So I Married the Anti Fan [ Lee Soon-Min ]


So I Married the Anti Fan || 그래서 안티 팬과 결혼




—— ♡ my real self

username :IIPandaRawrII

nickname :Gabby

activeness :7


—— ♡ I am the anti fan

full name :Lee Soon-Min/이순민 

nickname :Min:Well min is just the short way to cal me instead of lee soon-min

Minnie:I'm kind of short so they just gave me the nickname minnie 

codename :Panda:She really likes pandas 

date of birth / age : May-18-1994/International age:18

birthplace :Los Angeles 

hometown :Seoul,South Korea 

ethnicity :Korean 

occupation :Student at Seoul Arts School,and became a trainee at Sm Entertainment,Ex traniee at YG Entertainment,waitress at family cafe Delight Dishes

height / weight :164cm/47kg 

blood type :A+ 

languages :Korean~Fluent,English~Fluent,Chinese~Basic 


—— ♡ my appearance

ulzzang :Lee Soo-bin

pictures : 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11   

back-up ulzzang :Moon Ya EL 

pictures :1 2 3 4  

style :






Sleep Wear:


extras :


Image 1ZCL368_OUT_LG.jpgImage 1 of Nike Blazer Suede Vintage High Top SneakersZipper Back Flat Sandals Brown i544152








Nail Art:










—— ♡ I'm is my self

personality :Min is an adventureus girl and will do any competition you give her.She can get a bit scared at doing stuff she is afraid of like heights.But she'll still prove to people, even though she may look weak and fragile she is no where near that beacuse she is a strong and independent girl and is an inspiration to  people because she shows to people you can do the impossible even if your afraid to but theres no need to give up just get back up and try again until you know you can do it.That's one of Min's favorite quotes that truely shows that there's never a day you'll give up on something because that shows you that you didn't even try and min never likes to see quiters because it's always good to see winners instead.Min can be  a bit of an odd ball but yet sweet at heart.She may be odd but it wouldn't be fun if they didn't  have someone as funny and sweet as her.She can get a bit shy around new people but it's really rare for Min to be shy because she's sort of like the life of the party,the mood maker the clown.Even though when you first meet min in person you may think she's just a shy, quiet girl that won't do any harm.Well your guess is wrong she loves to entertain people by making jokes to cheer up the crew or do anything that may be weird to others but Min dosen't really care because she loves to be herself because it helps her self estime and even others.Some people may think Min is just weird for doing stuff like that but she dosen't really care what people say about her because she' knows all those lies people may say about her isn't true maby if it was true she wouldn't even care one bit because just like the saying "Sticks and Stones May Break Your Bones But Words Never Hurt Me"She always keeps that word in mind because she knows that if her sister can be funny and odd without caring what people say then so can she. 


Even though Min has her times when she can look serious at most, she mostly isn't beacause she loves just being a smooth relaxd person that you can get along perfectly even though she has sunny  her older sister their really close to one another.Otherwise than her being sweet and kind to her sister.She is alos a wise person and will always get her way out of trouble.She's a person that you would always like to hang out with because she really is fun to be around with and also loves to make new friends.She can also be loud and energetic not the anoying kind but the kind even though she loves to annoy people.But shes the kind that you would always laugh about because she can be a bit of a dork but people really enjoy her company. 

likes :


  • Hello Kitty:She adores hello kitty ever since a group of her friends took her to the cafe and that's how she got hooked to hello kitty,
  • Music:Music is just like life because if we didn't havr any then what would we even though in life and thats why she really love music because of the diffrent genres the way the setting shows the emotion in the song weighther its happy or sad,
  • Makeup:She really likes doing her makeup and aswell as here friends
  • Candy:Her favorite candy is Mike and Ikes and Sour Patch kids.She would share her other candy but those two are off limits
  • Harajuku Lovers Perfume:"She adores this perfume one day her dream is to go to the home of harajuku and/or model for their company


dislikes :


