Progress doesn't involve only the scientific advancements of the world

Progress doesn't involve only the scientific advancements of the world. Yes. Truly said. Progress doesn't purely depend on the scientific advancements of this wonderful world of ours. From that faithful day of mutation between apes, we humans were born. That itself is a big step for our world as it led to the creation of a whole new species. Humans slowly started to increase in number and they started to make baby steps to progress as they slowly discovered feelings like hunger, shyness, anger, happiness and more. They also started to discover fire, kill our innocent animals and eat them, wear their skin as clothes. All this progress took about a few centuries. Then he

realized that he needed to communicate verbally, so he discovered speech. Slowly, this led to the development of different languages.

They also discovered that they need a place to stay, a proper shelter. And started to live in caves. They discovered the art of building and could build a shelter for themselves. Humans slowly grew and grew. Their brains developed and they started to think of new innovations. Our human race started to get curious on how this world was born, what our surroundings carry, how we are able to stand on ground and more. This feeling of curiosity in humans led them to discover Earth. About its components and about the species that lived on earth other than themselves. They also discovered gravity. This exact feeling of curiosity in humans have given birth to many bittersweet inventions.

As time passed by, humans started to occupy different parts of the world and rule it. They developed the feelings of inferiority and superiority. Many humans ruled our world while others had to suffer immensely and die as slaves. The system of caste, religion and community started to take over our world as humans grew more and more heartless. Because of this caste, creed, religion and customs, many problems have erupted among us humans. It has led us to many needless and bloody wars. We humans have needlessly lost lives and have needlessly shed our sweat and blood. Exactly for what purpose are we doing this?

Slowly disappeared our barter system and out came our treasures. People discovered gold, silver, rubies, diamonds, and more. They started to make ornamentals, decorative items and more with these wonderful gems. The feeling of jealousy comes into place. People realized the worth of these gems and started to place rates for these gems to be sold. The term 'money' came into play. The most significant part of our growth as well as our destruction.

Many countries fought for this ‘money’ and many have lost their lives for it as well. Money rules our world these days. Without money, there is nothing which can be done. There was once a time where people used to care about each other, always worry about one another, but in this generation, nobody seems to care about anything. Yes, people have been inventing a lot and progressing as generations pass by, but just inventions does not describe our progress.

What I am trying to state here is that, people are becoming greater cannibals and animals day by day. What ever they are doing is just destroying our world more and more. In the name of progress, they are actually contributing a lot to our scientific and advanced world and at the same time, they are losing their humanity and kill each other senselessly.

There is nothing wrong in progressing according to me. But what I mean is that we need to progress not only in scientific fields but also as humans we need to progress. A disadvantage in progressing would be that we fail as human beings. All people do now a days is kill, steal, get into drugs, and other illegal activities. All for money. So, progress. Make progress as humans. Do not do illegal activities thinking that you’ll gain money. All it will do is destroy you in the end.

Thank you


A/n: hi guys. this is for an essay competition that i've entered. i wrote this all on my own. if you ever come across this post, please tell me how it is ne? annyeong! ray's out :P




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that was just wonderful!!
it was cool!! and well said!

i hope sm1 who's got the power now to chance the world come across it and make the world a better place!

thumbs up!
Woah! Its really good :)