This world is freaking messed up

I feel really offended these days because of shippers like YOU.

You accused other shippers degrading your OTP,

when your OTP's shippers degrade ours!

Stop saying we bashed a lot!

At least we don't publicly degrade them!!

And hey, look who's talking!!

Don't you bash us too?!? 

Why do you hate our OTP THAT much?

Just so you know, your ship is just AS REAL as ours >(


You're DELIBERATELY making other people hate our ship!!!

Which is really, really unfair.

You say we send hate messages to you and BLAH BLAH BLAH...

When you do it PUBLICLY.

So stop hating and start accepting!!

Just keep your feelings to yourself if you don't want haters!

FROM : A shipper just like you.


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Do you actually read what you're writing or do you write with one eye closed? It's amusing to see how much a person can contradict themselves.
hehe.. why everyone so stressed right now..
first aida, then u honey...
hope u dont mind wat others are saying..
just keep your faith..
i love your english~
i agree