  • Being ignored:It makes her feel as if she was incvinibale or it may make her think that the person hates her or dosen't want to talk to her.
  • Scary Movies;Min dosen't like to watch scary movies because what if she's alone and some crased killer comes and kills her so mostly if they watch one she covers her eyes or leave the scence when the movie starts 
  • Bugs:Min hates bugs when she was younger she went on a school field trip to a camp sight where they were going to look at tons of insects when she was loking at one her fans diod a mean prank on her by puting a harmless little spider on her shoulder when she saw it she went crazy she ran right left and then fell on a box full of beatels they started to craw up on her she was so terrifed just remembering that day gives her the chilles
  • Being alone:Min hates being alone it makes her feel as if she's not loved by others and it really is boring when no ones around so she always surounded with people
  • Tinfoil:When she was young she was chewing on some tinfoil she didn't know that when tinfoil touches your teeth it gives you a shock on your mouth she doesn't like thinking about it becasue it gives her goobumps 

hobbies :


  • Cooking/Baking
  • Photography
  • Ballet

habits :

  • When she's in an awkward situation she would blink alot and quickly leave the scene,
  • When she's lying she would constinly twirl her hair alot, when she's sound asleep she would cuddle with her pillow,
  • When happy she would constantly clap her hands.
  • When she wants to annoy someone she would go behind them and poke their sides but then walks casualy  so they won't know it was her . 
  • Talking to her huge hello kitty plush doll when she's bored

fears :

  • Acrophobia-Fear of heights
  • Hemophobia – fear of blood
  • Arachnophobia – "fear/dislike of spiders,"

trivias :

  • She has a dog named  백합Lilly
  • She knows every Kpop Song/Dance by heart
  • Her favotie colors are: Pink        Orange  
  • She's been doing ballet ever since she was 6 so she is really flexiable
  • When she is old enough to get her drivers lisense she doesn't want to get her car yet she just wants to rub it in  to her friends that she can drive and  all those lies that she may run over an old lady was not true
  • When Min was little she believed that Santa was real and that he would come down her chimthney.She was afraid that if he would come to her house he would still stuff or hurt her family or even her.So she decided to wait for him to come on christmas eve.She had a basebal bat waiting to smack him in the head and cal the cops.She overslept that day and never got to see him.She swore one day she would get that fat men in red and that day would come very soon.



—— ♡ they are my everything

    LS Electronics classroom-business.jpgBusiness-Building-Architecture-Interior-601033-architecture-interior-of-a-modern 

Delightful Dishes day-229-coopeagri-016.jpg?w=300&h=200700-03407972w.jpgwessteri.jpg

family background / history :Min was born in May 18 1994 in Los Angeles United States and then moved to Seoul,South Korea while she was still an infant.She is the youngest among her older sister Lee soon-kyu/Sunny a member of the famuos 9 member girl group "Girls Generation."Her father was a in the college band Hwaljooro with Bae chul-soo and is now the founder of LS Electronics.Her mother is the owner of a famous cafe called "Delightful Dishes'or DD for short a famous cafe in Seoul, South Korea.Min is a waitress at her mom's Cafe'.She is the niece of the Lee soo man,the founder of Sm Entertainment.In 2008 she entered JYP entertainment and became a trianee for 1 year before transferring to YG where she became a member of a duet called "Arrows" which never debuted.Her aunt was the manager for Arrows.But when the duo disbanded.She became active into other parts of music industry.In 2010 she was trasnfered into SM Entertainment where she became a trainiee for  two years.It would of been earlier but Min refussed to train for a year because she knew she wouldn't be good enough like she is today.

