
So I've been a little busy so far this summer. I baby sit every day and I don't get wifi at that house so I can't write. I have to take care of the 11 year old anyway. 

I thought I'd start by talking about her :3 I've known her for a few years now and one of her two older sisters is a very close friend. And these sisters have had rather rough lives, its not my business to tell people so I'm not going into detail, but I really do wish I could make all their pain disappear. 

So this little girl, she's heavy for her age and she hates it. This week she decided to tell me that we were going to start working out. And I agreed even though I haven't worked out in three years. Well, we've worked out every day this week and MAN do I feel the burn. 

We've been doing ab exercises and such. I am in pain. My abs hurt, my back hurts and my legs hurt. 

But ya wanna know how I talked her out of running? I told her we'd dance. Because dancing is just as much of a workout and its less harmful to joints.

Ya wanna know what dances I'm teaching her? Kpop dances.

I'm starting with Lucifer. So far she's doing okay. I really need to work on making her movements sharper because she sorta half asses her dancing but I know she's trying. 

And after our workouts, I watch Supernatural [one of my new favorite shows on TV which I'll speak more about in a second], and she plays with my ipod. Why? because I have apps. thats why. What kind of apps you ask? Dooub music "SHAKE" apps. Including Super Junior, CNBlue, BigBang, FT Island, MBlaq, 2PM, T-Ara, and Secret. And she LOVES to play them. 

I'm creating another little kpop monster♥

She kinda LOVES BigBang. Which makes her a girl after my own heart♥

She has no biases yet. and she doesn't really listen to the music yet. But she's heard a few BigBang songs, her favorite is Fantastic Baby, and a few others groups and their music. One of the first songs she tried to sing was Nanlina by Block B. Which was a proud moment for me. lol 

She really wants to know what they're saying in Korean though, and I told her I'd inform her when I learned the language. Because I am trying. 

So...Supernatural♥ Sam and Dean Winchester. lol Personally, I'm a Dean fan, but I watch it with my friend [who is letting me borrow the seasons of DVDs she has] and she's a Sam fan. The show is a Horror Syfy type dealio, and MAN do I love it! I'm only on Season 2 but its now one of my favorite shows. There are some really great, really hilarious quotes that I can pull from this show. There's probably one for each episode. But I'll just tell you todays great quote. "My daddy shot your daddy in the he-ad~" I laughed SOOOOOO hard when Sam Winchester sang that line, I nearly pissed myself and ended up on the floor. Of course, you shouldn't hate Sam for that line because you don't know the context it was in. I'll just inform you that Sam wasbeing possessed by an evil demon named Meg. Whom I hate. Because she's a . Before you get confused, the show is called SUPERNATURAL: meaning there's ghosts and demons and witches and reapers and werewolves and vampires, etc. The brothers, Sam and Dean, hunt and kill these unnatural creatures. I not going to tell you the whole story because maybe you'll watch it, but I will tell you that I am NEVER bored while watching. Sam Winchester is played by Jarred Padelecki and Dean Winchester is played by Jensen Ackles. I do STRONGLY warn you that if you watch, don't get attached to any female characters. Or any characters. lol Another thing, if you do watch the series, listen to all the songs. If you don't know the songs they use, shame on you because they're amazing and I grew up with them. lol 

Which brings me to myfinal point in this blog. Listening to the music they use in Supernatural got me hyped into a reverie of all my favorites. So I camehome and listened to Total Eclipse of A Heart by Bonne Tyler and Real Love by Mary J Blige. And everything else of course.

Anyway, I'm trying to update some stories. Catch ya later~♥



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OMMFG!!! I LOVE SUPERNATURAL!!! DEAN IS MY ALL TIME FAVE TOO!! not because he hot but sometimes he has witty comebacks that bite sam in the and i laugh everytime!!! im glad i found someone that also watches and loves the show as much as i do!! teehee ^^~