and techinically pranks almost anyone she sees everyday. She is normally into a modern and rich place so, she isn't used to all the houses without air-conditioning or houses without steps/stairs. If the house she's in doesn't have stairs she makes a tantrum. She always gets what she wants, she's almost like a spoiled brat only nicer and sweeter. 
Ji hye is very goofy and clumsy around people. She has lots of humor and can make anyone laugh. But, she plants pranks on anyone she can find anytime. You could call her a mood-maker of the group since, she's like always talking and laughing. Her friends from her Seoul Arts School tell her that she's like the reborn of Hyuna from the way she talks and acts. She's very caring for people, she cooks for them all the time. Even if she's not in her own house/dorm.
Background History: 
Her life was very modern and rich, she always got whatever she wanted because she was the only child. And being the only child meant she was independent and didn't need anybody else but, her parents and friends. She doesn't act like a spoiled brat like any normal kis would if they had those things. She was very polite, mannered, and caring. She even cooked for her parents when she was just 8 years old, she was always the highest in the class of her grades, and also the most popular because of her looks. Her parents loved her alot but, they couldn't be with her alot because of their work. So, she had her nanny always accompany her when she was little. Ji hye only gets to see her parents about 10 times a year, when you think about it...thats only a few times in a whole year.
- Lee Taemin: She loves him. She has secret camera that she takes pictures of him with. 
- Bubble Tea: She used to drink it with her bestfriend before and she still drinks it because it just tastes good and yummy.
- Banana Milk: She's completly obbsessed with it. She cannot sleep without drinking a bottle of it. It's like her air in order to live.
- Basketball: Her dad taught her it when she was little. She is a pro at shooting but, she just doesn't know how to play at perfessional games.
- Stuffed Toys: She has a collection of them in her bed. If she finds out she loses one, she throws a big tantrum until someone finds it.
- Books: Can't sleep without reading one. If she doesn't read one in the day, she stays up all night just to finish a chapter.
- Frogs: Their slimy and gross...Duh~
- Dust: They make her sneeze too much.
- Coffee: It tastes gross and weird to her.
- Volleyball: She got hit in the face with a Volleyball once.
- Girly girls: They make her puke with all their cuteness...even though she's like one herself.
- Bossy people: She hates being pushed around to do things.
- Cooking: Cooks for all the members even though she is one of the youngest in the group.
- Singing: It's the thing that she does almost everysingle moment and time of the day.
- Dancing: Started dancing when she was just 5 years old.
- Pagents: She won every pagent she was in and never lost one.
- Baking: She loves baking cookies and cupcakes.
- Smiling too much: She's almost like EXO's Chanyeol. Yes, she's like a Happy Virus in the group.
- Giving Cupcakes and Cookies to everyone she meets: When she meets someone she always brings a cookie or cupcake. If she doesn't give one expect her to give a dozen later on.
- Throwing too much tantrums: Trowing alot, almost everysingle day.
- Forcing people to read books: She loves books and when she finds one she really likes. She forces people to read it.
- Sleeping with the lights on: She gets too lazy to turn them off and she's scared of the dark
- A crazy wild type AB
- Plays piano, violin, and guitar
- Was a model for Etude House
- Background dancer for Hyuna
- Ideal Type: Lee Taemin
- Role Model: Hyuna
Height: 168 cm
Weight: 44 kg
Ulzzang's Name: Seo Ji hye
Ulzzang Links: || One || Two || Three || Four || Five ||
Back-up Ulzzang's Name: Kang Su Ra
Back-up Ulzzang Links:  || One || Two || Three || Four || Five ||
Style: Girly and fun style that will make anyone envious of her clothing.
|| One || Two || Three || Four || Five ||
[ Don't ask why I didnt do all 5...It's 12 in the morning people ><;; ]
Relationships and Friendships:
Mother: Furuwaka Aoi | 36 | Fashion Designer | Japanese |
Step Mother: Oku Yu Mi | 35 | Restourant owner | Japanese |
Relationship with character: Both very sweet and caring to Ji hye. 
Father: Shimizu Hyunchul | 40 | Owner of rising acting company in Seoul | Japanese-Korean |
Relationship with character: Loves Ji hye dearly. Spoils Ji hye to make up for not spending lots of time with her.
Siblings: Park Hyunchul | 21 | Idol of The Boss | Korean |
Relationship with character: Is the half brother of Ji hye. Takes care of her well, always calls her before bed to check on her.
Best Friends:
Key | 20 | SHINee | Knows about her crush on Taemin and the 'first kiss' incident. Goes to him for any problem.
Krystal | 17 | f{x} | Sneaks out together to buy ice cream or clothes
Yuri | 22 | SNSD | Close friend, takes her out for shopping.
Yoona | 21 | SNSD | Her rolemodel, Yoona teaches her modeling and acting.
Kai | 18 | EXO | He's almost like her brother
Love Interest:
Name: Lee Taemin | 19 | SHINee
[...Why the heck are you so old now Taemin? ; ~ ; ]
Personality: Taemin is very childish and playful. He also likes Ji hye and tries showing her that he likes her but, fails since Ji hye is very clueless. He holds Ji hye's hand secretley sometimes and tries asking her out multiple times but, fails since people kept interupting him. Taemin gets very jealous when Ji hye is talking to other boys other than him.
Have You Met?: Yes
How Did You Meet?:
They were at the same salon with each other and Taemin asked the lady that was washing Ji Hye's hair to change spots with her and so the lady did. And Taemin was washing Ji hye's hair and she didnt know because she was asleep. So, in order to wake her up Taemin kissed her on the lips then ran away. Ji Hye woke up and asked the lady who that was and the lady said it was Taemin.
Taemin later that day found out that he took Ji hye's first kiss and they fell for each other ever since.
Back-up Love Interest's Name: Kai | 18 | EXO
Personality: Kai is very sweet and caring to Ji Hye. He takes care of her alot since, her parents aren't around her alot.
Have You Met?: Yes
How Did You Meet?: They met when Ji Hye just started to be a trainee. Ji hye told her story to Kai and he took care of her.
Name{s}: Choi Sulli | 18 | f(x)
Reason For Being Rivals: They used to be best friends until Sulli tried stealing Taemin even though she knew that Ji Hye liked him. Ever since those two were on a war to get Taemin. 
How Did You Become A Trainee?: Ji Hye got discovered when she was doing a singing contest in Japan. That's when a manager from SM Entertainment went up to her dressing room and asked her to be a trainee with Lee Sooman's permission.
Trainee Years: 4 years and 2 months
Trainee Life: She had a hard trainee life. Ji hye was living in Japan then moved to South Korea to train that means moving away from her family. She had to balance school and trianing, it was hard cause she started training when she was just 12 years old. She also had to give up spending time with her friends and couldn't live a 'normal' life. Her grandma died when she was a trainee so, she almost gave up being a trainee in SM Entertainment but didn't because her grandma was the one who persuaded her mom to let her be a trainee.
Other Experiences:
- Has modeled for Etude House
- An actress for her dad's company
Stage Name: Jihye
Position: Lead vocalist | Main Vocalist | Lead dancer | Main dancer | Main rapper | Lead rapper | Lead visual | Spokesperson
Persona: Spoiled Princess/ Puppy Izu
Your Fanclub Name: Heartwaves
Fanclub Color:               
Debut Song Suggestion: I'm in suggesting for my own story
Comments/Remarks: Make sure your application looks like this okai? ^^
Debut Album Name Suggestiobns? : I'm not suggesting for my own story
What is your introduction? : Annyeonghaseyo! Min{x}'s Shining Main Vocalist imnida!
The Password:
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