Angels Application

My Info

AFF Username: chichi_00

Profile Link:

How should I call you?: chichi is fine but I don't mind if you use my character's name too.


Characters Name: Park Tae Hara

Nickname & Stage Name: Tara

Age: 17

Birthplace: Incheon, South Korea

Hometown: Paris, France

Ethnicity: Korean

Birthday: 24th of Decmber 1995

Height: 155cm

Weight: 41kg

Languages: Korean, French and Italian


Name:  Park Hye Min

Links: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

Backup Ulzzang Name: Kim SHin Yeon

Backup Links: 1,2,3,4,5,

Personality: When you first meet Tara, she is very shy and quiet. But that's not because she doesn't like you (if you're a nice person) it's because she doesn't know what to say. She'll never ask a question that has a yes or no answer, because then the conversation becomes quiet again, and awkward. Tara prefers to listen to people rather than talk about herself. She also shy more than others because she has issues with trust. She won't reveal any personal information when you have met for the first time. I guess that's where she has trouble being an Idol, on variety shows she will only speak when spoken too, and doesn't like to reveal any attention to her. Tara smiles often and enjoys being around people. She gets terribly lonely when she is alone.

The more Tara gets to know someone, the more of her real personality shows. She is very cheerful and alyways likes to pull pranks on other people, even if she knows that she doesn't like it. That makes Tara cheeky too, she "borrows" other members clothes while forgetting to give them back, and also uses their shampoo. She is loud and hyperactive in the mornings, and becomes very tired and lazy at night. She is always the first one to fall asleep.

Tara also enjoys challenges, and can never say no to one. She is also very competative and can be upset when she or her group doesn't win. On that note though Tara can be very clumsy and can never be trusted with things, as they always end up lost in her hands. She is an inteligent girl but her clumsiness makes others think that she is a little dopey. 


  • Acting
  • TV shows
  • Dogs
  • Children
  • Exercising
  • Giving back to fans ( like randomly walking into the city to sign cd's and take photos with fans)
  • Travelling


  • Racism/bullying
  • Being alone
  • Broken proises
  • Losing
  • Staying up late (if they were practising or having late schedules)
  • Medecine
  • Coffee


  • Trying out new food
  • Composing music
  • Playing the Piano, Guitar and Violin
  • Working out often
  • Swimming


  • Leaning back on a chair.
  • Scrunching up her nose when she is annoyed
  • Swears in different languages when she is really angry
  • Taps a beat with her hands on a table when bored
  • Smiling at people when they look at her


Lucy Park

Relation: Mother

Age: 43

Job: Ex musician, now a full time mother of six children.

Won Eurovision in 1989.

Park Jonghun

Age: 45 (died at the age of 38)

Relation: Father

Occupation: Was the manager of a theater restarunt in France and often performed in shows.

Jeremy Woo

Relation: Second Husband

Age: 40

Occupation: Korean director

Park Tae Jin & Park Tae Jo

Relation: Twin brothers

Age: 16

Occupation: Student

Jenifer Park

Relation: Adopted sister

Age 12

Occupation: Student

Lilly & Max Park

Relation: Twin brother and sister


Occupation: Student (Just started Elementary school)

History: Lucy (Tara's mother) was scheduled to perform at a theater restarunt as a part of her South Korean tour after winning Eurovision. That is how she met her first husband, Park Jonghun. Two years later they lived in Paris together, married and holding baby Tara in their arms. She remembers when her twin brothers were born, and how much work her mother was doing looking after them, and how her father would teach her how to dance and play the piano.. She also remembers the day her father passed away from Lung cancer. It was awful, he was a smoker. She remembered him telling her that he was going on a holiday, and that he wanted her to know that he will always be with her in his heart, and that she will be a great young lady just like her mother.

After her fathers death Tara began to be bullied at school for being half asian, and that her dreams of winning Eurovision like her mother were ruined because she wasn't European. She would come home crying to her mother about how she had no friends to play with, how the girls pulled her hair and the boys laughed at her eyes. And so with the depression that Tara and her mother were feeling, they moved to South Korea.

This is where Tara's mothe became re married, not being able to cope with being lonely (just like Tara). They tried and tried for a baby, but it wasn't happening. And Tara was longing so bad for a sister. So their family adopted Jenifer, who was fully Korean. Unexpectedly years later Tara's mother was pregnant with twins, and because her mother kept her married name with her first husband, her second husband, Jeremy named them western names. He was always fond of them. 

And so the family were very arts-orientated. Tara was determined to persure her career in singing, and her adopted sister Jenifer became a young actress. Tae Jin and Tae Jo formed a band and little Lilly and Max were just pure energetic. She saw that they were the dancing type.

Friends: Wonder girls Lim and So Hee, and 2NE1's CL.

Best Friends: 2NE1's Dara, and IU

Love Interest 1: Cheondung (MBLAQ)


How Tara met him She was hanging out with Dara when Choendung video called her from MBLAQ's Tour, and she introduced Tara to him.

Relationship: Friends

Love Interest 2: Block B U-Kwon

How Tara met him: Her father was directing Block B's Nalina and she played as an extra in the mv. Se got to meet Block B on set.

Relationship: Sunbae

Rivals: (fx) Sulli

Why is she a rival: Sulli constantly makes mean remarks about the way Tara dress, sings, performs and composes her own music. Sometimes even stating that her mother was paid to win Eurovision.

Stage Name: Tara

Fan Club Name: Sourire( pronounced So-reer. It means smile in French because Tara smiles so often.

Fan Club Colour: Peach

Desired Position: Maknae

Backup Position: Main singer.

How many years of Training: 2 and a half

Persona: Shy, Cheerful and Cheeky. (i'm not sure if you're suppost to have more than one)



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