iPod Meme Fic Drabble

Writer's Meme:
1. Pick a character, fandom, pairing, friendship, whatever.
2. Put on your music program on shuffle/random and start playing songs.
3. For each song, write something inspired by the song related to the theme you chose earlier. You only have the song length. No pre-planning and no writing after the song is over. No skipping songs either.
4. Do 10 songs and post. Make sure to include the song name/artist.



Begin again- Colbie Caillat


Yunho stared at the Jaejoong.

“You sure about this?” he asked.

The beautiful man smiled and pulled him into a hug, “Yes. It’s been long. I miss you and your touch.”

“I don’t want to rush things between us,” Yunho whispered.

“Nonsense!” Jaejoong replied, “Do you know how lonely I was when you were busy promoting in Japan?”


“Shh. Kiss me.”

Yunho obliged. He opened his eyes and stared at his lover.

“Tonight is our night. Just enjoy it. You have to leave tomorrow and I’ll be lonely again.”



That man- Hyun Bin


Yoochun watched as Junsu cried his heart out. The younger man just broke up with his boyfriend of 2 years. Yoochun had always known his crush’s boyfriend was a jerk and was just using Junsu.


“Chun- ah. What should I do? I can’t believe he did this to me.” Junsu sobbed in his best friend’s bosom.


Yoochun the man’s hair and whispered to himself, “If only you know how much I yearn for you.”



Found you- JYJ


“Found you!” The 8 year old Donghae yelled when he spotted Eunhyuk hiding behind the chair.


“That’s not fair! You are cheating!” protested Eunhyuk.


Donghae just laughed, “No matter where you hide I’ll always find you?”


10 years later~


“I told you I’ll always find you no matter where you hide, Eunhyuk.” Donghae said, holding an umberella to shield Eunhyuk from the rain.


The other boy looked up, eyes red from crying, “Donghae…”


His boyfriend sighed and kissed him forcefully, “Pabo! I will never leave you. Don’t listen to that crazy .”



Man man ha ni- U-Kiss


Jonghyun watched as Key left the house. “Yeah, just leave! You cheating !”

He couldn’t believe Key would easily leave him. He wondered if he fell in love so easily. Was his love cheap? Was he cheap? Without even realizing it tears of frustration and anger streamed down his smooth cheek.


“Didn’t my love mean anything to you, Key?” He whispered.


I Don’t Care- 2NE1


“Key- ah~ I still love you! Come back to m—“


Taemin ended the call from his ex- boyfriend and threw the phone away from him. He cried, “I’m not Key, bastard! It’s Taemin. You didn’t even remember my name, Minho.”


“Taemin- ah. I’m sorry I was drunk last night but I really mean it when I said I wanted you back,” Minho begged when he saw Taemin the next day at university.


“I don’t care, Minho.” Taemin said coldly. He walked away, leaving Minho dumbfounded. “I don’t care. Not anymore.”



Purest of pain- Son by Four


“Hello? Who is this? Hello?—“


Ryeowook stared at his phone, “How weird.”


Kyuhyun ended the call. Tears poured down his eyes. He just missed his ex- boyfriend’s voice so much even though he knew the other man was already married.


“How are you doing Kyuhyun?” Ryeowook asked when they met each other again at the mall.


Kyuhyun smiled bitterly. ‘I wished I could tell you I was feeling better everyday. That it didn’t hurt me when you walked away. But to tell you the truth…I can’t find my way.’




“What? Oh, I’m fine.” He lied, putting on his poker face.



Someone like you- Adele


“I wanted you to become my best man.”


That was the word that killed Jaejoong. His eyes became tearful, “How could you? You knew how I feel about you…yet you…*sobs*”


Yunho sighed, “I know…and I told you I can’t accept your feeling. It’s better for us to remain friends.”


“Still! You can’t ask me to become your best man!” Jaejoong sobbed.


“Why not? You’re my best friend!” Yunho said, not satisfied with his friend’s words.




Yunho smiled when he heard Jaejoong’s answer, “Thanks. You’re the best, Jae!”


Jaejoong watched as Yunho dissapeared from his view, ‘I wish nothing but the best for you, Yunho. I’ll do it…even though it’s killing me inside.’


What do you want from me- Adam Lambert


“What do you want from me!!” Park Yoochun yelled in frustration.


The sasaeng fans never left him alone and the paparrazi kept on stalking him. He had forgotten how freedom tasted. He was like a bird living in a golden cage. His life did not belong to him anymore. He logged in to his twitter account. A smile appeared on his tense face when he read his fan’s encouraging tweets.


“If only those crazy people act like normal fans…” he sighed.



For Your Entertainment- Adam Lambert


“Siwon- ah! I can’t believe this is who you really are!” Leetuk screamed.


Siwon smirked at the chained man in front of him, “I know you all thought I was soft and sweet. Leetuk hyung, do you think an angel swept you off your feet?”


Leetuk’s eyes widened in horror when he saw Siwon reached out for his whip. He gulped, “I can’t believe you’re into ! All this time you were hiding behind the mask of a religious man. You fooled us, Siwon!”


“Be quiet! I never give you any permission to speak, hyung.” Siwon growled before approaching his terrified leader.



Gives you hell- Glee Cast


Jaejoong woke up from his sleep in the evening with a big smile on his face. Today he did not have to work. All the members of TVXQ were given three days off except for Yunho because the manager had another plan for him. Jaejoong grinned when an evil thought crossed his mind. He grabbed his smart phone and began typing.


“Okay, I’ll give you 20 minutes of rest. Good job, Yunho.” Yunho’s manager said, patting the idol’s back.


Yunho took out his phone, his raised his eyebrows when he saw a message from Jaejoong, “What does he want from me?”


From: Jaejoong <3


Yunnie~ Whatcha doing? I just woke up. Ahh~ feel so good to have a rest. Do you have enough sleep…opps, you’re still probably working XD LOL I wonder how bad that taste~ hahaha


Yunho gritted his teeth when he finished reading Jaejoong’s message. “You’re so dead, Kim Jaejoong!”


I can't sleep so I'm doing this.


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