- Thirty Day UKISS Challenge ♥ [Day Thirty]

- Day Thirty; What do you love about UKISS?







- UKISS was actually one of the first KPOP groups I took the time to learn more about. And honestly, I did not regret a thing. All of them have their own charms, talents, and specialties. They've gone through so much hard work, but are still so underrated; which I clearly will never understand. I'm just more than happy that they're loved abroad, 'cause that alone; is a great achievement. Their comebacks only improve more and more each time, and their songs are insanely addicting. Even though Xander and KiBum were huge parts of UKISS, Hoon and AJ proved that they could take on the haters; and grow stronger. Just like my love for UKISS, I will always believe in them; hwaiting! 


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