new frontier application

Application for Main characters:-


Contact info.

·        Username: kitten83

·        Profile Link:

Appearance and Style.

·        Appearance:


·        Style:

Casuals :


Party :


Nightwear :



·        Technology:



Laptop :


Cameras :


·        Extra on looks:

  • , a phoenix tattoo on her back
  • , dragon tattoo on her left arm
  • , white tiger on her right arm.
  • two piercings on both ears
  • a small scar on her left eye

Personal Info.

·        Name: Bianca Choi Hyesu

·        Nickname (s): Bia, Bee, Su, Caca, Kitten


·        Super Hero name: Renegade?? or maybe you could come up with a better one for me??

·        Age: 18

·        D.O.B: 30/9/1993

·        Height: 170 cm

·        Weight: 56 kg

·        Ethnicity( they are from all over the world, so try something newer than Asian): Eurasian (Korean, Chinese, Malay, Dutch)

·        Birth place: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

·        Current location: Seoul, Korea

·        Personality (Be creative and please, not everyone is sad and suffering): She looks like an ice queen based on the first impression with pale complexion, cold steel blue eyes that reminds a person of a white tiger on a hunt or a vampire as some had once told her and cold demeanor. The reality is that she is a cheeky, friendly, out-going, mischievous, sarcastic, curious, open-minded, loyal, independent, active, humble and tomboyish girl. It is because of her background that made her wary of people and the ice queen mask is just a front in order for her to watch people and to see whether the person is sincere in befriending her for her or because of who she is.

She loves animals and her favorite animal is the cat hence the nickname kitten by her friends as she looks younger than her age and like the cat, She is a fierce and independent girl behind the "cute" looks. And like the cat too, this lil kitten's claws are sharp and mixed with a wicked sense of humor. So do not be fooled by this girl's cute cold looks because behind it all, she is like her mask's name sake a cold, cruel and ruthless person to anyone who hurts her or her loved ones. If you do try hurt or bully her or her loved ones or anyone, you'll end up with a nice er punch or being pulled into a prank that would either be funny, cruel or humiliating to you because no one would believe that the ice queen is able to pull one prank or fight with her cold, stoic, "poker" face.

She is very protective of her friends and is willing to do almost anything to protect them. Most of her friends are guys hence why is a bit of a tomboy as she loves to play sports with them especially with her friends and relatives. So it wouldn't be a surprised to see her playing basketball with one of her cousins, minho of shinee and can shoot a wicked 3-pointer throw. But don't be mistaken that she is not feminine or boyish because she is a girl after all, just not too feminine or girly as other girls. Curiosity kills the cat as most people say but it hasn't kill this lil kitten because she is very curious and loves to learn and try out new things. As a result she is truly a jack of all trades. Some people will also say that she is a geek because she loves books and is very tech-savvy, so if you go out with her to a mall and she is suddenly MIA, do not worry, just go find her at either a book store, computer store, music store, jewelery store or shoe store and you will find her there.

She is a humble girl who always kept a low profile of herself due to her background and she doesn't like to flaunt her wealth either. She likes volunteering at the animal shelters and orphanages as she loves kids too. She is often involve in doing charity as well since her family is rich and is well-known for their charities. She's very hard-working and most of her spending money are not from her inheritance or trust fund as she works as a translator, model for her sister-in-law's cosmetic line of products, DJ and co-owns several nightclubs with her sister-in-law as her partner. People would say that she is a spoil brat, like her elder brother and she will tell you off with a glare that she isn't because she hasn't touched one cent of her trust fund money and inheritance.

She loves eating cold treats, cheesy food and spicy food so do not be surprised to see her at the Baskin Robbins shop on a daily basis or at 7eleven buying a large slurpee or at a pizza parlor eating a pizza with extra cheese. She hates the color pink because to her it is annoying and too girly so do not buy her anything pink. If you want to buy her gifts, get her jeweleries as she loves them especially necklaces with crystals, cats, and dragon pendants. She likes stuffed toys as well and shoes. She doesn't really like big crowds but tolerates them enough to keep her loved ones happy so if you go out clubbing, you would either see her sitting at a table drinking with her friends or dancing with friends surrounding her nearby their table.

·        Likes (6+):

  • Cats
  • Books
  • Kids
  • Sports
  • Martial Arts
  • Singing
  • Jewelleries
  • Shoes
  • Chocolate-Making
  • Cookie making
  • DVDS
  • Anime
  • Spicy food
  • Cheesy food
  • Cold treats

·        Dislikes(6+):

  • Bugs
  • Pink
  • Hypocrites
  • People who underestimate and looks down on people
  • Bullies
  • Liars
  • People who brags
  • People who like to jump to conclusions and accuse people without knowing the whole truth.
  • Bimbos

·        Hobbies (5+):

  • Reading
  • Singing
  • Sleeping
  • Traveling
  • Shopping
  • Writing
  • Sports
  • Martial Arts
  • Making chocolates
  • Making cookies
  • Clubbing

·        Talents: (anything other than being mutant like dancing, singing etc)

  • Languages - Cantonese, Japanese, Korean, English, Malay, Mandarin
  • Martial Arts
  • Handling weapons
  • Sports
  • Singing
  • Writing and producing
  • Imitating a cat's sound and other voices
  • Musical Instruments - Saxophone, chinese harp, harp, piano, organ

