Application for SYLver

Who are you ? ~

  Aff Username:  BANAna23800

 Profile link:

 How should I call you ? :  Aimee


    Lookin' Good ~

 Character name: Kim Sae Rin

 Nicknames : Rinnie, Sae-Sae

 Age (17-22):  19

 Ethnicity(at least half asian) : Korean

 Birthday : 23/8/1993

 Birthplace (can be anywhere) : Busan, South Korea

 Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

 Height : 172 cm

 Weight: 50 kg

 Languages (max 3 fluent): Korean (Fluent) Mandarin (Almost Fluent) English (Basic)



  Ulzzang name : Kim Seuk Hye

  Ulzzand pics(7+): (This one is my favourite <3)

  Backup ulzzang name : Kim Shin Yeong

  Backup ulzzang pics ( 5+):



  Personality (be neat and max. 5 pharagraphs) : Saerin is a very different type of girl. Sure, she's cheerful, cute and funny, but thta's not all of it. She thinks out of the box, does stuff that others would find crazy and sees people the way they really are. Many find her mean because she tends to tell you the truth without any mercy. Say, if you asked her, "Saerin! Do you like my new dress?" And it was pink, she'd say, "Ugh, I hate it! The colour is way to radiant!" She nevers means to offend anyone, the things just slip out before she can stop them.

She's a thinker-before-doer, and yet she still does eccentric things, like drawing things on the whole of her Mother's School's playground with a group of kids as a project. Adults like her because she looks sensible, but trust me, she isn't. She's as childish and playfull as a 10 year old, and that's why a lot of kids like to hang out with her. She makes crazy things up that are actually FUN, and has a way of making boring things fun.


Her Canon 1000 D


Apple (Company)

Listening to music

Window sills - good to sit on

Drawing - anything, literally. It could be a dead cat for all you know.

Thinking big

Her Family

Inspirational Music


  Dislikes (7+): 


War makers


People who complain when they're luckier than everyone else

Smeary Camera lenses

Bad quality videos or pictures

Being shut up when in mid-flow of some crazy new idea

  Hobbies ( 5+):

Taking pictures of things she's created with her Camera

Listening to IU's songs

Copying dance routines

Playing a guitar




  Habits (4+): Biting her nails - constantly. Fiddling with her hair - whenever she's nervous. Biting her bottom lip - when she's guitly. Making a simplified verson of Sungyeol's Owl Face - whenever concentrating on something.


 Family (relation - age - occupation, max 2 idol siblings ): Mother - Kim Eun Mi - 40 - Head Teacher at a Primary School | We can talk about anything and can read each other like books.

Father - DECEASED -

Key - big brother - 21 - SHINee member - My protective big bro - although he loves me he tends to embarrass me.

 History (please! no tragic stories): My father died when I was 3, I have no solid memories of him. My Mother and brother, Key, always made me happy though, and so I never felt sad thinking about my father. I went to a humble school and lived in a cosy small house. I've been into taking pictures since I held a Canon camera in my hands at the age of 5.


 Friends (max. 5) : Kai, D.O. , Yuri, Jessica, Victoria. (EXO-K, EXO-K, SNSD, SNSD, F(x))

 Best friends (max.3) : Amber, Taemin (F(x), SHINee)

 Love interest 1 : Cho Kyuhyun - Super Junior

 Love interest 2 : Park Chanyeol

 How did you meet and how is your relationship? (at both of them) :

Chanyeol - I was having a guided tour around SM when I got distracted and wandered off. Chanyeol found me crying in a storing cupboard and cheered me up. After he did, he took me back to the Main Reception where my guide was waiting angrily. When the guide started to shout at me, Chanyeol stood up and defended me. Relationship: He is cheerful and unknowing that I like him, I'm cheerful back but secretly nervous. We're friends, but I wish we were more.

Kyuhyun- I was listening to groups rehearse, with permission. When it wasSuper Junior's turn, a boy called Kyuhyun sang a ballad called 'Love Again'. It was amazing and I was practically on the edge of my seat, as if that would mean I could hear more of his voice. When he was done, he looked up and grinned at me. I blushed and quickly raced out of the room, his voice still in my head. I've admired him from afar ever since, and he sometimes greets me when he walks past. Relationship: Don't really know each other - I would love to know him better, and he is always kind and cheerful when he talks to me. I would also love to tell him how I feel, but I'm a nervous wreck whenever he's around.

 Rival : No rival

 Why did you become rivals ?: ----------


 Stage name: Violet

 Fanclub name : Violas

 Fanclub color: Lavender Purple

 Desired position: Main Vocal, maknae

 Backup position (just in case there are to many of your first one) : Lead Vocal

 Years of training (at least 2 ): 4


Comments and Suggestions : Her stage name is Violet because that's her favourite colour, and she wants to have her tips dyed that colour as well.


Last thing : HAVE FUN!! <3 Oh...and delete the barckets :D


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