Demolition and Updates!

Okay so moving has prove me to be insane... I came to the conclusion that I should get a job involving demolition because I pushed 2 couchs down a flight of stairs (Our old house was on the 2nd floor) and started giggling right after... Then I took the couch cushions (spelling?) and threw them down the stairs too. Oh today has been so much fun but i'm so tired!!!!

I guess I just have a fascination with breaking things that we're not keeping....

Anyway, hopefully, when I get settled in my new house I'll be able to update all of my stories and to those who read 'The Unwanted Roommate', no, I have not given up on that story, it's just my OCD kicks in whenever I write a new chapter, I have to keep re-reading it. I will update 4 chapters for you all for waiting so patiently. I also have an update ready for 'Silence is Golden' but I will post that later on too.

Well, it's time to get back to wrecking stuff, Bye byes!!


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Ooohhh thy sounds like fun!!! I've tried moving a couch set from a second story an it was stressful because we weren't allowed to let it touch the ground... :(
And ive been wondering about the Unwanted Roomate! So you have at least one person ere who is as excited as a duck in water!!!!