Rant: Am I the only one who thinks BIGSTAR is NOTHING like Big Bang?

I mean, first off: In their song 'Hot Boy', they did a sort of cutesy thing in the chorus, which, as I may recall, Big Bang does NOT do a lot of cutesy songs.

Second: I understand they have a member who raps like GD and has the crazy style and a member that looks a bit like Taeyang back in their La La La era. But, other than that, the other members don't give me any impression of T.O.P, Daesung, or Seungri.

Third: I hate to say it, but they're more powerful dancers than Big Bang. I mean, have you SEEN their practice vids?!

Fourth: They sound more like Block B or Teen Top than Big Bang to me.

Fifth: They have their own style

Sixth: (This has nothing to do with their similarites, it just has to do with my own pet peeves with most kpop fans.) I can't believe people are getting ANGRY that they're similar to Big Bang. I mean, who the hell cares?! Are you that in love with your 'Oppas' that you'd bash on a ROOKIE group?! I mean, seriously, grow up. They are NOT copying them what so ever, and if you want to BLAME anyone, blame their producers who DOES most of their songs. Blame their stylists who 'made Kwangseok and Youngjun look like GD and Taeyang.'

I mean, seriously, no one's alike.

Ok, I'm done. Just had to get this off of my chest. (Same goes for BTOB who got bashed for being similar to B2ST even though they're in the same ing company. *Some people are just....Ugh.*)

No idea what I'm talking about? Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLunOf5QsYQ&hd=1





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