I need some information

Sigh. Okay. So I plan to vist South Korea sometime. I have shared this lovely news with my mother, but she thinks it's a horrible idea. I promise I'm not trying to offend anyone, but is South Korea a safe place to go for a Caucasian American? I want to go so bad, but my mom keeps telling me that people there really don't like Americans, but I just don't know what to think. So if your reading this, and you've been to, or live in South Korea, please help me out. I would really like things to be straightened out. I would love love love to go, but of course I want to be safe. I mean it's a completely different country on the other side of the world! So please help out and let me know if you can. Thank you! <3


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Okay, so I've been to Korea before and most people won't really like you if you don't know a few phrases in Korean plus they don't like it if you're too loud. And just to warn you, you will probably have to buy at least one thing from every store you walk into because the sales people wot leave you alone until you do.. There really isn't much to say, but there is an English speaking 'section' in Korea full of American schools and people. If you have any questions feel free to ask c:
Your mom is wrong. South Korea is a very safe place for you to be, and Koreans are very friendly. Like it's been said in other comments, they love having the chance to meet foreigners, so you really don't have anything to worry about. If you ever do get the chance to go, you'll love it ^^
I went their alone and I had no problems! The thing is is that some people are just naturally cold in Korea so don't let that get to you. I have friends that are living there and nothing has happened to them! She can check crime rates and stuff, South Korea is a pretty safe place with a big foreigner population. I haven't really met Koreans with things against foreigners, especially not white people, japanese and chinese might be a dif story. just saying you can get by pretty easy with English!
I agree with gelisi. Plus Koreans love meeting foreigners! I haven't been to S. Korea but there are a lot of students from there going to my school this year and every time I go up to speak to them they seem to be so happy to have a foreigner try and have a conversation with them.
I've never once heard that South Korea is a bad place to go. In fact, all the travel information that I've read says that South Koreans love Americans.
If you are white, the majority of the world will love you.
Your mom doesn't know what she's talking about. They're not going to be mean to you, they actually look forward to any opportunity to meet foreigners. They love westerners, for whatever reason. Their fascination with us is as strong, if not stronger, than our fascination with them. You would be fine.
I have no info on how to help, but when you find out, can you let me know? I plan on visiting there my summer of senior year & I'm going to need to know the same things haha.
your mom is wrong. You might get some stares but koreans are very friendly :D