→ Life In Technicolor Application ^^

On the radio, baby I heard it's a violent world


Heart Station



Username: gangsterHIPPO

Profile link : Click Here ^^

What should I call you? Crystal :)


Won't you take me where the streetlights glow?

Name: Park Sujeong


Age: 17

Birthday: 23/02/95

Height: 168cm

Weight: 49kg

Birthplace: Busan, South Korea

Hometown: Busan, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean-German (1/4 German from Dad's side)

Languages spoken: English and Korean


Still it's such a beautiful sight

Ulzzang: Park Sora

Looks: Click Here ^^

Backup ulzzang:  Do Hwe Ji

Looks: Click Here ^^

Style: Sujeong likes to wear high waisted short and skirts. She likes sweaters and collared shirts. When it comes to everyday wear she tends to comfortable clothes but still stylish. She's not a fashionista, but she knows the latest trend. She would always mix-and-match her clothes. Sometimes she can dress boyish, but thats only when she's lazy. 

1 2 3 4 5 Pictures.


Like a serenade of sound

Likes: Yellow, Dogs, Food, Gruesome movies, Scary stories, Playing Sport, Zoo, Amusement Parks, Reading, Shopping, Cartoons, Sleeping, Eating. :)

Dislikes:  Cats, Needles, Medicine, Rude People, Cleaning, Studying.

Hobbies: Playing Sport, Piano, Painting, Reading.

Trivia: Snores in her sleep, LOUD. Very sensitive/ticklish around the neck area. Has a phobia of needles. Races to the sound of "food". Can't cook at all, she burns everything.

Personality: Park Sujeong is a very unique girl. She is shy to strangers, but loud and crazy to her friends. She is friendly, bubly, hard to upset, playful, very funny, curious, and childlike. When she is shy, she blushes so bladly. Like red as "asian burn". Overall, she's the best person to hang out with. A weird thing about her is that when she hangs out with her friends, she'll be very loud as possible, talking and talking to her friends, not giving a damn what other people think of her. Everyone that has met her, know her that she is a outgoing, loud, crazy girl. The thing that Sujeong's best at is annoying people. Why? because she is very talkative and her hyena laugh. There is not a day where she can be slient for less than two minues. When she wakes up, till she goes to bed, that mouth is never shut. The one thing that she is not good at is Aegyo. Sujeong thinks that she's good at it, but her friends would get grossed out. When Sujeong gets mad, you probably want to run away really fast coz this girl can erupt like a volcano and will actually hit anyone who stands in her way. Her ape-like strength is out-of-this-world. She is also a very LAZY girl, she doesn't like to clean, cook and she LOVES her sleep. She is also VERY clumsy. Just by walking down the street, she can't help but bump into people and trip over her own feet. She also tends to drop things nearly every minute.



Once upon a time on the same side


Father: Park Taejun | 48 | Chef at Chinese Restaurant | Alive | Loving, caring, funny, typical ahjusshi | They are pretty close, but they hardly see each other because he is always at work, which he comes back home late. He loves his wife and children with all his heart. Try hard.

Mother Park Minhee | 46 | Manager at Chinese Restaurant | Alive | Childish, caring, very supportive of her children. | Sujeong and her mother have a really tight relationship. They tell each other everything.

Siblings Park Dongjun | 19 | Senior High School Student | Alive | Funny, loves to tease his younger sister, over-protective when guys are around Sujeong, clumsy, loud. | Their brother and sister relationship is really close. They would do anything for each other.

Others (optional)


Family background Sujeong was born in Busan, South Korea. What made Sujeong's family so unique is that they are German. Taejun's father (Sujeong's grandfather) was full German. So Sujeong and Dongjun were a unique mix.


Now why'd you have to go; have to go and throw water on my flame?


| Kim Hyuna | 18 | Easily jealous, thinks highly of herself. |

Relationship with Character: Those two have always been neighbours even since Hyuna moved into town when Sujeong was 8. The two went to the same school and they never got along. Somehow Sujeong had a secret admirer, who liked her but Hyuna liked him. Hyuna hated how he didn't pay any attention to her, no matter how much she tried to. So Hyuna would try everything in her will to bully or embarrass her. Ever since then those two hated each other so much.


You're holding in your hands the two halves of my heart

Love interest

| Kris Wu | 18 | Flirty, playboy, cocky, arrogant,  funny, weird, cute.  |

Relationship with Character: Kris would always flirt with Sujeong. He loves to . He finds it amusing that she gets so worked up when he teases her. Ever since Sujeong found out that she wasn't the only one he was flirting to, she acts like she hates him, which made things get complicated.


Backup love interest

| Jung Daehyun | 18 | Flirty, playboy, cocky, arrogant, y, confident.   |

Relationship with Character: Daehyun loves flirting with Sujeong. Out of all the girls Daehyun flirted to, he finds Sujeong different to the others.


You stole my star

Second love interest

| D.O | 18 | Funny, dorky, flirty, clumsy.  |

Relationship with Character: D.O's flower-boy image attracted all the girls hearts.  Ever since D.O flirted with Sujeong, he couldn't help but like it.


Backup second love interest

| Moon Jongup | 18 | Stupid, flirty, rebellious, goofy, cheerful |

Relationship with Character: I don't mind anything for Jongup

First. But I wouldn't matter :)


Gravity release me

I love the storyline. Fighting :)

Requests? nope :D

Password: Here's my love interest :P


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