Idol Family APP~

Personal shizz~♥

AFF username and link~ Its_JangMi123

Your real full name~ Park JangMi

*Add us so we can be friends?~


Yo character~♥

♥Make your character somewhat like yourself ♥

Name~Park JaeMi

*Nickname(s)~ Jae || MiMi

Preferred name~ Jae

*Petname~ MiMi

Age~ 17

Birthday~ 2/24/2994

Birthplace~ Tokyo, Japan

Hometown~ Busan, S. Korea

Ethnicity~ Korean Japanese

Blood type~ B

Height~ 167cm

Weight~ 46kg

*Star sign~ picses

Languages~ Korean || Japanese



Ulzzang name~ Jang Hae Byeol

Ulzzang picture~ 1 || 2 || 3 || 4

Backup Ulzzang picutres~ 1 || 2 || 3


Yo self~♥


JaeMi is a little ball of energy. She loves playing video games or skateboarding, and can stay up for hours doing either. She is obsessed with hats and the color orange. She has a rebellious spirit, and hates rules and being restricted. She is loud and stubborn, but when you get to know her she is sweet and baby-ish. She has a lot of natural aegyo that shows unexpectedly. She loves laughing and making jokes, and she also loves to pull pranks,

When needed, she can be mature and take charge. She is a natural at leadership and has strong maternal instincts despite her young age. She loves taking care of people and doing skinshp.

Your life story~ JaeMi lived a quiet, normal life. One day when she was 12, she was shopping with her brother when an editor for an online clothing store approached her and offered her a job as a model. At first, her father approved, but her mother didn't. after much consideration, her parents agreed and she signed a contract with the online store. When she was 13, she started work as a model. When she was 16, she got a part time job as a barista in a cafe and moved out to live on her own.

How are you famous?~ Model for an online store


orange(the color) || bunnies || sweets || baggy clothes || technology || fruits


pink || girly girls || skirts || dresses || high heels || snobs


puffs up her cheeks || pouts when thinking || eats candy when upset


collecting hats || skateboarding || video games || rapping || collecting headphones || drawing


is very competitive || doesn't like being unproductive || stays up late || always has candy with her || always has a hat or headphones on || loves skinship || gets bored easily

Style~ 1 || 2 || 3

She doesn't spend much time on clothes, but always looks presentable. She likes loose, of the shoulder tops and pants or shorts. She loves sneakers and bright clothes. She also always wears a hat or headphones. Occasionally, she may dress up a little bit fancier.



Yo people~♥

Family members~ (

Park Hyunsoo || 57 || sales director || father || He is carefree and 4D. He likes order, but doesnt believe in having too many rules. He raised Jae like a boy, teaching her not to show weakness.

Park SangMi || 54 || designer || mother || She is strict but still knows how to have fun. She is also 4D and loves taking care of people.

Park JaeSon || 21 || barista || brother || He is protectice and loving of Jae. He loves doing skinship with her and talking with her.

Best friends/friends~

Park TaeJun || 23 || online model/ulzzang || 10

Bang Yongguk || 23 || idol || 10

Yo husband and *child~♥

Who's your hubby~ B1A4 Baro

Backup hubby~ Teen Top Changjo

*His petname~

SunSun(for Baro)

Jongie(for Changjo)

*Who's your child~

Kwon RayMi

Ray is cute and talkative. She has a lot of energy but listens well and follows instructions. She is an obedient child but she gets distracted easily. She loves cookies and attention.


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