► A Game of Equilibrium | Application Form

××× A Game of Equilibrium ×××


[Photo of your character]

You've got to go through it to get to the end of it.

Username : [self-explanatory]

Profile link : [hyperlink or I'll shoot you]

Your name : [what would you like us to call you?]



I'm more than just a piece in their Games

Name : [the name of your character, brah...or bro...preferably East Asian, but you can totally add an English name too.]

Age : [12-19 just note...if you're abnormally young with an abnormally old lover...I'll arrest you and him.]

Gender : [male, female, both, neither?]

Sector : [choose from the available. You only have one choice so make your character match it]



You don't forget the face of the person who was your last hope

Ulzzang / Model : [no idols...unless actually they're not there, then yeah, go ahead and use an idol. Shizuka Takeda and Mikki are taken.]

Links : [5+ HQpics. Hyperlink. I don't want any long links. I swear we'll go ape . Don't know how to hyperlink? go ask Taegu.]

Backup Face : [unless you're abnormally freakishly sure that no one else will choose the same face as you, go ahead and take out everything to do with having a backup face.]

Links : [same concept as everything listed above]

Height : [in cm]

Weight : [in kg]

Other : [scars, piercings, anything like some sort of branding that you were given, I dunno. Beauty marks *coughmolecough*, anything that makes you particularly stand out.]



You've got about as much charm as a dead slug.

Personality : [make it lengthy. we're avid readers. more details means that it's more likely for us to portray your character well and ups your chances of getting in]

Likes : [min. 5 max. 10 point form]

Dislikes : [min. 5 max. 10 point form]

Fears : [min. 2]



For there to be betrayal, there would have to have been trust first

History : [what was it like in your sector? how were you treated? etc...Make it lengthy. We don't care if it's a sob story, some sectors are more fortunate than others so it's understandable, just make sure it makes sense with your sector and character.]

Family : [I don't care what format you choose to use just MAKE SURE to include the following. Name, Age, what do they do in the sector? five adjectives to describe personality, a short 5+ sentence description of your relationship together i.e. how you act together. Include whatever other things you want. I think that pictures of them would be cool but it's not mandatory. I don't know what compelled me to think that some of you might be derpy enough to make your family in another sector...but yeah, your family is in your sector and no other.]

The reaping : [What happened? Did you volunteer like the proud person you are? What happened that day that made it so big to you?]

Sector charm : [what did you bring into the Games that represented your sector? Weapons or anything deadly will get you killed.]



They'll either want to kiss you, kill you, or be you

Best Friend : [you see that? it's singular. You only have that one person you trust the most in terms of friends. max. 1 you can choose to have no friends if te gusta. Same things to include like in family section. Must be from your sector.]

Friends : [max. 4. only from your sector, and pretty much the same things to include as best friend / family]

Enemies : [I don't care how many enemies you had in your sector, just give me the name, age and why you hate them, they hate you or you guys hate each other. Enemies are just in you sector.]


Rival : [This is who you see as your rival once the games have begun. You can see them as an enemy if you please. Just say which sector, and why you see them as a rival or worthy opponent. Yes, of course you're allowed to say the authors' sectors, durrr.


Love Interest : [Can be from any sector, doesn't have to be a tribute, can totally just be a sector sweetheart. Include name, age and sector]

Personality : [One paragraph, that's all we ask to get a grasp of his or her character]

Relationship : [Dating? Crushing? Hate each other? We don't care. One nicely detailed paragraph or more of what the two of you are or were like.]

Backup Love Interest : [same as above]

Personality : [same as above, but if the information is the same as above just take this out or say "same as above"]

Relationship : [same as above, but if the information is the same as above just take this out or say "same as above"]



Flight is essential, but I can't let my fear show

On the field : [Are you hesitant when killing people or do you go straight for the kill? Easily distracted? Do you get excited to kill? Do you vomit at the sight of dead corpses? Stuff like that.]

The terrain : [Which terrain's are your terrains or where are you at your strongest? Land, water, hills, trees, forest? max. 2]

Avoid, Avoid, Avoid! : [Which areas / terrains are you at your worst? min. 2]



Here's some advice. Stay alive.

Special skills : [don't go crazy or we might strike you. Are you particularly good at camouflage? Maybe it's your speed or ability to climb.]

Strengths : [max. 3]

Weaknesses : [max. 3]

Weapon : [is there a weapon that you are super deadly with that you must get?]



Happy [Game of Equilibrium]! And may the odds be ever in your favor.

Anything you'd like to say about your character? : [something you were't able to add in the app but wish to add?]

Suggestions : [anything you'd like to see? this includes desired scenes and other things. Anything to inspire us with?]

Questions or comments? : [don't be shy.]

Disclaimer : all subtitle quotes are rightfully Suzanne Collins' 


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