Before she became a trainee she was a typical school girl who went to a normal school.In school their was to class clowns in her class one was a guy named Kim dohyung and the other was her Lee soon-min.Other than her being the class clown she was a realy good stundent always geting straight A's.Mostly the one to get the answer right.So mostly you could say she was a nerd and the teachers pet.But people would always think of her as a nerd nothing else well never judge a book by its cover.In Junior High she was nominated as the class clown and one of the prettist girls in the school.But didn't want to be called a Queenka.Those are the girls that girls envy that guys wishes they were there boyfriend.Nope she just likes being called the girl with the looks and brains but even if you don't like her she can still out smart you to make you look like the dumb one.She loved being the one who people would say hey I bet min would have a funny joke to be put out of this awkward situation or hey I know if min was here she would gte us out of this situation.It was nice being the one people depended on.After that on year in Junior high she trasnferd into a Arts school were she was going to inroll in dance and vocals.She was glad to go to an arts school because if she didn't go she would have been a trainee in SM today.

father :Lee Soon-Kyu | 43 |Owner of LS Electronics |Her father is a kind yet over protective father. But he's only being protective to his three daughters beacause he wants them to be safe.Even though he's really busy at his company he wouldn't be able to come home he would always keep intouch with the family.Since he does keep in touch with the family he always wants to knoe if min is alright because since she is his youngest daugther.She is also his little angel so when ever she really need him he would always be there for her.And if something bad happends to his family ecpecialy nicole he would fly his jet right back to seoul and come and protective thats how loving and caring nicole father is she really loves him because of that.  | Very Close she really loves her dad because she knows her dad is really caring and cares about his whole family | alive


mother :Lee Soon-Eun | 40| Owner of Delightful Dishes | Soon-Eun is a sweet and caring mother and will always be there for her children even though she owns a cafe she dosen't have time to be there for her daugthers but mostly she takes them along to her work to help out around the cafe.She would always protect her children even if it would kill her. | Very Close she cares about her mother and loves her very

much | alive


older sister : Lee soon-Kyu | 23 | Idol(SNSD)|Sunny is a very kind sister to Min and will always be there for her just like her mother.When she is down sunny will pick her back up and tell her to keep on trying.When she has no one to talk to she'll be there to listen to her feelings.Sunny is a really great sister because she really cares about min just like min cares about her.They have a strong realtionship which makes min her sister and her best friend.  | really close | alive


 aunty: Nicole Lee/Lee Soon-Young|40|maneger for music industry|Even though it's been awhile since she seen her aunt she still knows she really cares about her.Nicole is kind and protective aunt who is also bossy but you got to be bossy if you want people to listen to you.Min's aunt isn't like other aunts who sit down and nag about how their life was like when they where younger.She's actually really adventureus just like min.If one plan fails then nicole has another plan waiting to be used.Mostly min thinks she gets her hard working from her dad.Since that is his younger sister.One min would like to be just like her aunt going places and seeing a new future coming her way.|They don't get to see each other more often then they did before but their still really close.|alive


bestfriend / friend :


Bestfriend:Jessica | 23 | Idol(SNSD) | Jessica is realy fun person to hang out with and would always likes to make min laugh.Even though she is erted and weird min doesn't mind becasue she knew jessica for so long that even her eines doesn't bother her.They always get along really well and they would always get each others back, their really close friends.  | Their very close it's as if they where sisters thats how much they care about each other. | alive


Bestfriend:Minzy|18|Idol(2NE1)|When Min was still a trainee at YG she meet minzy at dance practice.They became really great friend after that.Minzy is a sweet generouse person that min really thinks she is a true friend.Even though their talents is dancing they never argue about whose better at who.It's mostly a even conversation cause they know their both really good at something.ounce min left they always keep intouch with each other.They have a really strong bond that know one can never break.|Their really close friends|alive



SeoHyun|21|Idol(SNSD)|SeoHyun is caring and is always there when min needs someone to talk too.She's almost like a second sister to min.She's also really funny when you get to know her.She and min get along really well. |Their really close |alive


Qri|25|Idol(T-ARA)|Qri is a really funny girl and always makes min laugh even if she's not even trying.Min meet qri when she was a trainee at JYP she actually was a backgroud dancer for their group for a while until she transferd.Ever since then they always keep in touch no matter what.Qri is just like an older sister to min.She's caring nice and toughtful and would always be there for min.Qri would always be by min's side if any one would try to tell lies about her.She and min are really close friends. |Their very close |alive


—— ♡ I hate you! I'm your anti fan!

