⋆ we are her dolls application form



aff name: Chochocho

aff link: click!


character's name: Jo Ryeona

nickname: Ryeona

birthday and age: 01.09.1993

hometown: Incheon, South Korea

nationality: Korean


ulzzang's name: Park Young Hee

ulzzang's pictures: 1 2 3

style: 1 2 3 4 5



> She's unique and she doesn't care: She was born in an unhealthy environment. Thugs and boys are everywhere. It makes her becoming a tomboy. She  She prefer to climb a tree rather than to play barbie. She likes to collect bugs instead of collecting flowers. She was live in an environment where no one is safe. She doesn't care about the fact that she is a girl and a girl must act like a lady. She hate it. She always want and try to be a great boy. She always want to be like her parents want.

> She does what she want: She is a girl with 49247619 wishes. If she see something that catch her attention, she won't ask her parents to buy it for her. She will get it by herself. She doesn't about how to get it. It's all about owing it just for herself. She will get a job to purchase it but if money can't do anything, she will do anything like stealing and robbing.

> Don't mess with her: She hate fake people. She knows that she is annoying enough for others to avoid her. She knows that she will forever be the leftover because of her childhood so she always kept anything for herself as well as keeping others to stay away from her. If someone bother her, she won't be quiet and will smack their face and she will do things to make sure that they won't bother her anymore. Her only friend is Kim Jongwoon, her childhood friend.

> She's not a prisoner: She HATE rules! She doesn't care are they rules made from school or rules made by her society. Basically, she want to live free. She want to live in place where society wouldn't mind her boyish style and attitude. She is basically a rebel, she enjoyed rebelling against her school's rules. She doesn't care about how mad her teachers are as long as she isn't locked up in a small room filled with lunatics.


family background: Ryeona was born in small alley in Incheon, with a father and a mother that hoping for a son. But unfortunately, Ryeona came and her parents knew that this is not what they hope for. So they began to ignoring her, making her feel unloved and neglected. But at the age of 5, she realized that her parents didn't really care about her, they always shouted at her and keep saying that how great would it be to have a son. So she changed herself, started to do what boys do, started to play with boys, and started to be as boyish she could be but her parents still didn't change at all until she grew up. Her family problem was getting worse combine with her surrounding. Thugs everywhere and never leave. They always attack pedestrian who walked in the alley and they do not hesitate to kill them for their money. So Ryeona always try to defend herself from any possible danger from outside as well as protecting herself from her unsatisfied parents whom she hate now.


likes: > Ice cream (blueberry especially)

> Classical music/instrumental

> Freedom

> Fruits

> Action movies

> cold water & weather

dislikes: > Fake people

> rules

> her parents

> spicy food

> thugs

> hot weather

> dresses


> splash water on her face after wash her hands

> crying in sleep (she often had nightmares that she really afraid of)


> She has a scar on her neck. At the age of 7, her mother pushed her from stairs

> Has a dragon tattoo on her ankles.

> eventhough she seems though, she loves classical and instrumental music. Vivaldi and Yiruma are her favourite musician.

> has a birthmark on her right wrist


family members: Jo Hyuksin (Father), Jo Mori (Mother)

friends: Kim Jongwoon

boyfriend: Kim Jongwoon (he's her only friend and also her bf)


doll: click!

are you willing to die in this fic? yes, but please don't kill her earlier >..<

anything else? sorry if you found LOTS of grammar mistake, english isn't my first language so i hope you understand .___. and i'm not very good at the personality so i'm sorry :| but hi, btw :)


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