Deep Secret fill-out sheet

♦~~Deep Secrets fill-out sheet~~♦



Character Name: 

Character Creature: (I know this is one your apply but I might forget and I want to be reminded)

Character Type: (If the creature you chose has more then one type, if not, put none)


Deep Secret: (This is the only long this I am going to ask of you. It needs to be a really big deep secret that no one would really expect but something that would be good in a story. Just make it unique and interesting. Add background like if the secret was something that happened you should add how and/or why. Just make sure I don't have any questions about it when someone reads it. Don't worry about if it's going to work in the story or not. I will try to make them all work together. If they don't, I'll message you and we can work something out) 

Does the secret involve other people? If yes, who?: 


Comments: (Just like the apply. If you have some suggestions or something then this is the place to put it. If not, put 'none')


♦~~Author Note~~♦


Don't put the link for the Deep Secrets sheet as a comment!! Just message it to me!!!! You don't want other people to see or know your secret!


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