hate interest : Kim Jongin | 18 | Idol(Exo) | He is a dorky yet adorobale guy.He may have to have this tough guy apperance but when he's off stage he's just a goffy guy who is really fun to be around.He's also polite and kind to others.He gets shy around new people or sometimes he's on camra.Kai is really friendly person and really gives respect ot his hyungs just like Sehun does.But he can be sometimes really bossy | They don't know each other even if they where trainees together they really didn't meet

relationship background :Min thinks that he has an on and off stage personality.Even though he's good at dancing.She just thinks he's a bit of a perfectionist amoung his dancing skills.To her it really isn't fair how he gets the most teasers out of the whole group.Sehun is a really good dancer why can't he get alot of teasers just like kai.I mean he is good but sehun's good as well and even the rest of the group is too.It's hard to explian but she just doesn't like guys who are perfectionist like him she ounce dated a guy who was a perfectionist and the relationship didn't end so well.

back-up hate interest :Sehun| 18 | Idol(Exo) |He is a sweet guy who also has an adorable lisp which makes  his fans can't get enough of.Sehun would always treat his Hyungs with respect and would get really shy when he meets new people.Other than that he's really friendly.|not very close

relationship background :Well min didn't know how to discribe why she didn't like him.Probabky because he's to handsom and to much of a perfect guy but one thing that anoyed her was his lsip.she didn;t like how poeple have lisp some poeple may think it's cute but it knid of is but just how all of his fans go gagag over him about that.To her it's just something hard to explain.


—— ♡ why you left me, my love?


past lover :Park Dohyung| 18 |  Model/Student |He was a bit bossy with min and always telling her what to do and min really dosent like being bossed around he was almost like he was her father.He would always get jealouse when she would hang around a close guy friends and would tell her to never talk to her friend because he wants min all to himself and she couldnt take it any more.  | not very close | alive 

relationship background :Min and DoHyung meet when they where in their first year in junior high.He was the guy she would dream of having they way he was so kind,sweet towards Min.He waould protect min even if it would have to deal with bad consiquences.She was head over heels over him and wanted to be with him for ever.Min couldnt take being bossed around any more and so she said their relationship wasn't working out any more.She couldn't beleive DoHyung would change all this much after their 3rd year of being.He was always kind and generouse to Min she dosen't even know what changed him.But he would always try to win her back but min would always decline his presents. 


—— ♡ I used to be hated


rival / enemy : Luna |18 | Idol~F(x) | She is a sweet and caring person.She loves to make new friends and always gives people joy and laughter.Their can't be anyone who would not like luna.She's just someone inocent and kind. |Some what close

relationship background : It's sort of a frieneme thing like they'll be nice and kind to each other , but one day they'll argue and such.But it all started when luna was still a traniee.Luna thought min was a perfectionist and wants all the attention .But she is truelly wrong about that.Min loves to make new friends and never shows off.But sulli doesn't beleive her  so she just thinks of her as a sally sunshine type of person.But min just ignores her words.Luna would just be your friend at first and then stabs your back with lies and hatred.Their almost like cat and dog arguing and arguing about one another some people woukd like for this whole drama to end.


—— ♡ I  gotta go now

extras :~

comments / questions / suggestions / rants :

  • Maybe a scavenger hunt for the girls to find their partners
  • Cooking competition
  • Going to an amusment park
  • Each couple having a couple name
  • Maybe Girls Vs Boys compettion where they do something like brush their teeth with lemon paste,Eat a whole lemon and try to whistle ect.When one of the teams fails at doing that their whole group has to do a punishment like the girls drawing on their faces or the boys drawing on theirs.
  • Going to a hunted house for one of their missions
  • Each girl learning Histroy and Mama from their partner
  • Mabybe a big scavenger hunt like in running man where each couple has to find cluses to their destination where they get a golden ticket.But before they go they each get diffrent amount of money to get to their destination like $30,$50 & $100.Like a fisrt second and third place winner
  • Having a host for their scavenger hunts

scene request(s) :Maybe something cute like a double date for the whole couples somewhere cute.

password :





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