Writers block fading fortunately! ^^

Good evening~


I've got my best friend here visiting after I haven't seen her in a while! ^^ I've just shown her some of my 'hidden' fanfics that no one else has read but hopefully when I finish them you'll all be able to read them if you want to...


She's been fangirling over them for a while since some of them are actually quite tense and violent oppsed to my usual fluff and she likes violence and I can feel my writers block slowly falling, yay! So I'll be able to write more! She's given me loads of ideas~


Luckily she's really enthusiastic about TMISY and she's really encouraging me to write more, I think if she keeping doing that it will work and I will.

But she is now taking selcas of herself with my phone. 


Quick must distract her away from my phone so I can protect the hidden pictures of Kibum I have on there

Say hello, Hana!

HELLOOOOO! I'll try and get her to write more. I've got a gun held to her head and I'm depriving her of food until she writes. heheheheheh 

SO yeah, she'll be writing more soon. Love you guys! Byeeeee!~ <3 Also I've read fanfics that you haven't read~ Ahahahaha

So you have something to look forward too! They're freaking amazing, as usual. And she WILL be writing them because she loves me so much <3


Thank you Hana, for that lovely comment...


Anywho, I'll be planning Chapter 47 soonish and writing it out and perhaps I'll make it a bit longer than usual because I feel guilty for not updating TMISY in a while.  ^^;


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FishyHaeFishy #1
Yay :D!!!!!
I've been waiting for your return ._____.
XD lol but I can't wait for updates and new stories :D!!!!

You have a lot of stuff hidden... now gull come over here with 'em. xD Your writing is so catching, so they are probably all perfect. At least you have a person to share them with. I have none. They are not into k-pop, or else I just have a best friend who doesn't want to read my stuff. :((( I don't know why...

Oh. But you should put some of them up. Sarang on you. Sarang on your stories! XD
LOL im a noob so i got to ask... WHAT IS A WRITERS BLOCK?
Ok... Anyway your friend Hana sounds so sweet to put a gun at your head and tell you to not eat unless you write more stories... HEHEH >U< That's a true friend!!!! Oh and I cant wait to see your "Hidden" fanfics!!! Im glad Hana gave you tons and TONS of ideas to write more stories!!! I'll be all over them!! HEHEHE thanks for listening to my rantings.... LOV U !!! <3<3<3