I don't even know anymore.....

Name something that makes you happy.

Sharks. Sharks are amazing creatures. And horror movies. :D


Put your iPod on shuffle and list the first twenty songs that come up. (I'm gonna use WMP...)

  1. Stay Gold - Utada Hikaru
  2. Mistake - Girls' Generation
  3. Black Star - Avril Lavigne
  4. Replay - SHINee
  5. Because of You - After School
  6. Pitter Pat - Erin McCarly
  7. Time Machine - Girls' Generation
  8. Alone - SISTAR
  9. My Best Friend - Girls' Generation
  10. Time, Please Stop - Davichi
  11. Peach - IU
  12. I Am The Best - 2NE1
  13. Into The New World - Girls' Generation
  14. Go Away - 2NE1
  15. Misguided Ghosts - Paramore
  16. First Love - Utada Hikaru
  17. Irony - Wonder Girls (I kinda like them now....I hate myself for it...)
  18. Because It's You - Tiffany (Girls' Generation)
  19. Universe - Maaya Sakamoto
  20. Toroimerai - Rurutia (<3)


What was the last book you read and what do you think of it?

The last book I finished (Again) was A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard. OMG! It is such a heart breaking book. I literally cried in each chapter. I'm soooo happy someone found her and she got to go home. (And no it's not a spoiler. She was a missing child for 18(?) years.)

Now, I'm currently reading The Hunger Games. So far it's okay.


Are you an extrovert or an introvert?



A pairing in a fandom that everyone else seems to love that you dislike?

I dislike a few;

Girls' Generation - TaeNy

SHINee - Jongho

2NE1 and BIGBANG - SpringTempo. (<---- the one I dislike a lot)


If you could pick one OTP, which one would you pick?

JongKey FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The last imaginary thing that made you cry (eg. in a TV show, movie, book)

The Last Song. in gets me every damn time. Both the Movie and the book.


 What is the most embarrassing song/album on your iPod?

Probably the Wonder Girls songs. (All I really have is "Nobody", "Irony", "Be My Baby", "Like This". and "The DJ is Mine")


Favorite fictional character?

Auron. From Final Fantasy X. Because he was the best!!!!

Also, Pyramid Head from Silent Hill <3


Your current relationship status?

Single. Until Taemin comes here. Then I'm not single ANYMORE!!!!! -___-


Your favorite fandom?

SHINeeWorld. Just because there aren't really any fandom wars with them. And SHAWOLS are soooo nice. :D


The funniest conversation you can remember having?

Probably when Kang_Minho slept over for a ROTC competition. We were talking about....something, and she randomly goes, "Why is there a random picture of a black person on your wall?" and I looked where she was looking and noticed she was pointing at my daddy's middle school picture. Let's just say, my daddy is far from even tan. He be pale. In the picture....


Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter?

Spring and Winter.


What is your opinion of the last person you text?

Kang_Minho? I hate her. No, She's amazing. I love her!! ^^


Your first celebrity crush?

Hmmm...I really can't remember...all I know was that it was someone from N'sync. Yep. I was like....five.


The last thing someone did for you that made you really happy?

My Aunt searched her entire house for her webcam so I can talk to my baby. I love talking to him.


(P.s. He's not really my baby...he's my little cousin. But...I still call him my baby)


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XD Good times
aneesh #2
do you hate DARAGON TOO ?? :((