I was tagged?



Tagged by: Evelyn-Chan
Rule one: Post the rules

Rule two: Answer the tag of questions the tagger asked you in their post and then after make your own 11 questions. (bottom :3)

Rule three: Tag eleven people and link them to your post 

Rule four: Let them know you taged them

1) Do your parents know about aff/ do they tolerate you being on aff?
In a way, and eh, sort of.

2) Who's your absolute bias?
Lee Donghae

3) What do you like the most about him/her?
His smile

4) Your favorite song? Why is it this one? (It doesn't have to be K-Pop. :D)
My, Love, My Kiss, My Heart - SuJu. Why? Because it's beautiful~.

5) What would you do / how would you react if you competed in a dance cpmetition and out of all organizations SME takes you?
I'd be shocked, because I'm an awkward dancer and I can't freestyle, but I'd probably just...stand there gaping like a fish.

6) What would you do if your bias moved in next door?
I'd be their best friend :3

7) Monkey, rabit, fish or demon/devil?

8) Have you ever drawn your bias?
I have. Chibi and realistic.

9) Do you know people in 'real life' (so, your neighbor or something, just not on a website) with whom you can talk about K-Pop?
Yes, my bffs Yoona Mei, Paige, Mandi, and my gf Lani~.

10) If members leave a group, are you still fangiriling about them or do you just forget them?
I love them all the same~. If they leave, they still have the same special place in my heart.

11) How did you get to know K-Pop?
My best friend made me listen to SHINee's Lucifer.


Oh god. Um um...Yeah. So. Uh...questions.

1.) Who is your ultimate bias?
2.) Favorite K-Pop group?
3.) If you had to choose between never listening to music again, or losing your bias, what would it be?
4.) What would you do if your bias had to rely on you for almost EVERYTHING?
5.) What would you do if your bias lost their ability to sing?
6.) How did you learn about K-Pop?
7.) What you do if your bias started dating your best friend?
8.) Favorite K-Pop song? Why?
9.) If you could go see any group, who would it be? (K-Pop or otherwise.)
10.) If you had the chance to perform alongside your bias, what song would you want to sing?
11.)What's your OTP?



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Are you a good drawer? sry, I'm just curious! ^^ You seem really interesting, why haven't I talked to you before? (Just a question!)