ships and non ships

Five ships you’re into right now:  

o1) Baekyeol {Chanyeol/Baekhyun}

o2) Hunhan {Luhan/Sehun}

o3) Taoris {Kris/Tao}

o4) Kaisoo {Kai/Kyungsoo}

o5) Xiuchen {Xiumin/Chen}

oh god why can't i add sulay ; o ;


Four ships you disliked, but like now:

o6) Sekai {Sehun/Kai}

o7) Krishan {Kris/Luhan}

o8) Sukai {Suho/Kai}

o9) Kray {Kris/Lay}

Three ships you never liked:

1o) Myungjong {Myungsoo/Sungjong} - i'm expecting lots of hate on this blog lol.

11) Krisyeol {Kris/Chanyeol} - bring on the hate! \o/

12) Chansoo {Chanyeol/Kyungsoo} - eggs and donuts don't go. euo

Two ships you’re curious about, but don’t actually ship.

13) Lukai {Luhan/Kai}

14) Kyunglay {Kyungsoo/Lay}  


1.  Why do you dislike #10 so much?

i guess it's because i just don't like seeing myungsoo and sungyeol apart? xD believe me, sungjong is one of my most favorite infinite member ever, but when someone interferes with my otp, i kinda print out a picture of them and tear it up. euo oh, and the fans. definitely the fans that piss the fck out of me.  they bash myungyeol, and tag it on tumblr, with both tags and saying how much better myungjong is. .__. like seriously, they bash poor sungyeol and tell him they've prepared his coffin. wtf.

2.  Who is someone you know that ships #14?

My great friend Banghimupisluv! ouo she's the one who introduced it to me LOLOL.

3.  What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3?

Probably when Tao's scared, and Kris comforts him? xD idek.

4.  Which is your favorite moment for couple #1?


um. i think it's every single one. i can't choose. xD it's like asking me to pick which shade of black i prefer the most! IMPOSSIBEEER!

but i guess i like the off-camera action, that fans and other cameras pick up. ouo it shows that they're actually sort of real, and not completely for the camera. ;w;

5.  How long have you been following couple #5?

since i first saw them together. ;w; i saw them and i was all 'omg. they are a match made in heaven. ;A;'.

6.  What’s the story with #8? What made you start liking them/caring?

i never actually liked sukai, but after seeing how much the guardian obsessed over kai, i just sorta got hooked. xD

7.  You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from #10 or #12

#10. definitely. because the fans are just too rude to be counted as inspirits.

8.  Which ship do you prefer, #2 or #4?

Hunhan all the way! 8D

9.  What interests you about #14?

i saw on an rp kyungsoo and lay going out, and i guess i just started to think more about it, and i was like, hmm... looks shippable. but i never actually did OTL

10.  Why did you start liking #7?

Roleplays. xD i'm kris on an rp, and the luhan i'm attached to there is just so sweet and i guess i've started to ship them now. xDD

12.  What’s a song that reminds you of #2?

Peach by IU. ouo because luhan is beautiful and sehun is romantic. xD

14.  Have #2 kissed yet?

THEY HAVE when no one's looking

15.  Did #4 have a happy ending?

Yes. ;w; kai will enjoy kyungsoo's kimchi spaghetti forever after they move to the united states to get married. x)

16.  What would make you start shipping #13?

idk. xD i guess i was just interested with the ot3 everyone's shipping (kaisehan or whatever you call it).

17.  If only one could happen, which would you prefer, #2 or #5?

Xiuchen. Because Hunhan already is real. LOL.

18.  You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them?

...sungjong will find someone he loves and myungsoo will be swept off his feet by lee sungyeol. c:

19.  Which of these ships do you love the most?


wow, that was fun. ouo

now, onto continuing that sekai/kaisoo fic i was working on... e.e

cr: candyredhearts  


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toujourspur7 #1
/sighs/ unfriend yuuuhhh!!!
lmao jk XDXDDDDD
@18 THAT PERSON IS ME ;w; <3 <3
/is so doing this
I definitely want to do this!
MyungYeol is my life. End of story.