Anyone speak Spanish?

This is a really cute poem by Douglas Wright. I hope y'all enjoy it!


Una casa con un sol

Qué linda que es esta casa
con un sol en la ventana,
no tengo que irlo a buscar,
está ahí, cada mañana.

Qué linda que es esta casa
con un gran sol en la puerta,
él no tiene que llamar,
yo se la dejo abierta.

Qué linda que es esta casa
con esa luz encendida,
el sol de cada mañana,
ésa es la luz de la vida.

 A House with a Sun

How pretty this house is
with a sun in the window.
I don’t have to go and look for it.
It is here every morning.

How pretty this house is
with a great sun in the door.
He doesn’t have to knock.
I leave it open for him.

How pretty this house is
with that light burning,
the sun of every morning.
That is the light of life.


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