
I'll be on hiatus for two weeks, possibly the rest of the month. Too many unexpected things have happened this month, and I need to take some time off. Three days ago one of my uncle's was involved in an accident, and he was seriously injured. He's currently in the ICU, and my family hasn't been able to see him since he's unconscious. So, that's putting a lot of stress on my family. I start school at the end of next month, which is stressing me out because my parents expect only the best from me. On top of that my best friend has just found that she's pregnant, and she's having problems with the father of her baby. Which for some reason everyone thinks I can help solve. Just because people know that I can't refuse to help others. I need to learn to say no to people.

I'm not sure if I'll actually be gone for two weeks, it might just be a week. It depends on how things turn out this week.

I need to hear some good news soon!!!







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I hope things get better for you. I'm sure everyone understands that there are times when life can get overwhelming. I hope your uncle is ok, and that the situation with your friend will get better. I will patiently await your return :D Best of luck!
Good luck in school! Your parents expect the best because you provide the best :) and I'll be sure to pray for your uncle and best friend. Hwaiting, unni!