Hwang Eunhye The Exorcism: Night of Essere


 c l o s e  m y  e y e s

aff username: princessPica
aff profile link:http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/150618
activeness: Almost everyday


 r e m e m b e r  m e

name: hwang Eunhye
nickname: haru
birthdate: March 19
ethnicity: 3/4 Korean 1/4 Chinese
languages: Chinese, korean, English
bloodtype: 0


 t r y  t o  c o p y  m e

personality: Eunhye is kind of bubbly, She's very funny, Caring and cute. She's also short tempered and doesn't like it when people mess with her friedns and the people she's close to. She doesn't like it when strangers appear out of nowhere and being told what to do. Eunhye loves cooking and is very protective of people she loves. She has a small crush on luhan but keeps it to herself because she doesnt want to ruin their friendship. She hates it when people do Aegyo because she thinks that when your trying to be cute its not actually cute.But she likes Sehuns and Taos Aegyo a lot. She doesn't know how to fight at first but after joining the true cross academy she really gets into it. She's very violent when fighting demons, which always surprises people when they see because her personality is the very opposite of how she behaves when she's fighting.
background: After Eunhye got into a fight with her parents she ran off to the forest to think. She soon realized her mistakes and decided to go home and Apologize to her parents for what she said. Just as she was about to cross the river a demon jumped in front of her and growled. She didnt know how to fight so she did the only thing that came to her mind. She ran. Eunhye was fast but the demon was faster and pushed her to the ground. The demon flexed its sharp fangs and growled once more. " Its been a long time since i've tasted female flesh! I'll devour you whole!" When the demon was about to bite Eunhye's Shoulder she Put her hands in front of the demons face and a light glow emitted from her palms. When she opended her eyes the demon was gone. Crying, Eunhye rushed home and told her parents what happened. They were shocked and told her that she needed to go to the true cross academy quickly. They made a 3 day trip just to get there and the professors glady took her in. Eunhyes parents told them what happened and the professors took that very seriously and came to the conclusion that there were too many demons. Eunhye was working very hard in true cross academy and somehow the training she got there paid off~
likes: Luhan <3 , Dancing, Singing, Reading, Taking bubble baths, boba tea~
dislikes: Kai because he's a ert, When there's no food in the refrigerator, Cold showers, Kimchi, Sushi, Anything thats too salty, Demons
hobbies: Dancing, Singing, reading, Sleeping, Fighting, etc
habits: lips, Wandering around the house, spacing out lol
trivia: naah~


 i n t o  y o u r  w o r l d

powers:( Mayor) - Purification (Minor)- Enter someones dream
symbol: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=magical+sign&start=95&hl=de&client=safari&sa=X&rls=en&biw=2304&bih=1144&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=obgL08bLYgQPpM:&imgrefurl=http://www.otakuzone.com/forums/detail/getid/241570/page/6/&docid=aq0-EZbe690ovM&imgurl=http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss285/wholesalegift/watch/136N3.jpg&w=500&h=332&ei=R5YNUIb-L6Xi0QHf5NzKAw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=736&vpy=775&dur=810&hovh=183&hovw=276&tx=187&ty=147&sig=104246422036589271852&page=2&tbnh=123&tbnw=161&ndsp=111&ved=1t:429,r:73,s:95,i:61
flaws: Eunhye can only Purify 5 Demons at a time . .  
meister type: Healer and Knight

 l i s t e n  t o  m y  h e a r t b e a t

partner: Luhan <3 <3 <3
his personality: Kind of Arrogant, Caring, Shy at first when you meet him, Posessive
your relationship: Close <3


 u n t i l  m y  l i f e  e n d s

family: not really
friends: Taeyeon is 17 years old and is very suspicious and paranoid. Eunhye and Taeyeon hang out a lot. Jiyeon is 16 years old and Eunhye and jiyeon are very close.Jiyeon is Oblivious, innocent, loving and caring. Jessica is also 18 years old and might appear cold hearted when you first see her but she's very kind once you get to know her more.
best friends: 5


 g o o d b y e  b a b y  g o o d b y e

request: nahh~
password: http://i333.photobucket.com/albums/m372/Ivy_2108/EXO/H4s58.jpg
extra: Okkiee, Let's be friends :3



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-hyominam #1
uhm HAI! thank you for applying :)
the only info i need from you is what uljjang you're using and how old your character is :D
other than that, it's fine :P
good luck!