·        Past life (how ur life was before u joined the institution): She is the youngest and only daughter of her family. She comes from a rich family but is raised mostly by her uncles ever since she was a toddler as her family are often away on business. Her father is an entrepreneur who is a hard-working and a workaholic and owns several business and companies in different industries. Her mother is a publisher and editor with her own publishing company. Her elder brother by 12 years is a CEO of a telecommunication company that is owned by the family. Her sister-in-law is a former beautician and an entrepreneur with her own cosmetic company, beauty centers and several of the hottest nightclubs in town which her partner and heir is Bianca herself. But her parents had divorced for several years already and her mother had re-married to her step-father, Kang Hyukjae, a fellow businessman who is also a family friend and had a child, Kang Minhyuk, from his previous marriage as well.

As a child, she is often left in the care of her uncle, soon her "Uncle" Jaejin, her sister-in-law's father and her step-father's family as well. All three families treated her as one of their own and sometimes spoil her as she is quite good in manipulating people but she rarely does it as she doesn't like to do it unless if she has too. She is very close with her cousins, Choi Seunghyun @ TOP of Big Bang, Choi Minho of Shinee, Choi Siwon of Super Junior, and and her step-brother, Kang Min Hyuk of C.N Blue and they were one of the reasons that she is a bit of a tomboy because she often follows them around and do almost everything together. The only female influences she has is her sister-in-law, mother and aunts which is not as many as the guys in the family. She had a happy childhood and she is loved by her relatives and family despite often being alone and her elder brother doesn't like her that much since to him, she is just a burden.

But one incident had changed her and made her into who she is which is she was attacked by some thugs who were following her after she was finished with school because of who she is connected too. It was then she found out that her strict but caring uncle Jaejin is the head of one of the most powerful mob family and at first she was very angry on finding that out but eventually accepted it. As a result, she was trained to fight, self-defend and handle weapons so that she could protect herself in case of another attack or other situations. She knew then that people might try to use her for their own benefits or hurt her because of who her family is as she is not just related and have connections with a mob family but also an heiress to the Choi family as well as they are one of the elite families too.

She only discovered that she is a mutant when she was attacked again by one of her Uncle's enemies when she was going back home from school and that all of a sudden her body started to change as she was thinking of how it would be easy to just have a pair of wings and escape by flying and a pair of wings sprouted out from her back and flew much to her shock. As she landed on her home's backyard only to find her family there staring at her as the wings slowly dissappeared. Much to her surprise her family was more accepting with the fact that she is a mutant and began to fuss about how will they should find someone to teach her on how to control her powers and also be able to protect her now that she is a mutant and also a target for almost everyone in the world especially to scientists, and her family's enemies. It is only her older brother who just glared and said that she is a burden as a child and is adding another burden with the discovery of her being a mutant which only made his own wife and other family members angry at him.

·        What do you think of Humans?: She thinks humans are creatures who are unpredictable in nature and thoughts. Because some humans are very nice, and accepting with open minds while the others are just hypocites and closed minded.

·        Theme Song: Jessie J - Who You Are

·        Do u own any vehicle?:

Car -


·        Secrets: She could conjure up barriers/force fields but no one knows of her ability to do it.



*Relationship Info:

·        Partner (State Top five from most wanted to least wanted and u can choose any Kpop guy except for the teachers):

  • Zin of X-5
  • Shin Dongwoo @ CNU of B1A4
  • Mika of The Boss
  • Jang Dongwoo of Infinite
  • Yang Seungho of Mblaq


·        Family(?):

  • Choi Hyesung – dad                                         
  • Selena Yzelman Lee – mom
  • Song Jiae – sister in law
  • Song Jaejin – sister in law’s father
  • Choi Seunghyun @ TOP – cousin
  • Choi Minho – cousin
  • Choi Siwon – cousin
  • Kang Hyukjae – Stepfather

·        Siblings (?):

  • Brandon Choi Hyunsu – older brother
  • Kang Minhyuk – step-brother

·        Rivals:

  • Hyunah of 4 minute
  • Park Gyuri of Kara
  • Dara Park of 2NE1

·        Favorite Teacher (choose from the teacher list given at the end and describe the kind of relationship u have with him/her):

  • Tiffany - she is close with Tifanny because she is always helpful, patient and motherly towards her which reminded Bia of her own mother.
  • Shim Changmin - one of the only teacher who doesn't judge her because of who she is related too and that he's the only one who tries to teach her new things as he soon found out that she is a quick learner and likes to experiment, try out and learn of new things.


Power and abilities (Ahh my favorite part~):

·        Choose two powers from each sets of list given at the end of app:

Set I :

  • Shapeshifting,
  • Teleportation

Set II :

  • Time Travel
  • Fire Element Control

·        Favorite element: Fire

·        Any fighting skills?: She has been learning and trained in all forms of self-defense and martial arts due to her background. She can also handle multiple types of weapons but she often carries a blade with her at all times in case of an attack.


·        Anything You’d like to add: For now I don't have anything to add...

·        Pass *cough* word:

Shinee :


Mblaq :


Gifs :



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lovely app..thnx for applyin~~