The Shameless Frustration I Cannot Bring Myself to Get Over With


To those of you who are reading this, please excuse my inept preaching.

I am a writer. A lazy writer. I write for the sake of not letting the good ideas I magically conjure up in my head go to waste. I like getting credit for the fact that I think I’m a good enough writer. A lot of people feel like me, or at least I have a few ideas of how people feel.

But as a writer, I have to be an avid reader to develop myself by submerging my brain in eloquent writing. I repeat. I am a lazy writer. I don’t like thick books. I don’t like books at all. So I turn to fanfiction in the internet. I know I won’t find JK Rowlings or Paulo Coelhos (Did I spell it right? Oh, whatever) lurking in the community of anonymous authors who’re mostly part of the youth but I kind of expected that people who had the guts to post their work had the decency to proof read their work as much as possible. I mean, there’re writers that I find who have very interesting content in respect to their plots, the events organized in their heads that all they have to do is fix the grammar, the spelling and basic stuff like that. To be a writer you have to be coherent. I simply am simply disappointed in those people who just don’t go through the effort.

I get that these people I am criticizing are aspiring writers who are in the process of flourishing their potential. This is why I’m hesitant of voicing this opinion out through comments because I know how I get put down by the slightest negative remarks but I also acknowledge the fact that they have to know their mistakes in order to make progress. I repeat. This is an inept preaching. I know I’m a hypocrite. I’m not fond of saying it but I am one so I’ll wrap this up quicker than had expected myself to.

The thing is, I don’t like seeing writing that is only partially sensible where the idea is vague enough to support the story but the words that it’s made up of barely gets the message across. Writing is the quality of the words that you use that make an idea more beautiful than it really is. Writing is a form of expressing the farthest depths your imagination can touch, bringing them to life through words. Having just one of the two is simply clutter in my eyes.

Though not every writer has the most inspiring of ideas, I believe that they are able to let their words make sense. There it is: I just want them to MAKE SENSE in a properly structured manner. Come on. If you can post a story with a working computer and (evidently) an existing connection to the internet then you can be able to use Microsoft Word and let the computer do the proof-reading for you. It isn’t that hard either to re-read your story and make sure you used your words right. I actually find it as a must. As much as possible I make sure my writing is good enough for my readers. I value the quality that I sell myself with.

So, you’ve gotten this far into reading my horribly judgemental of a rant. Well, this is my blog. I post what I want. That is the function of this whole website. All I can say now is that I apologize for such negativity. I say this in the hopes of it helping me move on, far away from such a trivial topic. Ah, I definitely don’t want wrinkles from all the frowning~


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Thank you. Finally someone who understands~ Kidding. I actually don't bring this up because in reality I cannot even tell the air that I'm good enough so I appreciate the feedback of my inept preaching~