I don't even know


Rule one: Post the rules

Rule two: Answer the tag of questions the tagger asked you in their post and then after make your own 11 questions 

Rule three: Tag eleven people and link them to your post

Rule four: Let them know you taged them

Do you find a Kpop idol ugly? If yes, why ?

hmn. I don't really find anyone ugly but to be honest I don't know what fan girls see in Park Yoochun.. sorry /:<

What's your OTP ? any why ?

hmmn I don't really ship anyone.. but i like OnTae, OnKey 
and omg KhunYoung! 

You are in Seoul for one day, what would you do ?

Explore, and go shopping <3

Do you have a favorite Kpop song ?

At the moment 

Blue- Big bang

Fantastic baby - Big bang

Day by Day - T-ara <3

Honesty -SHINee

How did you discover Kpop and what did you first think of it ?

I watched Boys Before flowers and i loved Stand by me(SHINee) and Because I'm stupid (SS501) 

Why do you read ff's ?

I don't read except for one that I helped a good friend  lill4455

Who's your bias and is there something you don't like that much about him ?

Onew Lee Jinki >.<

to be honest i hve three ultimate bias

1.Jinki - his duck "talent" and he for me shows off a little too much.. but i still him SO MUCH!

2.Siwon- his skin ship >.<

3.Choi Seunghyun T.O.P - his seriousness LOOSEN UP BABEZ >..<

If you could switch life with one idol, who would it be ?

Hmmn, no thank you It would be tiring having to watch your back everywhere you go having to deal with crazy Sasaeng fans poor JYJ D:

What's your favorite fanfic ? ( you can tell more than one if you want ) 

hmn tough question 


it's not about the it's about the story line it's really good i keep waiting for the update but no luck yet ):


it's super cute >.< can't wait for the update hehe 


I can't even explain how awesome this one hehe 


KYYAA i love love this one too hehe

If you could give your bias a present, what would it be ? 


​ME <3 

Did Kpop change your life if yes, how ? :D

Um not really I'm still me only crazier :D


1.) Who is your favorite k-pop group? Both boy and girl groups.



3.Big Bang





8.Wonder girls


2.) What would you do if you met your bias?

hyperventilate and get a heart attack. But i will probably be like "HEY WHAT'S UP YOU Y THANGG" ;p

3.) If you write stories, what made you start writing them?

I don't know /: boredom 

4.) What was your first k-pop song?

SS501- Song calling for you and Because i'm stupid one of those two 

5.) How did you find k-pop?

k drama

6.) Least favorite thing about your favorite group?

2pm hmn what don't I like about them? I can't find anything wrong with them 

7.) What's your favorite pairing and why?

Khunyoung (Nickhkhun and Wooyoung) because Love is in the air >.<

8.) What else do you listen to besides k-pop?

ROCK!Mexican corridos, Lil wayne Chris brown My chemical romance Avenged sevenfold nicki minaj 

9.) Do you dislike any k-pop person?

Hmm LUNA!!!! >.< I hate that because she looks so cute with onew T^T

10.) Do you watch any of the Korean variety shows, if so, what?

Not really but yeal love 2pm show i hear they will have 2nd season this year :DDD
I love Running man :D


1) You are forced to pick between being with your bias or watching your OTP - the activity is up to you. Whom will you pick?

being with my bias :D

2) How many times have you switched biases/OTPs and who are they?

my top 3 NEVER CHANGE!!!

4.Lee Donghae
6.Junsu Xia (JYJ)
7.Yunho (tvxq)
8.Lee Joon
9.Wooyoung (2pm)
10.Junsu (2pm)

3) Favorite five kpop songs playing on your playlist this week...

as of right now
1.Blue - Big Bang
2.Fantastic baby-Big bang
3.Day by day - t-ara
4.Honesty- SHINee
5.Monster Big bang 

4) Least favorite kpop song

The Boys -SNSD

5) Favorite kpop M/V

I remember- Bang Yong Guk(B.A.P<3 FT. Yang Yoseob (b2st

6) Least favorite ^^

MAMA- EXO (sorry EXOtics don't hate me 

7) Kpop idol you're most jealous of and why

Umm LUNA.. for having such awesome friendship with onew T^T
My questions:

1) Why do you like KPOP?

I don't know it's different and super addicting :D 

2) Who's your male AND female crush?

Male: Onew, Siwon, T.O.P
Female: EunJeong (t-ara) 


3) What's your favorite Korean Agency? Ex. SM, YG, JYP, CUBE, etc.

JYP (because I loveall the groups in that Agency <3

4) If you could be in any Korean band, which would you choose? 

Um 2ne1 because they don't act aegeyo 


5) If a Korean idol was gay and thought you were gay and asked you to go on a date, how would you respond?

HELL YES! you can't say no to an idol they are way too good looking 

6) Is there any idol you would want to be related to?

Umm Taeminnie :D

7) What would you choose as a stage name in Korea? Or would you keep your name? 

Keep my name I think 

8) What role would you like in a band? Ex, lead singer, main singer, lead dancer, main dancer, image, leader, main rapper, leader rapper, maknae, etc

Lead singer and dancer :D

9) What would you choose as a band name? 

D-Hot! <3

10) What is the longest time you would like to be a trainee for? 

Um I don't know as long as I debut :D but i'm not even Asian I'm Mexican >.<

11) Are you into cute, badass, etc bands? 

BADASS <3 BEASTLY BANDS manly some cute one's like boyfriend 

see what i mean >.<

I shall tag: 

EXO-tic0701 foreverONKEY14 onewsocute Ihartjinki xXDonghoseopXx



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omg highfive im mexican too~!!!!!!!!!!!
:D the update will be soon to come xD haha