5 Biases Quiz : taken from ;'emogurlz246'


5 Biases:

1. Hwang Minhyun
2. Park Yoochun
3. Chunji
4. Zelo
5. Shin Dongho


1. Would 5 be likely to ask you out? 

           hm...maybe, maybe not. I'm not his ideal type :/ i'm don't look innocent like IU.

2. 1 has your first kiss with you, would you expect it when it happens? 

            Eh?! maybe lols..

3. Would 2 be late for a date? 

            Maybe, yeah...he's an idol and actor...busy busy oppa ><

4. Do you think 3 is a romantic at heart? 

           well...he looks more like player XD but yes.

5. What's the age difference between you and 1?

            8 Months younger than me...i think?

6. Would 4's parents approve of you? 

            Thats hard to answer, and hard to tell. I'm a noona but i'm a good cook! X3 maybe? lol

7. Where would 2 be most likely to kiss you? 

            In his car? XD i wish!  

8. Where would 3 want to go for a first date? 

            I think Lotte World ><

9. Would 5 be the one to initiate the kiss or you? 

            I think its me..lol since he's too shy XD

10. Would 2 be excited about anniversaries? 

            I think so? but he might forget..:/

11. Would 4 kiss you on the first date? 

            What?! heol, that lil kid hahah maybe not.

12. Out of you and 1, who would be most likely to buy your couple rings? 

            I think its him..or me? or both lol.

13. 3 says they love you, how do you react? 

            I might think of it as a joke, since he look like the kind of guy who said those things to other girls. X3 mianhae oppa!

14. What is the most romantic thing that 4 would ever do? 

            Well...when he tries his best to cook? i think :3

15. 2 gives you your first hug; would it be from in front or behind? 

            I think from behind, since he's a gentleman ><

16. You are in a serious relationship with 3, but you secretly like 1 more. Would you break up with 3 to be with 1? 
             Um...ok, he's not a player...i am. so yes XD

17. You are about to break up with 2, would they know it before it happens?
            I think so? and it might be because of my age and my mental age.

18. 4 is thinking of breaking up with you, would you be able to move on from them? 
          Its going to be hard and really painful break up. But i think we'll stay as friends(noona-dongseng relationship).

19. You find out the devastating news that 1 likes your best friend (gender doesn't matter). How would this affect you? 

            That is very bad news....though i have no bestfriend. But if he likes my friend...well honestly, i will do anything to stop them from being a couple.(evil laugh)

20. You end things with 3, who would automatically end up crying? 

           Me obviously.

21. Would 2 cry when things are over with you? 

           Impossible. But he might feel pain.

22. 4 and 1 both like you but you don't like either of them. However, you think things over. Would you date 4 or 1? 

            Mianhae Chunji oppa!~ TT.TT Minhyunie~!<3

23. You find out 3 has been cheating on you. Would you be surprised? 

            uh...no,not really.(i knew it!)

24. You and 5 have been together for a year, but then 5 tells you that they have to move away. What would your response be? 

            Cry and tries to contact him once in a while.

25. 1 breaks up with you. Would you want them back? 

            WTF?! what a stupid question!! ofcourse duh!

 26. 4 tells you they are gay. Your response? 

            Oh No. 0.0 no wonder he wants to break up TT.TT 

27. You have ended things with 2 and you both are happy apart until one of you gets a new love. Would you be more likely to be jealous or would it be 2? 

            Of course its me, especially if he gets a beautiful and mature girl than me!

28. Ok, choose now: 1 or 4? 

            1...kekekkekek Mianhae Zelo ah...

29. 2 , 3 and 5 all want to confess to you. 2 will do it with a song they wrote for you, 3 gives you a piece of jewelry and 5 just tells you.

            Yoochun oppa! XD

30. Ok, final decision. 1 will marry you but they will die in a car crash 10 years into the marriage. 2 will marry you but then have to move abroad for work. 3 will be more than happy to marry you but will have to be in the same workplace as one of their ex's. 4 will marry you but doesn't want kids and 5 is happy to get married as long as you become the stay at home mum/dad. Who would you rather be with?

             Minhyunie...i want to stay with him as long as i can. And also Zelo >< kekeke we are alike.




(This Quiz is giving me too much fantasies! XD)


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