I have no where else to vent....

Usually i post keywords into my fb status to vent out my frustrations....



but this is something i shouldn't share on facebook......so i will share it on here since, no offense, not many people will read this and care.




I CAN HONESTLY SAY I HATE MY AUNT!!! My aunt is such a ! All she does is take from innocent people and make it look like everything is out to get her!

When people are nice and let her stay in their home until she can afford her own place, she takes advantage and stays as long as she can! To the point where she gets kicked out!


My mother, being the kind woman she is, let her stay in the house. And, for one year, she made my house into a total mess! It was stinkly, gross, and horrible! I always told my guests to keep their shoes on! that's how messy it is!


Also, i would find s! S!!??!?!?! absolutely disgusting!


We kicked her out and she now is asking my grandmother to stay. My grandmother said no and you know what she does?! SHE ING YELLS AT HER! scares her to the point where my mom is now sleeping at her house to protect her.

My grandmother is 80 years old and has dimentia......ARE YOU ING KIDDING ME?! How could she do this to her?! Is she that ing stupid?!


My aunt is a fat who needs to get her together and STOP TAKING FROM INNOCENT PEOPLE!


Ok i'm done venting.........


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Ewwwww s, disgusting, don't worry I can't freakin stand my auntie sometimes too, she can be pretty selfish and such a betyoch sometimes too!!
Dude...your aunt's hella messed up...