La Dolce Vita



Link to Story Here :D

1. Name: Woo JinAe

2. Age: 20

3. Occupation: Junior at Sunchon National University (Major: Education); part-time at family daycare center

4. Hometown: Suncheon, South Korea

5. Background: I was grown and raised in the Korean countryside to middle-class Korean parents. My father runs a small family-restaurant that earns enough for my family to live comfortably. My mother is a stay-at-home mom who babysits the neighbors’ children when they work. When I’m not at school, I would help my mother take care of the children. I lived in a loving family, but I was raised with a strict and traditional upbringing and taught to always follow rules.

6. Height: 164.5cm

7. Weight: 46.5kg

8. Appearance:

9. Ullzang Name: Kim Shin Yeong

10. Style: I wear pretty much anything, as long as it's comfortable, stylish and does not reveal too much of my body. I hate the feeling of being exposed, so I try to cover up. My favorite outfit is a t-shirt (usually a graphic tee) with jeans, and maybe a hoodie when it’s cool.  I like wearing pastel colors.

11. Personality

Generally, I am a bubbly and cheerful person, using aegyo every now and then. I’m optimistic in any situation and always have a smile on my face. I believe in laughter being contagious and try my hardest to brighten people’s days. It’s really easy to make me smile and I get cheered up by the smallest of things. I’m playful and I’m pretty much a kid-at-heart. When there is something bothering me, though, I can't focus on other things and tend to zone out completely.

When I’m given a task, I try my hardest to complete it. I’m neither a perfectionist nor an overachiever, but I don’t like disappointing people. Every time I get in trouble or do something wrong, I have an urge to cry or hide away because I feel bad.

I like being around people, but I feel awkward when I’m the center of attention. I hate the feeling of being babyed and pampered by my peers; it makes me feel really awkward around them. Hypocritically, though, I liked babying others and taking care of them. Especially around my close friends younger than me, my “umma” side comes out.

I'm really dedicated to and protective over my family and friends and wouldn't think twice to stand up for them, as long as no violence is involved. I try to be a good friend to my peers though. I’m very trustworthy and would take secrets to the grave, unless in dire situations. I like helping people, sometimes to the point where I spend all my time worrying about others.

I’m not the smartest person out there, but I have the common sense to make up for it. I don’t work too well under pressure, but usually I come through. I like working with a team more than being alone – I have a deep fear of being abandoned or being hurt by the very people I trust. That’s why it’s easy for me to make friends, but it takes me a while to fully trust someone (and, subsequently, fall in love).

I forgive, but I don’t always forget. I don’t like confrontations, so unless I see it with my own eyes, I give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I despise crying, and I hate seeing others cry, so I try not to. Even though my heart might be breaking into a million pieces or I feel like crawling into a whole, I just fake a smile and turn away. I rarely get really upset; but when I do, I might stay that way for a while. However, after I get over it, it's like nothing ever happened.

12. Favorite...

-flower: cherry blossom + red rose

-dessert: strawberry ice cream

-drink: Watermelon Icee

-movie: Titanic

-color: cherry blossom pink

-idol group: Super Junior

-male solo: Rain/Bi

-female solo: G.NA

-foreign artist: Taylor Swift

-cartoon: Tom and Jerry

13. Your views on:

-money: Money is necessary for survival, but should never be used to gain position or power.

-: Two people should not have unless they’re serious with one another. Casual disgusts me, so do . I promised my parents to practice abstinence until after marriage.

-public display of affection: I am fine with casual displays (hand-holding, pecks on the cheek), but I feel uncomfortable with anything more serious (making-out, inappropriate touching).

-kissing: During the first phase of a relationship, kissing should go no farther than pecks. When the relationship becomes more serious, then kissing can advance to making out and more.

-alcohol:Alcohol should not be consumed unless during happy occasions. Underage kitchen is a definite no-no.

-commitment: Two people in a relationship should be committed to one another; if they cannot be loyal to their partner, then they shouldn’t get together.

14. Partners: B2ST’s Doojoon; Big Bang’s T.O.P; Super Junior’s Ryeowook; MBLAQ’s Thunder; SHINee’s Onew; ZE:A’s Kevin

15Anything else? Nope JGood luck on your story!


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Odete- #1
Hi! :)<br />
Thanks for applying ;DDD<br />
I added you the the list of applicants ^^<br />
please look forward to the story ;DDD