Long boring, random blog of me whining... XD

Eh, I just need to let out some steam. TT_TT


So my Dad has replaced that nice thick clicky keyboard with a 'better' one.


The buttons feel weird and they are too thin...but I don't want to complain to him.

Thanks Dad...love you...


And it's a wireless keyboard, and it's modern and flat. It doesn't even have anything at the back to prop it up so I have to use a book. What kind of keyboard IS this?!


My Dad was like "Do you want me to replace that old mouse your using too?"

That's very kind of you father but




I'm so tired from all these rehearsals too. TT_TT This is me at everything right now:


I had one today from 10am to 5pm. I've got one tomorrow from 8:45am to 5pm.

Then on Tuesday from 8:45 again (but during that day at 10am we are doing a dress rehearsal for some children) and then Tuesday evening is an actual performance at 7pm which means we basically stay there until around 9/10pm.

And then we are doing two more actual performances, one on Wednesday evening and then Thursday evening. 

Ashgafgjdsjkasghjsafgkadffg- If you can't tell I'm a little cranky at the moment because I'm so sleepy. ;_;

Some of the actors are so tiresome, they throw diva fits and stomp out a lot and I have to run after them and console them and stuff.







A girl I don't know very well (and people don't really like her unfortunantly since she can be a little obnoxious) cried this evening and walked out and no one followed her but I got so worried so I got up and ran out after her and found her in the hall crying and holding her toe because she's got a huge cut on it I hugged her and stayed with her for a while then brought her back in.

And then I have to run around backstage and be moral support of everyone else whilst fixing their microphones and making sure that they are all taped securely to the principle singers and actors, telling the chorus to shut up backstage, and fixing hair, makeup and costumes as well as making sure the prop team and the people doing the side lights and smoke machines know what they're doing and when the cues are. I have to do things like run back and forth a lot between the stage and the studio too, to fetch jackets and coats and dressing gowns and scarfs that people have left behind or don't have.



The main male kept forgetting his lines near the end and the headset microphones kept giving back feedback and the treble and bass kept needing to be adjusted, and everyone has still got a lot to rehearse and all the lighting presets just decide to change themselves sometimes. =_=; And I feel so worried for the puppeteers because the puppet is so heavy and awkward, but it looks good and the puppeteers say that they are fine.

Did I mention I have to control the chorus and tell them to shut up a lot? Imagine 30 Chanyeols all together having to dance and sing at the same time and then go backstage together whilst the show is still on.




At least two of my best friends are actually main actresses in the performance, so they walk up to me a lot like,



and freak me out and hug me a lot. OTL


They sit in the stage side exits and stare at me like this whilst making kissy faces through the set panels when they aren't on stage.


 It makes me laugh. At least they are there. ^^





Also one of the actors keeps staring at me and sitting near me when I need to sit in the audience space and watch the rehearsal.



Okay I'm done whining. xD I just had to get that out. Hahaha~ I'm proud of anyone who actually read all that to be honest, well done. xD OTL


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FishyHaeFishy #1
Loll keys Gifs :D!! Waaaah sounds so busy and tiring, but must be tons of fun :D!
Stay strong unnie :D
that was a cute whine ^^
love all of the gifs >:)<

goodluck on your performance too ^^
--minyoungiie #3
ur dad is really considerate,
:3,remind me of my dad,
Still, it seems like you have an interestng life. But I can understand why it's so tiresome. I can tell you that if I were in your shoes I'd probably get a nervous break-down and then have my own diva fit, hehe.
So hang in there <3
Hahah! Good luck on the performance!
Bwahahahah you are funny as usual. Woaaaahhhh you still stand strong despite all this. You are great. If it was me, I would have collapsed. Gahhh you do so many things backstage? Seriously you are awesome<3
Hehehe your friends are funny.....Kikik the dude? whats up with him?
LOL! I hope chu are doing fine now~Good luck for you performance and you shall do well. Good bless.
What production are you guys doing? What position are you? I'm guessing you're in tech? I like being on tech rather than being on stage, more out of the line of rage from the director lol
Ugh I HATE dealing with chorus girls, they're way to spiteful when it comes to lead females because they didn't get it. & no one wants to be quiet backstage, especially when a principal is there then everyone is just DRAWN to them even though they're mic-ed!
wow...sounds like you got a lot on your plate! I wouldn't be able to do all that...I would not only be a fail but an epic one at that XD
HAHAHAHAH! Wauw, you have a busy life right now! xD
Though I love doing such things too! We really have a lot in common, and your gif spam is just... *le dies* how can you find such gifs that just fits precisely on what you want to express? xD
It was nothing to go throught really, it was really interesting. :D
I wish the best for the performance and for your work! I hope you will all succeed! (How funny, I make those things too, I'm just mostly the actress. Though I seriously always play a man. xD)