Things I Want My Friends To Know About Me.

Two of my awesome unnies did this, so I thought that I'd be doing it too. xD.

{ Inspiration from: TiaraL and SHINeeRoxx. }


I am ambidextrous, meaning that I can use both my hands.

I don't cry that easily, but when I do its doomsday, literally.

I have a over the font colors I'm using now: Pale shocking pink and pale orange.

I'm... short. xD. Like 168cm... and still growing.

I'm half-Korean and half-Chinese, and a full out Singaporean. 

I'm a buddhist.

I eat vegeterian every two days a month, or at special occasions.

My weight's heavy. 55kg.

I am always called the giant in my class, even if I don't think I am. 

I am a die-hard fan of B.A.P, SHINee, Teen Top, Boyfriend, EXO.

My first ever bias was Jonghyun from SHINee.

Now, my life bias is Zelo, and I'm Mrs Choi Junhong. xD.

I love people with es.

I have a health issue, and that means that I am usually ... weak. Even if I dance.

I go by lots of names, and have tons of nicknames: "Malaysia (since it somehow rhymes with Phyllicia), Yeonnie, Yeon, Jaejae."

I have two siblings, an elder brother and a younger brother.

I'm easily provoked.

I always joke around about people... which I don't. xD.

I have nerdgasm for The Hunger Games, and I spazz over KatGale. Kit unnie agrees. /nods.

I ship ChunJoe, JongKey, JongLo, HimLo, JunLicia, ByungKit, JunTia and CharRo. :'D

I have a best friend called Charlin, and we have a weird obsession over... whale es. e_e

I treat friends as a prioity over everything, so see me have epic Asian moments when my brother annoys the out of me. xD.


This is about all that you have to know about me, ahaha. I'm just a ertic person at heart. <3


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nobodiesbae #1
YOURE 168?! Youre almost as tall as SNSD YoonA! How tall do you want to be? If youre taller like urm, 175 cm youll be a female lampost *jk* SNSD Sooyoung is like 170cm and shes the tallest among ALL KPOP GIRL BAND MEMBERS. (I'm 13 and I'm only 158 cm~ ㅠㅠ Youre like 3/4 head taller than me...
*looks at the comments*
lol almost all is about your height xDD
yah, 168cm ish not short~ :3
I'm just taller xDD
Dude, I'm 4'11/149.85 CM. XP

clairdeluna #4
short?! 168 cm is short???!! and you are freakin 11!
i'm 17, I'M 153 CM. what's that made me??!!

AlmightyBlingBling #5
Oh btw HOW DARE U CALL URSELF SHORT T^T I'm only 160 T^T Maybe u tink ur short cuz ur a korean(Koreans r obviously taller den Singaporeans) but actually a 165 Singaporean girl is condsidered tall.
AlmightyBlingBling #6
Whale es.............right..............
168?!?! ARE YOU MAD WOMAN? YOU ARE TALLLLLLLLL! LUCKY TALL PERSON. YAYYYY half Korean. That's so cool. Psh. 55kg is light. This facts thing is becoming a TREND :D Katgaleeeeeeee. FTW. Hmm. I'm ambidextrous too! :3 but I've been neglecting my left hand lately. :(
--fallenangel #8
Boyfriend!! Who's your bias in there? *is curious*
Yeah, young lady. You better not people. Zelo! Control your wife!
THG rocks!! Especially Katniss and Gale ^^ <3
My ChunJoe and ByungKit feels <33333

Yes. You ert.