Pissed off yesterday

This is a random blog. If you want to read something that makes more sense, feel free to read some other things. cheeky

Anyway, this week had been a hectic one. >_< and yeah...it's been so hectic, that I seem to have forgotten the other things that happened (lol. my poor memory and me)

But there is one thing that happened, that made me feel terribly awful.

And since I'm not in the mood to write (sorry readers! :( ) I'll just tell you the things that one thing that made me awful

So....some of you may know about our project in computer. But for those who don't, I'll gladly explain that to you. (even if you guys probably don't care. :P )

These are the things we must do for that particular project:

  • Do some kind of photoshoot for a music vid
  • We must choose a particular song
  • Make our own version (u-know, changing the lyrics and such),
  • Record our version
  • Make a music vid out of it.

Sounds simple, doesn't it? All it needs is a dash of creativity, and voila! This project could be done in a week (if you are creative, like nearly all our members.) laugh

So yeah, I thought I was lucky to have such creative and genius members, who has lots of ideas in mind. Turns out, I was wrong.

Being in a group, where a lot of members has a lot to offer is difficult. Most especially if you have contradicting ideas.

Anyway, let me discuss the things that pissed me and Angel off.

  • Angel and one of our groupmates, Paul (lol. not his real name) had suggested that we use the song 'gee' because it's cute and we want to make our music vid comedic - and with such a cute song, it's quite easy to make a comedic music vid.
  • Angel had thought of a storyline - nine girls who happen to be friends (excluding me. I'll be the camerawoman) turn into enemies, because of their love for Paul. But near the end, they find out that Paul is gay. So, the ending of this story is that, Paul decides to be a part of their group, and the girls realize that they must never fight over a guy, and that they may remain friends. Actually, this whole story isn't purely from Angel's imaginations - I, together with the other members, threw in ideas that we can use for the storyline. but the main plot was her idea. Know what I mean? :)
  • One of my classmates, Carlos (again, not his real name) moved to our group. He was a genius, too. And I thought he would be a great addition to the team. We revised the story - nine girls, fighting over two guys.
  • And then, one of my groupmates - Zet - kept on bugging me. "Let's also use the part when they were mannequins! That was so cute. I loved it too much, I even practiced their poses!" she said. LOL. she really did practice their poses as mannequins. Anyway, I was so happy that she suggested something. Zet is a shy person, who doesn't speak herself well. And since she had suggested something, it only means that she is actually interested in this project. So because of her, I decided to revise the story...
  • The new story was: Nine girls, who are selfish and unloving had been cursed by a witch (this is my role supposedly. LOL) to be mannequins. They would only be human beings, if they ever love someone or something. And then, they see both Paul and Carlos walking down the street - and they instantly fall in love. They followed both guys wherever they go. They fought over the two of them, and without ever realizing it, they become friends while doing so. In the end they realize that the two guys were gay (they would see them putting on makeup) and they fall out of love. They were expecting to be mannequins again, but they did not turn into mannequins. Instead, they remained to be human beings - because, in the process of following paul and carlos, they have loved each other. The main lesson is that, love doesn't necessarily mean romantic. Once again, this doesn't come from my pure imagination - most of the ideas I used were recycled from my members' ideas. 
  • They seemed to have loved my storyline. Except for the two guys. But nevertheless, the two guys said that whatever we want was okay for the both of them.
  • And then, Angel said that she's having doubts about gee. She suggested that we use a duet song - and we all disagreed with her. We love the ideas we have with gee!
  • so, we talked about costumes, etc.
  •  Angel created some kind of storyboard and a lot of other things with the said idea.


It was already perfect, wasn't it? The ideas, etc. And yeah, we all seem to like the ideas for gee.

If you want this project to have a happy ending, feel free to leave now.

but if you want to know what actually happened, well, read along.


  • The next day, both guys said that they don't really like the idea. They suggested that we use a concept so unique, no one else could think about it. Most of my groupmates agreed (despite the fact that they said they liked gee) agreed. I think it's because it was Carlos who suggested it. He was everyone's oppa or hyung, and everyone likes him. (he's a really nice guy)
  • And we suddenly had a 'debate'. Carlos said "we have to be unique, to stand out. We must have a unique concept" - that was his point. That we have to be unique.
    Angel answered, "It's just okay to have a concept not so unique - for as long as most of our classmates could relate to our music vid" - that was Angel's point. That we have to be relatable.

You see? this is what I mean when I said contradicting ideas.

  • Anyway, despite his suggestion, and the other members' reactions, I decided to still use gee. Why? well, let's just say that they couldn't think of an idea so unique.
  • My other members said that it was just okay to use gee. so yeah, we thought of the other details needed for the music vid.
  • It was announced yesterday, that we would have the photoshoot next week. So, we made finalizations of the details. Everything was fine - until one of my groupmates disagreed to the idea once again.
  • We held a meeting, where Princess said that gee was difficult to make (film, etc) and paul suggested another concept - a 'baby' concept. We would be dressed up as babies, and do just whatever we want to do. And guess what, despite the fact that the thing with gee - the storyline, the costumes, etc - was already concrete and planned out, they liked Paul's idea better. Saying it was cuter and more original. WTH? this was when I started losing my temper. seriously, they could have said this earlier, when we didn't have plans yet.
  • They talked with each other, about the storyline we may use for the said concept. But in the end, they thought of nothing. As for Angel and I, we lost interest in the project. LOL. why must we care? like really. we thought of a storyline, a concept and everything else, but in the end, the efforts would be ignored.
  • The photoshoot is on Monday. and I don't have an idea what we would do. LOL. they don't like gee. And it's difficult to make a project, wherein some of the members disagree with the plans.

i feel bad for Zet, who practiced the dance and the pose. I feel bad for myself, who thought of the storyline which turns out to be unliked. I feel bad for Angel, who put in effort for the music vid.


well, yesterday, at least.

For now, I feel quite better.

And once I click the 'add post' button, I promise not to be angry again. I've said it. I've said what made me angry yesterday...and it made me feel better.. .:)



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It's alright, since everyone has different thoughts. I always have this kind of problems when I'm having a group work but because my members trust me as a leader, they let me lead them and I finally complete the project with my other members. Just pray for yourself! Hwaiting~
AWWW, i feel so bad :___:"<br />
it'll be ok though, groups tend to have different pinion but hopefully it will all work out :) *Fingers crossed*<br />
IM getting annoyed at them by reading this, why are they always not happy?? :'(<br />
i agree with the comments below me, just talk to ur members about how u and Zet feel and how there is little time to complete ur concept thingy<br />
Hopefully they will understand...if not ur Unnies can bashh them up XD jkz....<br />
but yea just explain to them how ur felling <br />
<br />
fickyz #3
Every group project always have some problems...just be patient and try to relax. If you can't handle all the pressure, talk to your members so they can help and somehow help in some way. Understanding each other with their personalities always the best solution~
But... Also, don't worry. Group projects tend to be like this. We all have our own ideas as to what we want, but being in a group means there will be disagreements. Stay positive. Try to fit everyone's tastes and desires. I know you're frustrated of all that hard work down the drain, but maybe the new and "unique" concept will be an amazing idea and the next mv may be 5 times better than the first. Never give up, kay cutie? You're a smart girl. Take charge! You're leader right? =P Goodluck, tell me how you guys figure things out! And I'm here for advice <3
Aigoo cutie, you made my head hurt reading this! Sounds so confusing and I was frustrated just reading/listening about your problem! Geez... This group project turned out into a mess! How did all this happen?!!