GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!! I can't belive I didn't post a chapter for fourth of july!!!! I mean that would have been perfict for my "Akatsuki Love: This Can't Be Happening" !!! I mean really! Deidara+Fireworks= PERFECTION!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! *Pulls at hair* Ok, ya' know what, my story is gonna continue before the 4th of July, so if you're confused and didn't read this, I'll post a memo.

Anyway, here are some other important messages:

-I promise that I'll be uploading more frequently now that all this summer vacationing is happening. As soon as this new week starts, prepare for new chappie of MIND BLOWING EPICNESS!!!! How mind blowing? OVER 9000 MIND BLOWING! MWAHAHAHA!!! >:D

-I've been drawing pictures of Diedara, L, And Death The Kid from Soul Eater. Here's some examples :3

(Top:Kid Middle:L and BB [Beyond Birthday I think thats how it's spelled. Yes it's , but it's CUUUTE! <3] Last but not Least:DEIDARA!)

-Finally, I'm verry tired and I'm going to take a nap. :) *passes out* *snores* ZZZZZzzzzzz.....



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