The Real 'Theory' Behind Rugrats

We all know about the famous children's show 'Rugrats' right? Being a 90's baby when I first watched this show I was HOOKED on it. I'd watch it every single day if I could have, and was just crazy about it. Now that I'm older I still kind of watch it but not as much ya know?

But anywho on topic here: So there's this theory going around the internet, how the Rugrats originally intended to be I's the link to it. Personally when I read it, I thought 'Somebody has WAY too much time on their hands to come up, with something stupid like this' *rolls eyes* theory&source=web&cd=1&sqi=2&ved=0CEUQFjAA&url=

It's all just mindblowing aint it?

Chucky died of child birth along with his mom

Tommy was a stillborn

The Deville's had an abortion

Chaz married a hooker

Angelica's mom died of drug overdose and Drew marry's a hooker, fooling Angelica into thinking she was her real mom thus why Angelica carries her doll Cynthia around...

It all sounds ridiculous doesn't it? Gosh seems like there's a freakin theory for EVERYTHING now a days.


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MintyCoffeeFTW_13 #1
Oh yeah, I remember reading this. It's actually cool and ridiculous at the same time. :D
I heard it was all in Angelica's head. Supposed to all be a delusion. But, again with the time and the hands.
This is just ridiculous. How dare that person ruin my childhood! I loved the Rugrats and this rubbish appears